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32 Cards in this Set

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Pineal Gland

Cells: Pinealocytes

Secretes Melatonin

Dark purple is pineal sand (Calcium Carbonate)


(anterior pituitary)

Cells: Glandular Cells

Secrete 7 Hormones



(Posterior pituitary)

Cells: Pituicytes

-cells do not produce hormones but store and release OT and ADH that are produced in the Hypothalamus.

Thyroid Gland

(pointer is on follicle with thyroglobulin)

Follicular Cells secrete Thyroxin

Parafollicular cells secrete Calcitonin

Parathyroid Gland

Cells - Chief Cells and Oxyphil Cels

Both Cells produce PTH (Parathyroid Hormone)

Islet of langerhanz in Pancreas

Cells: Alpha, Beta, and Delta Cells

-Alpha Cells secrete Glucagon

-Beta Cells secrete Insulin

-Delta Cells secrete Somatostatin

Interstitial cells of Leydig in Teste

Cells: Interstitial Cells of Leydig and Sertoli Cells

-Interstitial Cells of Leydig secrete Testosterone

-Sertoli Cells Secrete Inhibin

Adrenal medulla of Adrenal Gland

Cells of medulla: Chromaffin Cells

Secretes Epinephrine and Norepinephrine

Adrenal Cortex of Adrenal Gland

Pointer on Zona Reticularis

no cells given for cortex

-Zona Reticularis secretes Testosterone and Estrogen

-Zona Fasiculata secretes Cortisol

-Zona Glomerulosa seretes Aldosterone

Seminiferous Tubule in Teste

Exocrine - sperm production

-note that there are two slides that view this from different angles

Seminiferous Tubule in Teste


- sperm production

-note that there are two slides that view this from different angles

Mature Sperm

3 regions - Head, Midpiece, and Flagellum(tail)


-Next to the Basement Membrane

-First stage of developing sperm

-2n (diploid) (Contain 46 chromosomes)

-Stimulate by FSH

Primary and Secondary Spermatocytes

-Second and third stage in developing sperm

-Visable Chromosomes

-Primary are Diploid (46 Chromosomes)

-Secondary are Haploid (23 Chromosomes)

- You do not have to differentiate between them but be aware of which you pick for followup questions


-4th stage in developing sperm


-Bowling ball appearance


-Mature Sperm

-Haploid (23 chromosomes)

-Arrowhead shaped with flagellum

Primordial Follicle in Ovary

-Diploid (46 Chromosomes)

-Stimulated By FSH

-All Ovarian follicles secrete estrogen

Primary Follicle in Ovary

-Diploid (46 Chromosomes)

-Contains Primary Oocyte

-All Ovarian follicles secrete estrogen

Zona Pellucida of Primary follicle

Secondary Follicle in Ovary

-Haploid (23 Chromosomes)

-All Ovarian follicles secrete estrogen

-Contains Secondary Oocyte

Antrum of Secondary Follicle in Ovary

Corona Radiata of Secondary Follicle in Ovary

Zona Pellucida of Secondary Follicle

Corpus Luteum

-After Ovulation

-Secretes Estrogen, Inhibin, Progesterone, and Relaxin

Ureter slide

Mucosa: Transitional ET

(Under ET is Areolar CT)

Muscularis: smooth Muscle for peristalsis

Renal Medulla Slide

Renal Tubule

Simple Cuboidal ET


Renal Cortex

-Renal corpuscles

--Glomerulus - Simple Squamous

--Bowman's Capsule - Simple Squamous

Renal Cortex ( Has Renal Corpuscles)

Renal Medulla is below box (Only Tubules)

White Pin - Neurohypophysis

Red Pin - Adenohypophysis

Blue Pin - Hypothalamus

Green Pin - Pineal Gland

White Pin - Neurohypophysis

Red Pin - Adenohypophysis

Blue Pin - Hypothalamus

Green Pin - Pineal Gland

Yellow Pin - Whole pituitary gland (Hypophysis)
Green Pin - Pineal Gland