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108 Cards in this Set

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What is physiology?
study of body functions
Structure of an organism?
- atom
- molecule
- cell
- tissue
- organ
- system
- organism
Types of tissue?

Purpose of each?
Epithelial: covers internal & external surface of body.

Connective: Most abundant. Forms cartidge & bone

Muscular: Makes up muscle

Nervous: Makes up nerves & nerve centers
What is in thoracic cavity?
Ribs, Spine, Sternum, Sup. & Inf. Aperatures,
Trachea is always _____ to esophogus.
lung tissue is called?
Right lung has how many lobes?

Left lung?
Right: 3. Sup, Middle, Inf

Left: Sup., Inf.
Where is the hylum? What enters thru the hylum?
Each lung has a hylum. Primary bronchus
What is a lumin?
An opening of
What does resp. systen consist of?
Pharynx (also digestive), Larynx, Trachea, Bronchi, Lungs.
Which bronchi on bronchial tree is shorter, wider, more vertical?
What is visceral plueral?
inner layer.

Ex. Lines the lungs
What is parietal?
outer layer that lines thoracic cavity
What is pleural space?
area between the pleural layers
What divides lungs in to lobes?
What is the endocrine system?
ductless glands that secrete chemicals into bloodstream.

Glands, Thymus, Pancreas, Ovaries, Testies
What is the lymphatic system?
Important part of immune system, also part of circulatory. Produces anti bodies & lymphocytes to help immunity. Maintains balance of fluids

Thymus, spleen, tonsils, bone marrow
What is the digestive system?
Begins with mouth ends w. anus. 30 ft. long.
What are the accessory organs of the digestive system?
Salivary glands, liver, gallbladder, pancreas
Whats in bony thorax?
Sternum, Ribs, Thoracic Vertebrae
Landmark of manubrium?
T2 & T3
Landmark of body (corpus, gladilus) of stermun? It creates?
T4 & T5, creates sternal angle.
Landmark of xiphoid process (ensiforn)?
Which are true ribs?




lining of stomach is called?
Sternoclavicular art.?
between upper extremties & trunk of body
Costovertebral art.?
Head art. with body of vert
Costotransverse art.?
Tubercle of 1-10 art. with transverse process of vetebrae
COstochondral art.?
1-10 ant. rib articulates with chondral
Sternocostal art.?
1-7 art. with sternum
Head of rib is where?
Connected to vertebrae
Bronchial tree consists of?
Bronchi, bronchioles, alveoli
What is pleurisy?
Inflammtion of both visceral & parietal pleura in lungs. Dry.
What is largest organ/gland?
Optimum kvp for abdomen?
What systems are in abdomen?
Digestive & accesory organs
What system is spleen in?
What is mesentary?
double fold of peritoneum connecting sm. intestines to post. abdominal wall
What is omentum?
double fold that goes from stomach to another organ
What is not part of the colon?
Anus & rectum
Parts of the small intestines?
duodenum, judenum, ileum
How many bones in body?
Left & Right hepatic duct come from ___ & form ___
Liver. Common Hepatic duct.
Common bile duct breaks off and forms ___ & ___.
Common hepatic duct on right, Cystic duct on left
Cystic duct leads to ___
What does the spleen do?
filters blood of damaged cells & helps immune system by destroying bacteria. Also stores extra blood for circulatory system
Pancreas does what?
Secretes insulin & pancreatic juice for digestion
Exocrine gland does what?
secretes juice into duodenum to digest fats, proteins, carbs
Endocrine gland does what?
secretes insulin into blood stream for sugar metabolism
What stores bile?
where are..

Intraperitoneal organs?
Retroperitoneal organs?
Infraperitoneal organs?
Organs within abdominal cavity

Organs attached to post. wall

Located under peritoneum
What is peristalsis?
Involuntary, muscular contractions of digestive tract
What are 3 parts of the stomach?
Fundus (most superior)
Piloric (empties into duodenum)
Where does chemical digestion take place?
Duodenum ( small intestine )
Horizontal lines in Addisons plane?
Top: Transpyloric

Bottom: Transtubercle
Final part of digestion?
What sits in doudenum?
common bile duct
How many bones does hand have?

14 phalanges
5 metacarpals
8 carpals
Where is the IP?
Thumb. (First Digit)
Base of Metacarpal art. with ____
Carpals are what type of bones?
Short bones.
What carpals are on Proximal row?

Their other names?
-Triquetrum/ Triquetral, Triangular, Triangular
What carpals are on Distal row?

Their other names?
Trapezium/Greater Martangular
Trapezoid/Lesser Martangular
Capitate/Os Magnum
Which carpal art. with radius?
Most distal part of radius? And on what side?
Styloid process, Lateral
Radius head on proximal or distal end?
Where is tuberosity on radius?
Proximal end
Head of ulna is where?
Distal end, above styloid process
Where is radial notch?
lateral side of proximal ulna
What does trochlea of humerus art. with?
trochlear notch of ulna
On internal rotation of forearm, you can see...
Cornoid process
Where are lesser & greater tubercles of humerus?
proximal end
Distal humerus condyle split into ___ & ___. Which is lat. med.?
Trochlea & Capitulum.

Capitulum is med. Trochlea lat.
Where is subscapular fossa?
Anterior side
What fossas are on posterior side?
Supra & infra spinous fossas
Where is costal & dorsal surfaces of scapula?
Costal- Anterior side

Dorsal- Posterior side
Where is spine of scapula?
Posterior (dorsal) going horizontally, top.
Foot has how many bones?

14 phalanges
5 metatarsals
7 tarsals
Biggest tarsal?
Calcaneous (Os calsis)
What makes up sinus tarsi?
Bottom: Calcaneal sulcus

Top: Sulcus tarsi
How much head slant does femur have?
20 degrees
What does lesser & greater trochater form?
Interchanteric crest ( posterior side )
Where is adducter tubercle?
On medial side, more posterior, on femur
What is pelvis made up of?
-2 hip bones
HIp bone made up of?
Ilium 2/5
Ishium 2/5
Pubis 1/5
ABove brim of pelvis is called?

Above: False or greater

Below: True or lesser
The brim forms?
superior (inlet) & inferior aperature (outlet)
Region between inlet & outlet?
Pelvic cavity
What is osteology?
study of bones of body
What unites bones?
Bones divide into 2 divisions:
Axial: supports head. 80

Appendicular: allows body to move in diff. positions. 126
diaphysis of long bone?
Shaft part. Filled with compact bone
Epiphysis of long bone?
The ends. with with cancellous/ spongy bone.
Where is red marrow found?
ends of long bones, produces red & white blood cells
Where is yellow marrow found?
in long bones medullary cavity. Strores fat/adipose cells.
Where does blood travel through a bone? Covers everything but?
periosteum, joint structures
Bones classified by __. Which has 2 ____ : ____ & ____.
shape. classes: structural & functional
immovable bone. (skull)
Slightly moveable. Pubic sym.
Freely moveable. SHoulder
no joint cavity, immovable
permit wide range of movement
Vertebral body & arch (the two main parts) enclose a space called?
vertebral canal
How are spinous process on thoracic vert.?
long, 3 projections
C1 & C2 are atypical. Their also called..
Atlas and axis.
How are spinous process on Lumbar vert.?
thick and blunt.
How are spinous process on cervial vert.?
short wide and bifid tips
How many bones in Adult spine? Kid?
Adult: 26

Kid: 33