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38 Cards in this Set

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Qualities of an ACTIVE president:
-exerts a great deal of energy and positive leadership
-often stretch powers of presidency
-takes bold steps in policy making
Qualities of a PASSIVE president:
-devotes less time to office
-generally doesn't have inclination or ability to exercise political authority effictively
-supports status quo
-does not use full authority of office
Qualities of a POSITIVE president:
-Enjoy political life
-get personal satisfaction from serving
Qualities of a NEGATIVE president:
-does not experience pleasure from serving as president
-become president out of "sense of duty" for president
Qualities of an ACTIVE-POSITIVE president, and examples
-achieves results
-flexible, energetic

-FDR; Truman; JFK; T. Roosevelt
Qualities of a PASSIVE-POSITIVE president, and examples
-want to be popular
-seek affection/approval

-Harding; Taft; Reagan
Qualities of an ACTIVE-NEGATIVE president, examples
-want power
-seek and hold power

-LBJ; Wilson
Qualities of a PASSIVE-NEGATIVE president,examples
-sense of duty/obligation
-dislike politics
-stress morality, civic duties

-Coolidge; Eisenhower
George Washington
-devotion to constitution
-could have been king
-created judiciary act of 1789
-created first cabinet
-solved Whiskey rebellion himself-federal power in domestic affairs
-Jay Treaty and Pickney Treaty-paved the way for westward expansion
Thomas Jefferson
-first to live in the white hous-first political party
-strong foreign affairs, not domestic "condust of foreign affairs is 'executive' altogether"
Louisiana Purchase-"inherent powers" articles II (implied)
Abraham Lincoln
-increased federal government power:
*preserve the union-"what was necessary and proper to preserve the union" - suspend habeas corpus - blockade south
*dealt with disloyalty
-Emancipation Proclamation
-Gettysburg Address - The U.S. is - single nation
-Amnesty - 10% plan
Teddy Roosevelt
-Stewardship Theory - argument for a strong dynamic presidency
-federal responsibility for the national welfare
-"bully pulpit" - influence news media and shape legislation
*Economy- trust busting; federal agencies to run new social and economis programs (the square deal); Meat Inspection Act; pure Food and Drug Act; conservation
*Foreign Affairs- Roosevelt corollary to the monroe doctrine
Twenty-second Amendment
(1951) Presiddent is limited to two terms; maximum number of years able to serve = 10
Salary of President:
George Washington Vs. George Bush
George Washington = $25,000
George Bush = $ 400,000
V.P. = about half
Twentieth Amendment
(1933) If the President-elect dies before his term starts then the V.P.-elect is acting president until a new president has been decided
Twenty-fifth Amendment
(1967) If V.P. is removed, President can nominate a new VP
VP becomes prez after prez is discharged or dies ((NIXON+FORD))
Presidential Succession Act of 1947
(1947) Line of succession:
-Speaker of the House
4-President Pro-tempore of Senate
5-Sect. of State
6-Sect. of tresury
7-Sect. of Defense
8-Attorney General
9-Sect. of interior
10-Sect. of agriculture
11-Sect. of commerce
12-Sect. of Labor
13-Sect. of Health and human services
14-Sect. of Transportation
15-Sect. of Energy
16--Sect. of Education
17-Sect. of Veterans Affairs
18-Sect. of Homeland Security
President Disability and Succession Act of 1967
(1967) If VP and most of the executive office thinks that the president is unfit for his duties they can send a letter to senate and house leaders, and VP becomes president
-To regain power President must send a letter to senate and house claiming to be fit for duties again, senate has 21 (!!!!) days to say "no you aren't" or Prez gets power back
Benefits of Presidency
-$50,000: expense of office
- free franking (stamps)
- free office space
- $120,000 in travel and entertainment
- $25,000 a year retirement for rest of your life
OFFICIAL qualifications for Presidency:
-35 years old
-Natural born Citizen
-Citizen for 14 years
-something about different states?
UNOFFICIAL qualifications for president:
-white, male, protestant
-Northern European
-More moderate
-Upper Middle Class
-governor, lawyer, white-collar business man
-high education
Presidential "Hat" HEAD OF STATE
Represents the nation:ceremonial duties
-hosts visiting dignitaries
-lights the national Christmas tree, White house easter egg hunt
-gives out awards and metals
-gives public service statements of important issues (trigger)
-meets public figures (athletes, musicians, actors, business leaders)
Presidential "Hat" CHIEF EXECUTIVE
Carries out the laws of Congress "Faithfully execute all laws"
-manages the bureaucracy ~ over 2 million people to enforce laws and programs
-In charge of federal departments, can ONLY INFLUENCE, not direct
1. Appointments
2. Appoints federal judges, including justices of the supreme court
3.removes those he appoints (nixon fired secretary of the interior)
4. executive orders (NOT IN CONSTITUTION)
5. Impoundment: refuse a federal departments request to spend money
6.Executive privilege ~ resist certain search warrants for safety of the nation
7. Pardon, Reprieve
Presidential "Hat" CHIEF LEGISLATOR
-Proposes Legislation
-Tries to influence members of congress
-has a "Legislative Program" to draft his proposed bills for him
-Veto Power (needs 2/3 of congress to overule)
Presidential "Hat" ECONOMIC PLANNER
-"hat" has grown rapidly since FDR's "new deal"
- Employment Act of 1946 -gave new duties to president
-Council of Econonic advisors: group of threee economis gurus to advise him
Presidential "Hat" PARTY LEADER
-speeches help party members
-attends fundraising activities
-appoints party's national chairperson
-helps plan the party's future election strategies
-appoints members of party to available government jobs
(PATRONAGE: appointment to political offices as a reward to people who supported the president and party during election ex: ambassadorship)
Presidential "Hat" CHIEF DIPLOMAT
-directs foreign policy of US ~ key decisions about relations with other countries in the world
-President has every bit of information (CIA, DoD, Homeland Security, FBI, National Security Director)
-Recognizes new nations
-Sends aid to other countries
-Power to make treaties (needs 2/3 approval by Senate)
-Executive agreements (doesn't need Senate approval but about less important stuff)
Presidential "Hat" COMMANDER-IN-CHIEF
The President is the civilian leader of the military
-Shares power to make war with Congress
-Appoints Joint Chief of Staff
-Knows about key military decisons
-custodian of nuclear weapons
-takes action at home to support war effort
-handles crises (9/11 or Katrina)
1. Power to Overide a Veto
2. Power of impeachment
3.power of Approval of appoinments
4. approval of treaties
5. power of appropriations ($$$)
6. Legislation to take back powers
7. Election has a different cycle
8. congressional hearings and oversight committee
War Powers Act of 1973
Congress challenges the presidents power to declare war
Limitation of Powers: COURTS
1. Judicial Review
Limitation of Powers: BUREAUCRACY
1. can intentionally obstruct
2. can fail to complete a task
Limitation of Powers: PUBLIC
1. voting
2. actively protesting president's policies + decisions
3. withdraw support
4. Lawsuit
5. Assasination (illegal)
Limitation of Powers: MEDIA
1. portray policies and actions in a negative light
2. Tarnish his image
3. No more equal time - presidential critics
Definition of Executive order:
rules of regulations, issued by the president, that have the force of LAW, issued to implement constitutional provisions or atatutes
3 reasons a president and give an executive order:
1. National Crisis
2. Chief Executive (Constitution, Article II~Faithfully execute laws)
3.Congressional Laws ~ POTUS has to act to carry out vaguely worded laws written y congress
How to challenge an executive order? (5 ways)
1. lawsuit- say that it was unconstitutional
2. pass a contrary law
3. legislative pressure
4. public pressure and interest group pressure
5. joint resolution