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116 Cards in this Set

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The site where a muscle attachs to an immovable bone.
A muscle usually covers the bone of origin.
The site where a muscle attachs to a moveable bone.
In the limbs, insertions are usually the most distal attachment.
a cord of regular dense fibrous connective tissue
a flat sheet of regular dense fibrous C. T.
muscles primarily responsible for an action.
Prime movers (agonists)
perform OPPOSITE action ... around the SAME joint.
perform SAME action ... around the SAME joint.
resist the motion of another muscle(s) and stabilize a joint.
decreasing the angle between two parts.
moving ankle so that top of foot swings up/back..
movement of the sole downward.
Plantar Flexion
increasing the angle between two body parts.
movement of limb away from the midline of the body.
movement of limb toward the midline of the body.
circular motion around a joint.
turning a bone around its long axis.
rotating a limb so large digit moves
medial (inward) rotation
rotating a limb so large digit moves
lateral (outward) rotation
turning the palm upward.
turning the palm downward.
turning sole of foot inward or toward the midline.
turning sole of the foot outward.
pulling a body part forward.
pulling a body part backward.
pulling a body part upward.
pulling a body part downward.
touching tip of thumb to other fingers on same hand.
closure of a round opening.
Sphincter Action
Orbicularis oculi
O: frontal bone, maxilla
I: eyelids
A: blinking and squinting
Orbicularis oris
O: maxilla, mandible
I. lips
A: closes lips
O: zygomatic bone
I: edge of orbicularis oris
A: draws angles of mouth upward and backward as in
O: angle of mandible
I: skin at angle of mouth
A: draws corner of mouth laterally
Quadratus labii superioris
O: orbital area \ maxilla
I: upper lip
A: raises upper lip
Quadratus labii inferioris
O: mandible
I: lower lip
A: pulls down lower lip
O: lateral aspect of mandible
I: lateral to orbicularis oris
A: draws angle of mouth down
Depressor anguli oris
O: lateral aspect of mandible
I: lateral to orbicularis oris
A: draws angle of mouth down
O: mandible
I: skin of chin
A: protrudes lower lip
O: molar region of mandible and maxilla
I: orbicularis oris
A: draws corner of mouth laterally; assists in
placing food for chewing
O: fascia of chest
I: mandible, muscles around mouth
A: pulls lower lip backward and downward,
assists in depression of mandible
O: zygomatic arch
I: angle and ramus of mandible
A: elevates the mandible
O: parietal bone
I: coronoid process of mandible
A: closes jaw
O: anterior belly from lower margin of mandible
posterior belly from mastoid process of temporal
I: conn. tisse loop to hyoid
A: elevates hyoid bone, depresses mandible
O: styloid process of temporal bone
I: hyoid bone
A: elevates and retracts hyoid
O: inner surface of mandible
I: hyoid bone
A: elevates hyoid + floor of mouth
O: inner surface of mandible near midline
I: hyoid bone
A: elevates hyoid bone
found in anterior triangle of neck
Infrahyoid Muscles
O: styloid process of temporal bone
I: hyoid bone
A: depresses hyoid bone
O: superior border of scapula
I: hyoid bone
A: depresses and retracts hyoid bone
O: manubrium of sternum and medial portion of clavicle
I: mastoid process of temporal bone
A: flexion of neck, assists inhalation
O: transverse processes of C vertebrae
I: ribs # 1 and 2, anterolaterally
A: flexion of neck or elevation
Splenius (capitus)
O: midline of cervical vertebrae
I: mastoid process
A: extend neck
composed of three columns
Erector spinae
O: inferior edge of group
I: superior edge of group
A: extend neck and vertebral column
Quadratus lumborum
O: posterior aspect of pelvic girdle
I: rib # 12
A: extend lower back & fixes ribs from below
External intercostals
0: inferior border of rib
I: superior border rib below
A: elevate ribs, increases volume of thorax, inhalation
Internal intercostals
0: superior border of rib
I: inferior border of rib
A: 12 ribs, decreases volume of thorax, exhalation
0: perimeter of inferior edge of bony thorax
I: central tendon of diaphragm
A: depresses floor of thorax for inhalation
Rectus abdominus
O: pubic crest, symphysis pubis
I: ribs 5-7, xiphoid process
A: flexes vertebral column,
External oblique
O: ribs 5 - 12
I: insert ant. via a broad aponeurosis
A: flexes vertebral column
O: inner surface of mandible near midline
I: hyoid bone
A: elevates hyoid bone
found in anterior triangle of neck
Infrahyoid Muscles
O: styloid process of temporal bone
I: hyoid bone
A: depresses hyoid bone
O: superior border of scapula
I: hyoid bone
A: depresses and retracts hyoid bone
O: manubrium of sternum and medial portion of clavicle
I: mastoid process of temporal bone
A: flexion of neck, assists inhalation
O: transverse processes of C vertebrae
I: ribs # 1 and 2, anterolaterally
A: flexion of neck or elevation
Splenius (capitus)
O: midline of cervical vertebrae
I: mastoid process
A: extend neck
composed of three columns
Erector spinae
O: inferior edge of group
I: superior edge of group
A: extend neck and vertebral column
Quadratus lumborum
O: posterior aspect of pelvic girdle
I: rib # 12
A: extend lower back & fixes ribs from below
External intercostals
0: inferior border of rib
I: superior border rib below
A: elevate ribs, increases volume of thorax, inhalation
Internal intercostals
0: superior border of rib
I: inferior border of rib
A: 12 ribs, decreases volume of thorax, exhalation
0: perimeter of inferior edge of bony thorax
I: central tendon of diaphragm
A: depresses floor of thorax for inhalation
Rectus abdominus
O: pubic crest, symphysis pubis
I: ribs 5-7, xiphoid process
A: flexes vertebral column,
External oblique
O: ribs 5 - 12
I: insert ant. via a broad aponeurosis
A: flexes vertebral column
O: coracoid process of scapula
I: medial surface of shaft of the humerus
A: flexion of whole arm and
adduction of whole arm
Pectoralis major
O: clavicle, sternum and ribs
I: greater tubercle of humerus
A: flexes arm and adducts arm and rotates arm medially
Latissimus dorsi
O: from midline of lumbar spine via and aponeurosis
I: anterior humerus between the tubercles
A: extends arm and adducts arm and rotates arm medially
O: lateral aspect of the pectoral girdle
I: deltoid tuberosity of the humerus
A: abduction of whole arm
Teres major
O: inferior, posterior surface of the scapula
I: lesser tubercle of humerus
A: extends whole arm and
adducts whole arm and
rotates whole arm medially
O: anterior surface of scapula
I: lesser tubercle of humerus
A: rotates whole arm medially
O: scapula above the spine
I: greater tubercle of humerus
A: weak abduction of whole arm
Teres minor
O: lateral border of scapula
I: greater tubercle of humerus
A: rotates whole arm laterally
O: scapula below the spine
I: greater tubercle of humerus
A: holds head of humerus in glenoid cavity
Triceps brachii
0: long head; lateral head;
medial head
I: olecranon process of ulna
A: extends forearm
0: lateral epicondyle
I: olecranon process
A: abducts ulna during forearm pronation
Biceps brachii
0: long head; short head
I: radial tuberosity
A: flexes forearm and supinates palm
0: above lateral epicondyle
I: distal, lateral radius above styloid process
A: flexes forearm
0: distal, anterior humerus
I: coronoid process of ulna
A: flexes forearm
Pronator teres
0: medial epicondyle
I: lateral aspect of shaft
A: pronation of palm
Palmaris longus
0: medial epicondyle of humerus
I: palmar aponeurosis
A: flexion at wrist
Flexor carpi radialis
0: medial epicondyle of humerus
I: metacarpals # 2 and 3
A: flexion at wrist
Flexor digitorum superficialis
0: medial epicondyle area of humerus
I: middle phalanges 2 thru 5
A: flexes fingers and elev. wrist
Flexor carpi ulnaris
0: medial epicondyle area of humerus
I: pisiform bone and metacarpal # 5
A: powerful wrist flexor
Flexor pollicis longus
0: anterior surface of radius
I: distal phalanx of thumb
A: flexes thumb
Flexor digitorum profundus
0: anterior surface of ulna
I: distal phalanges of fingers # 2 thru 5
A: flexes fingers
Pronator quadratus
0: distal, anterior ulna
I: distal, anterior radius
A: _______________________
Extensor carpi radialis longus
0: lateral epicondyle of humerus
I: base of metacarpal # 2
A: extends wrist
Extensor carpi radialis brevis
0: lateral epicondyle of humerus
I: base of metacarpal # 3
A: ext. and abd. wrist w. ext.carpi radialis
Extensor digitorum
0: lateral epicondyle of humerus
I: distal phalanges 2 thru 5
A: extends fingers
Extensor carpi ulnaris
0: lateral epicondyle of humerus
I: metacarpal # 5
A: extends wrist
a. Supinator
0: lateral epicondyle of humerus
I: proximal end of radius
A: supinates palm
Abductor pollicis longus
0: posterior surface of radius and ulna
I: base of metacarpal # 1
A: abducts thumb
Extensor pollicis longus and brevis
0: posterior shaft of radius and ulna
I: phalanges of thumb
A: abducts & extends thumb
Extensor indicis
0: posterior surface of distal ulna
I: phalanges of finger # 2
A: extends finger # 2
Levator ani
Levator ani O: lateral, anterior aspect of pelvic outlet
I: midline from coccyx forward
A: fights gravity to support pelvic contents
O: spine of ischium
I: sacrum and coccyx
A: fights gravity to support pelvic contents
muscles of the urogenital diaphragm
External urethral sphincter
A: constricts opening of urethra
muscles of the superficial space
muscles which maintain erection of penis and clitoris
O: iliac fossa
I: lesser trochanter of femur
A: flexion of whole leg at hip
O: ant superior spine of ilium
I: med aspect of proximal tibia
A: flex of whole leg at hip, lat rot of leg at hip,flex at the knee
Adductor magnus
O: ischium, pubis
I: linea aspera of femur
A: adducts at hip
Adductor longus
O: pubic crest and symphysis
I: linea aspera
A: adducts at hip
O: pubis ramus
I: medial surface of tibia
A: adducts at hip, med rotates whole leg, flexes knee