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56 Cards in this Set

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using a specific pairing of latitude and longitude in a Cartesian coordinate grid

absolute location

The science of making maps


objects that circle another object; also known as centralized pattern

Circular pattern

The fashioning of a natural landscape by a cultural group; interaction between humans and environment

cultural landscape

pushes the clock forward one hour in the spring to allow more sunlight in the afternoon

daylight savings time

The alteration of an original shape


A branch of geography that centers on the interaction of human and physical geography on the environment

environmental geography

imaginary line that lives exactly halfway between North and South at 0° latitude


first person to use the word geography


uniform; an area in which everyone shares in common one or more distinctive characteristics

formal regions

an area organized around a node or focal point

functional ( nodal regions)

A computer system that captures stores analyzes and displays data


actions are processes that involve the entire world and result in making something worldwide in


The time zone encompassing the prime meridian 0° longitude

greenwich meantime

System that uses a series of satellites tracking stations and receivers to determine precise absolute location


reflects a rectangle or system or Land survey adopted and much of the country under the ordinance of 1785

grid pattern

Greek who created the first geography book around 500 BCE


branch of geography that focuses on people dealing with how human activity effects or is influenced by the earths surface

human geography

built on for Ptolemy's map


German philosopher who compared geography and history

Kant, immanuel

The overall appearance of an area that is shaped by both human and natural influences


The numbering system used to indicate the location of parallels drawn on the globe and measuring distance north and south of the equator


A pattern that is shown a long straight lines like rivers streets or railroad tracks

linear pattern

it's time in a particular region or area expressed with reference to the Meridian passing through it

local time

The position of anything on Earth's surface


The numbering system used to indicate the location of meridians drawn on a globe and measuring distance east or west of the prime meridian


Cylindrical projection; Greenland appears larger than South America parallels of latitude have the same length as the equator

mercator projection

and arc drawn on a map between north and south poles


have a centers of operation in many parts of the globe or economic globalization is a apparent through

Multi national corporations

A circle drawn around the globe parallel to the equal and at right angles to the meridians


arrangement of objects on Earth's surface in relation to one another in study


regions that aren't formal and functional they are places that people believe to exist as part of their cultural identity

perceptual (vernacular) regions

The outside boundary or surface of something the regions margin


map that shows correct proportion of distorted shape

peter's projection

A specific place distinguished by our particular characteristic


Branch of geography that deals with natural features and processes

physical geography

A location that includes climate topography soil water sources vegetation and elevation

physical site characteristic

The Meridian at 0° longitude that passes through the Royal Observatory at Greenwich England

prime Meridian

made Maps based on information collected by merchants and soldiers in the Roman empire


A pattern that has no regular distortion that can be seen

Random pattern

an organization of Earth's surface into distinct areas that are viewed differently from other areas


projection that attempts to balance projectional errors isn't perfect in areas,shape, or distance but it minimizes errors

Robinson projection

geographer that adopted regional studies define cultural landscape as an area fashion from nature by a culture group


generally the relationship between the portion of earth being studied and earth as a whole


physical and human transformed characteristics of a place


location of a place relative to another place


The time based on the position of the sun in the sky as the day progresses

Solar time

The physical gap between objects


The reduction in the time it takes to diffuse something to to someplace far away as a result of improved communications and transportation systems

Space time compression

The location of places people and events and the connections among places and landscapes defines human life on earth with all of it similarities and differences

spatial organization

Way of identifying explaining and predicting the human physical patterns and space interconnections of various places

spatial perspective

A region that has adopted the same standard time usually referred to as local time

Time zone

arrangement of the natural and artificial physical features of an area


name given to a portion on earths surface


responsible for taking a census every 10 years

U.S. Census Bureau

explanations for why is spatial pattern occurs

why of where