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44 Cards in this Set

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Define nutrients.

A substance in food the body uses to promote normal growth, maintenance and repair.

Define metabolism

It is collectively all of biochemical reactions in the body.

What is the main message for consumers from the official image of “MyPlate Food Guide”?

Consumers may plan meals relative to the amount and variety of foods from each food group

Define catabolism

All processes that break down complex structures into simple ones

Which lipids are referred as trans fats?

“Healthy oils” that are hardened by hydrogenation

Define gluconeogenesis.

It is formation of new (neo) glucose from non-carbohydrate sources (amino acids and glycerol).

What is glycolysis?

An anaerobic pathway that converts a single glucose molecule into two pyruvate molecules

What are redox reactions?

Coupled oxidation and reduction reactions

What are coenzymes?

Molecules that act with enzymes to accomplish chemical tasks

Name two important coenzymes associated with enzymes catalyzing redox reactions

NAD+ and FAD

What is glucose sparing?

The increased use of non-carbohydrate fuel molecules to conserve glucose is called glucose sparing.

Define one kilocalorie.

The amount of heat energy needed to raise the temperature of 1 Kg of water by 1° C.

What is the basal metabolic rate?

It is total amount of heat produced by the body during a post-absorptive state in a reclining and relaxed state.

What is measured by the body mass index?


What are gonads?

Gonads are the primary sex organs that produce sex cells.

Which organs are male and female gonads?

Male and female gonads are testis and ovaries respectively.

What are gametes?

Gametes are sex cells that may fuse to form fertilized egg or zygote.

What is a diploid number of chromosomes?

It is found in most cells of body, where each chromosome is present in a pair (maternal and paternal chromosomes).

What is a haploid number of chromosome?

It is the number of chromosomes in gametes, one member of each pair – maternal or paternal

What are spermatids?

Developing spermatocytes formed after meiosis II

What is spermiogenesis?

It is a streamlining process that transforms spermatids into sperms

What is synapsis?

It is the pairing of homologous chromosomes to exchange genetic material.

What is corpus luteum?

Formed after the rupture of the mature follicle, which changes into an endocrine structure.

What is zona pellucida?

A thick glycoprotein layer around the oocyte

What is the ovulation?

The rupture of ovarian wall, which expels secondary oocyte.

What are main constituents of semen?

Main constituents of semen are: sperms, testicular fluid and secretions of accessory glands

Which are two main groups of ovarian follicles?

Antral and preantral follicles

What are homologous chromosomes?

They are pairs of similar chromosome – one from mother and other from father.

What is nondisjunction?

When meiosis distributes sex chromosomes to the gametes improperly.

Define pregnancy.

Pregnancy refers to events from the time of fertilization until the infant is born.

What is conceptus?

It is the developing offspring

What is embryo?

It is conceptus from the fertilization through eighth week

What is fetus?

It is the conceptus from week 9 through birth.

What is parturition?

It is the culmination of pregnancy giving birth of the baby

Define labor.

The series of events that expel the infant from the uterus.

Which stage is called infant?

The offspring after birth.

What is referred as cleavage during embryonic development?

It is the period of rapid cell divisions without intervening growth

Define ‘engagement’ of head during the labor.

Engagement occurs when the head of infant enters true pelvis.

What is colostrum?

Initial production of milk which has more protein, but less fat than true milk.

What are alleles?

Matched genes on homologous chromosomes,

What is genotype?

A person’s genetic makeup

What is phenotype?

The way a genotype is expressed in the body

What is multiple-allele inheritance?

When the same gene shows more than two allele forms

What is pedigree?

Pedigree traces a particular genetic trait through several generations