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19 Cards in this Set

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CBR (Crude Birth Rate)

Total number of live births in a year per 1,000 people in a society.

CDR (Crude Death Rate)

Total number of deaths in a year per 1,000 people.NIR

NIR (Natural Increase Rate)

The percentage of population growth per year. Calculated by subtracting CDR from CBR and converting per 1,000 people.

TFR (Total Fertility Rate)

The average number of children a woman will have throughout her childbearing years. Roughly the ages 15-49.

IMR (Infant Mortality Rate)

The annual number of deaths of infants under the age of one compared to the total.

LE (Life Expectancy)

(At birth) Measures the average number of years a newborn infant can expect to live at the current mortality levels.


The scientific study of population characteristics.

Population Density

The number of people living per unit of an area. Three types; Arithmetic (total number of people divided by the total land area), Physiological (the number of people per unit of area of arable land), and Agricultural (the ratio of the number of farmers to the total amount of land suitable for agriculture.)

Population Distribution

The arrangement or spread of people living in a given area, also how the population of area is arranged according to variable such as age, race, or sex.

Description of Demographic Transition Model

It is a model that describes the demographic changes a region goes through as it transitions from agricultural/non-industrial to industrial or post-industrial.

MDC (More Developed Country)

Stages four and five. NIR, IMR, TFR, CBR, and CDR are lower. LE is higher and around the 70's.

LDC (Less Developed Country)

Stages one through three. NIR, IMR, TFR, CBR, and CDR are higher. LE is lower and around the 60's or less.

Family Planning

India and China. Wants lower birth rate so there's more resources. Using directed more to urbanization because it needs fewer kids.

Increasing Population

Italy and Japan. Both on stage five and dependency is bad. Wants high birth rates.

Two Environmental Impacts

Trash - too much of it, New York is bad with it. Lots of people equals lots of trash.

Global Warming - pollution of air, water, and land caused by industrialization in general.

Longest stage we were in and what did it look like

Stage one. Slow growth rate, right birth and death rates, bad healthcare, mainly undeveloped countries.

When did population begin to change and why

1760 because the start of industrial revolution caused population explosion.

What stage is the world as a whole and what number is the population supposed to even out at

Stage four. Supposed to even out at 10 billion also at stage 4.

How will 10 billion people impact the world as a whole

There will probably be more policies in place and even more negative environmental impacts. Technology would grow but so would tension and people would have to learn to get along to avoid wars.