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100 Cards in this Set

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The ______ view of the Austrians as foreign oppressors led to the assassination of Archduke Francis Ferdinand by a Serbian terrorist which started World War I
World War I was more destructive than earlier wars because modern _________ were more deadly
During World War I, most women in allied nations kept their nations' ___________ going
The League of Nations might have been more successful if the ______________ had joined it
United States
The Bolshevik Revolution led to a civil war in ________
Lenin's New Economic Policy was designed to rebuild the ___________ economy
The main cause of revolution in Mexico in 1910 was the unequal distribution of ______
Economic nationalism swept through Latin America during the 1920s and 1930s because European trade fell following ___________ and the Great Depression reduced Latin American exports and increased the cost of imported goods
World War I
The Salt March in India is an example of _____ disobedience
The Chinese Communists chose Yan'an as the destination of their _____________ because it provided the natural protection of the mountains and the Huang He
Long March
The discoveries of Marie Curie and Albert Einstein had a major impact on our knowledge of ___________ and atomic energy
Many Italians supported fascist, totalitarian rule under ________ because it promised a strong, confident government and instilled national pride in Italians.
Fascist Italy and militarist Japan shared a strong sense of _____________
____________ party members made up a privileged group in Soviet society
Hitler became chancellor of Germany in 1933; his government's economic policies improved the ____________ situation in Germany
One of Hitler's primary goals was the persecution and elimination of _____
Western democracies followed a policy of _____________ in response to Axis aggression in the 1930s
During the Blitz of London during ______________, Londoners carried on with their daily lives, seeking protection in shelters during the bombings
World War II
World War II in Europe ended with the surrender of ____________
Winston Churchill spoke of an ____________ dividing Europe after World War II in order to divide Europe into Eastern and Western blocs.
"Iron curtain"
During the Cold War, the United States tried to contain the spread of communism, which led to their direct involvement in two "hot" wars - the ________ War and the _________ War.
Vietnam // Korean
The United States wanted to attack targets in Cambodia to disrupt the ______________ trail supply line
Ho Chi Minh
The United States and the Soviet Union came to the brink of nuclear war in 1962 over Soviet missile bases in _______
One goal of General _________ military government in Japan after World War II was to guarantee democratic government in Japan
Global economic interdependence created an _______ in the 1970s because nations with oil resources underwent political crises which caused production to halt and prices to soar
Oil crisis
Efficient, _______________ adapted to the latest technology led to Japan's economic success following World War II
Modern factories
Because of ___________________ in the Soviet Union there were widespread shortages of food and consumer goods
Central economic planning
Tensions between _______ and Hindus resulted in the partition of India in 1947
The colonial borders created by European powers cause problems for new African nations because it forced people of different ______ groups together
The civil war in Yugoslavia was fought among Serbs, ______, and Muslims
Economic sanctions helped end _________ in South Africa
Despite continued efforts for peace in the _____________ conflict, the struggle continues in occupied territories because Israel refuses to give up the territories until Arab nations recognize Israel's right to exist
Developing nations are agriculturally and economically _____________ on developed nations
Cash economies introduced in African nations by Europeans often fail because most people in Africa are _________ farmers
In Africa in the 20th century, the spread of drought and ______________ caused hunger and migration
Since colonial days, a key cause of Latin American unrest has been the ______ distribution of wealth
Germany was able to reunite because communism ________ in the Soviet Union
Technology has helped form a global culture by spreading _______ rapidly
Worldwide there is generally a lower literacy rate for _______ than for males
One African country that successfully resisted European imperialism was ________
__________ helped turn World War I into global war
Fascism can be described as a glorified loyalty to _____
Western democracies chose to respond to Axis aggression during the 1930s with a policy of ____________ partly because they saw Hitler and fascism as a defense against the greater evil of Soviet communism
World War II ended in the Pacific with the bombings of ___________ and Nagasaki
During the Cold War, the United States responded to communist expansionist efforts by following a policy of _________
Both the Soviet Union under Stalin and China under Mao Zedong had a _____________
Planned economy
The capitalist economic systems chosen by some of Africa's newly independent nations allowed ___________________ to take their profits out of the country
Foreign business owners
Although Bangladesh was once part of _________, India's location between the two made travel and trade difficult, which explains Bangladesh's desire fore independence
Japan's economic success during the 1950s and 1960s resulted, in part, from __________ military protection, which allowed Japan to spend more on economic development
Developed countries are considered the global North and developing countries, the global South - _____ is the only continent that is part of both
Saddam Hussein's invasion of ________ triggered the first Gulf War
The U.S. "road map" for peace in the Arab-Israeli conflict called for Israel and ________ to exist peacefully as neighbors
The ________________________ (PRI) dominated Mexican politics from the 1920s to the year 2000
Institutional Revolutionary Party
Industrialization allowed Japan to expend resources on military and colonial expansion, which enabled Japan to become a ________________ after 1894
Colonial power
In 1900, anti-foreign sentiment in China led to an uprising known as the _______ Rebellion
The collapse of the last Chinese Empire in ____ was caused by the imperial government's failure to control foreign influence
In response to increased military power of Germany, Great Britain, France, and _______ formed the Triple Entente in 1907
Most of the combat on the Western Front in World War I took place in a relatively small area because the armies became immobile due to ______ warfare
The ___________ Plan was designed by the German military to avoid the problem of fighting Allied powers on two fronts
Economic hardships in the Russian empire brought on by its participation in ____________ resulted in the downfall of the czar
World War I
American military and ________ intervention in World War I had a tremendous impact on the course and outcome of World War I
President Wilson said that his _____________ would provide a framework for a lasting and just peace
Fourteen Points
A major goal of France and Great Britain at the Conference of ______________ following World War I was to keep Germany from rebuilding its military forces
Italian leader, Vittorio Orlando, hoped to gain territory from ______________ during the creation of the Treaty of Versailles
Authors Ernest Hemingway and F. Scott Fitzgerald are identified with the __________________
Lost generation
The Cheka used terror tactics against the enemies of _______________ to help Lenin gain control of Russia
Stalin's "Great Purge" from 1934 to ____ brought about the death of millions of people
Both Italian Fascists and the _____________ gained power partly because they used terror tactics against political opponents
German Nazis
In the ___________ governments of Hitler's Germany, Mussolini's Italy, and Stalin's Russia, political opponents were killed and all three nations sought to expand their borders
Hitler signed a ______________ treaty with Stalin on the eve on World War II to allow Germany to invade Poland without Soviet opposition
After the United States entered World War II, American and British leaders decided that their highest priority would be to invade ________ and defeat Germany
One major purpose of the Yalta conference in 1945 was to decide how to restructure _______ after World War II
The primary cause of the ___________ between the United States and the Soviet Union was the competition for political influence over other countries
Cold War
Mohandas Gandhi used his philosophy of nonviolent non-cooperation in an effort to achieve India's independence from ______________
Great Britain
Poland, Czechoslovakia, ____________, and Romania became satellites of the Soviet Union because the Soviet army occupied these areas at the end of World War II
The Arab oil embargo against the United States in 1973 was initiated because of U.S. support for _______ in the Yom Kippur War
______ was created in order to establish a unified military defense among the United States and European countries
In India and Pakistan, feelings of nationalism are intertwined with religious conflict between Muslims and ________
The ___________________ called for the partition of the Ottoman Empire after World War I
Sykes-Picot Agreement
The Balfour Declaration (1917) declared support for the creation of a national home for _________ people
In 1947, the ________________ controlled the Mandate of Palestine
United Nations
A _________ is attacks on Jews in Eastern Europe
The Holocaust raised sympathies and increased interest in the _________ movement and resulted in a massive Jewish emigration
The leading force behind reform in the Middle East today is ________
One of the biggest challenges facing nations in the Middle East is sharing the region's _______
An _________ is a ruler with unlimited power
To _________ means to resign as a ruler
The Russian leader, ______________, used the slogan "Peace, Land, and Bread."
Joseph Stalin
The __________________ in China rejected Confucian traditions and learning from the West
May Fourth Movement
A policy of rigid segregation called __________ was practiced by whites against South African blacks
Writers expressed pride in their African roots and protested colonial rule through the ___________ Movement
Powerful Japanese business families who ruled over industrial empires were known as ____________
Egyptian president ______________ was the first Arab leader to make peace with Israel
Anwar Sadat
The Missionaries of Charity, founded by ____________ provided food and medical care to the poor people of Kolkata, India
Mother Teresa
The Indian tradition of ______ requires women to be isolated in separate quarters
The __________________ Massacre in 1989 showed the Chinese leaders favored order over political freedom
Tiananmen Square
________, an Islamic reform movement, wanted to return to the purity and simplicity of Muhammad's original teachings
Rifle cartridges greased with animal fat set off the _______ Rebellion
The purpose of the __________ Policy was to protect U.S. trading rights in China
Open Door
Currently, ________ own less than 1 percent of the world's property