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55 Cards in this Set

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The heart is located in the thoracic cavity in the space between the lungs. This space is called the __


The fibrous sac that encloses the heart is the __


The membrane that lines the chambers of the heart is the__


The atria of the heart sit at the__ of the heart


The right atrium pumps blood into the__

Right Ventricle

The apex of the heart is made up of the__

Wall of the left ventricle

Another name for the left atrioventricular valve is the __

Mitral valve

Cardiac muscle can generate its own contractions and relaxations and is therefore called__

Autorhythmic muscle

Which chamber of the heart sends oxygenated blood to the systemic circulation when it contracts?

Left ventricle

The impulse to begin each heartbeat of the heart comes from the__

Sinoatrial node

The structures that make up the primary cardiac conduction, in order that the impulse travels through them, are the__

SA node, AV node, bundle of His, Purkinje fiber system

The largest elastic artery in an animal's body is the__


Arterioles are__

Small muscular arteries

Which type of blood vessel has one-way valves in its lumen?


Systolic blood pressure measures__

The force by which blood is ejected from the left ventricle during systole

All of the following abnormalities typically cause a murmur Except

A. mitral valve dysplasia

B. pulmonic valve stenosis

C. patent ductus arteriosis

D. pericardial effusion

Pericardial effusion

The acceptable range of blood pH in most animals is__


A nasal meatus is created by the__


The three main conditioning functions of the nasal passages are__

Warming, humidifying, and filtering air

The opening to the larynx is called the__


Bronchodilation and bronchoconstriction are controlled by__

The autonomic nervous system acting on smooth muscle

How are the lungs of a pig divided

3 left lobes, 4 right lobes

the main expiratory muscles are the__

internal intercostal muscles and the abdominal muscles

The flow of oxygen from inspired air into an alveolar capillary is dependent on the __

PO2 in the alveoli being higher than the PO2 in the capillary

The unconscious act of breathing is controlled by the respiratory center in the __


If the CO2 level in blood rises above a preset limit, how will the respiratory center adjust he breathing to compensate?

Increase rate and depth of respiration

An example of a hindgut fermenter is a__


The function of the myenteric plexus is__

To control movement of food through the GI tract

Gastrin and cholecystokinin are__


The vestibule is__

The space between the outer surface of the teeth and the surrounding lips and cheeks

Another name for chewing is__


Which part of the tooth extends above the gum line?


What type of tooth grows continuous;y throughout the life of an animal?

Aradicular hypsodont teeth

In the Triadan System for documenting teeth, the left mandibular arch contains teeth in what series?


When the lower jaw moves laterally and rostrally, as with a cow chewing its cud, the movement is called__


The line between the glandular and nonglandular portions of the equine stomach is known as the

Margo plicatus

The pattern of muscle contraction that moves ingesta through the GI tract is__


The intestines are suspended from the abdominal wall by the__


Food in a semiliquid state that leaves the stomach and enters the duodenum is called__


Which type of glandular cell in the stomach secretes hydrogen and chloride that form hydrochloric acid?

Parietal cells

The "true" glandular stomach of a ruminant is the__


Which chamber of the ruminant stomach has mucosa that resembles a honeycomb?


The esophageal groove connects the__

Esophagus to thee omasum

Which volatile fatty acid (VFA) can be used by ruminants in gluconeogenesis?


Peyer's patches are made up of__

Lymphoid tissue

Where does the pancreatic duct enter the GI tract?


Which motility movement in the small intestine mixes the partially digested food, allowing it to come into contact with the mucosa, but doesn't move it toward the large intestine?


Which species of animal uses the cecum as a fermentation chamber


In the horse, the ascending colon is divided into what 2 segments?

Dorsal and ventral

What is the cardiac output for a 5kg cat with a heart that beats 200 times per minute and pumps 3ml from the left ventricle with each beat?

BPM X Stroke Volume =CA

200 X 3=600 ml/min

A 40kg dog has a cardiac output of 6 L/min and a heart rate of 100 beats per minute. What is the stroke volume for this dog?

6 L/M= 6000 ml/min

6000 ml/min=100x / 100

x=60 ml

One of your patients has a known tidal volume of 500ml. You count 3 respirations in a 15 second period. What is this patient's minute volume?


3 X 4 = 12 RR

MV = 500ml X 12 BPM

MV = 6000 ml

P wave=

Atrial Depolarization

QRS complex =

Ventricular Depolarization

T wave=

Ventricular repolarization