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83 Cards in this Set

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Cardiac Output –
Amount of blood pumped in one minute. CO= SV x HR (5250 mL/min=70beats/min x 75 beats/minute. About 4-6L of blood in the body)
Heart rate increased by –
norepinephrine, epinephrine, thyroxine
Heart rate decreased by –
Norepinephrine –
increases heart rate and force of contraction. B1 adrenergic receptors. Norepinephrine effects is blocked by beta blockers
Two ways to alter cardiac output –
Heart rate or stroke volume
Pre load –
The amount the heart stretches just before it contracts. Stretchy-er heart raises EDV
Slower ______ _______ allows more time for ventricular filling (affects EDV)
heart rate
Exercise strengthens mycocardium so ______ ______ increases. Heart rate goes down and cardiac output need is still met.
stroke volume
Muscular pump –
when exercise causes squeezing in on veins to return blood to the heart. Veins have valves to prevent backwards leaking. (affects EDV)
Veins are _____ pressure
At rest, average EDV:
~120 mL
At rest, average ESV:
~150 mL
At rest, stroke volume:
~70 mL
Affects EDV –
preload, venous return, filling time
Affects ESV –
Strength of contraction and pressure in aorta
Contractility –
Strength of contraction
Afterload –
Blood pressure in aorta. Increased afterload means decreased cardiac output.
Contractility –
Efficiency of actin/myosin units. Affected by amount of calcium available. Thyroxine and epinephrine directly increase contractility
Venous Return –
amount of blood returning to the heart. A healthy heart has more time between each beat, therefore a bigger venous return, which means an increases preload (sort of) which increases EDV.
If someone has a high blood pressure, the heart has to work ______ . Can leaded to an enlarged but weakened heart.
HR regulation: sympathetic –
Norepinephrine binds to B1-adrenergic receptors and decreases threshold for action potentials, also increases calcium available.
HR regulations: parasympathetic –
Acetylcholine increases threshold for action potentials
Vagal tone –
dominant influence on heart rate at rest is parasympathetic.
HR regulation: Hormones –
Epinephrine and thyroxin increase heart rate.
_______ binds to b1-adrenergic receptors and decreases threshold.
Hypocalcemia –
depresses heart rate (lack of calcium)
Hypercalcemia –
increases heart rate and can lead to dysrhythmias.
Dysrhythmias –
Hyper-excitability of SA node
Many medicines work by decreasing or increasing __________ entry into muscle fibers
Hyperkalemia –
lowers resting potential and can block action potentials all together. Leads to cardiac arrest or dysrhythmias
Heart attack –
myocardial infarction
Multiple myocardial infarctions
– can lead to congestive heart failure. dead cells are replaced with scar tissue
Chronic hypertension –
High blood pressure. Weakens heart because afterload is great. Called “the silent killer” because symptoms are not obvious, heart is being weakened, and blood vessel damaged without person knowing about it.
Congestive heart failure –
when cardiac output cannot meet the demands of the tissues. Degenerative. Prognosis is poor. Four causes/types: Coronary atherosclerosis, persistent high blood pressure, multiple myocardial infarcts, and dilated cardiomyopathy
Persistent high blood pressure –
Enhanced afterload begins and can lead to an elevated ESV. The heart then works too hard to try to keep up with demand and begins to weaken
Dilated cardiomyopathy –
ventricles stretch, myocardium becomes fat-filled
Left ventricular failing –
pulmonary congestion. As blood waits to enter the left atrium, it pools in the lungs. Pressure leads to pulmonary edema
Right ventricle failings –
peripheral congestion as blood waits in capillaries. Peripheral/systemic edema
Cardiac Output disorders –
Coronary atherosclerosis
Coronary atherosclerosis –
fatty build up that blocks coronary arteries (especially the anterior interventricular). Ischemia of myocardium results.
Pulmonary edema –
fluid seeping into lungs
Lumen –
Blood containing space.
The layers of blood vessels –
Tunica intima, tunica media, and tunica externa.
Tunica intima –
closest layer of the blood vessel. Made of endothelial, simple squamous cells. Capillaries are made of tunica intima only
Tunica media –
middle layer of blood vessels. Contains smooth muscles that are important to blood pressure regulation. Arteries have thicker tunica media than veins do.
Tunica Externa –
outer coat of blood vessel. Made of collagen fibers. “Aventicia”
Vasoconstriction –
Reduces blood vessel size
Vasodilation –
increased blood vessel size.
Arterioles –
Smallest arteries. Very important to blood pressure regulation.
Venules –
tiny veins
Capillaries have only one layer:
tunica intima
Angiogenesis –
Growth of new blood vessels from existing ones
Total peripheral resistance. The amount of resistance in the blood vessels. Affected by three main factors: viscosity (short term), length (long term), and diameter (short term).
Systolic pressure –
120 mmHg is enough pressure to get the blood all the way around
Diastolic pressure –
BP of arteries –
Around 80-90mmHg
BP of arterioles –
Pulse pressure disappears, drops down to about 35 mmHg
BP of capillaries –
drops down to about 15mmHg
BP of Venules –
almost 0mmHg
Three main areas of BP control –
Neural, hormonal, and renal.
4 types of Neural BP Control:
vasomotor center, baroreceptor reflexes, chemoreceptor reflexes, and hypothalamic controls
Neural BP Control: Vasomotor Center –
Located in medulla, controls constriction of arterioles via sympathetic fibers. Vasomotor fibers of the skeletal system control dilation by releasing acetylcholine
Neural BP Control: Baroreceptor reflexes –
High BP stimulates stretch receptors found in aortic arch and carotid bodies send more frequent signals to the medulla (via vagus and glossopharyngeal) which inhibits vasomotor and cardioacceleratory centers. Stimulates cardioinhibitory center and vasodilation
Baroreceptors: increased stimulation in the cardioregulatory stimulates _________ stimulation to the heart, which decreases HR
Neural BP Control: Chemoreceptors –
Low oxygen, low pH, or high CO2 stimulate these receptors (also on aortic arch and carotid arch) and sends signals to the medulla (via vagus and glossopharyngeal) to stimulate cardioaccelatory center and vasomotor center. Decreaes parasympathetic stimulation so hr goes up
Neural BP Control: Hypothalmic
controls as influenced by emotion, temperature, etc.
Hormonal BP Controls: Adrenal –
Adrenal Medulla hormones: Epinephrine and norepinephrine
Hormonal BP Controls: Atrial Natiuretic Peptide –
Released from the heart when blood pressure is high, blocks aldosterone to allow salt/water loss.
Hormonal BP Controls: ADH –
Stimulates water retention by kidneys, released by pituitary
Hormonal BP Controls: Angiotensin –
Renin from kidneys eventually activates AII. AII stimulates aldo, vasoconstriction, and ADH.
Renal BP Control Types –
Direct and indirect.
Renal BP Control: Direct –
Amount of water the kidneys retains
Renal BP Control: Indirect –
Pulse =
systolic pressure – diastolic pressure
Hypotension –
Systolic below 100
Hypertension –
Systolic over 140/90. Called “Silent Killer”. Strains heart and arteries. Builds up atherosclerosis and increases afterload.
Net filtration =
net hydrostatic pressure –oncotic pressure
The vasomotor center controls constriction of arterioles via ____________ fibers
Key points to how blood pressure changes through out circulation:
1) blood vessels are regulated by vasoconstriction of arteries, NE from sympathetic motor neuron binds to L receptors or B receptors on the tunica medials
2) Pulse is gone before it reaching capillaries
3) Mean arterial pressure (MAP). Diastolic +pp/3 =
Blood pressure =
cardiac output x total peripheral resistance
Hormonal controls –
1) Atrial naturetic peptide released from right atrium when blood pressure is high. Targets kidneys to cause more salt loss (water follows)
2) Epinephrine – released from adrenal medulla. Targets many organs. Increases heart rate and force of contraction. Targets smoot muscle of the blood vessels. Alpha adrenergic receptor cause constriction in skin, reproductive organs, kidneys, and intestinal arteries. But causes dilation in heart muscle, lung and skeletal muscle arteries
3) Agiotensin. Kidney releases renin into the blood when it senses low blood volume or low oxygen. Renin converts angiotensinogen into angiotensin I. Agitenisin Converting Enzyme (ACE)converts angiotensin I into angiotensis ii
Angiotensis II – Three key effects:
1) Potent vasoconstricter (immediate)
2) Stimulates release of antideurtic hormone (released from post. Pituitary and causes H2O re-absorption in the kidneys). Therefor increase blood volume, which increases blood pressure.
3) Stimulates aldosterone (released from adrenal cortex and targets kidneys and causes salt retention
120/80 –
typical blood pressure sys