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153 Cards in this Set

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The vagus nerve carries about ____ % of all parasympathetic fibers
Which came first in evolution; equilibrium or hearing?
what physical action assists in locating the source of a sound
turning the head
the _____ connects the middle ear with the throat
auditory tube p.453
why are we more concerned about injury to peripheral nerves that pass down the extremities than to those that pass through the torso?
nerves in the torso are more protected and less likely to sustain injury
describe two mechanisms by which the middle ear functions as an amplifier
tympanic membrane, function of malleus
the ____ ______ is the region of sharpest vision within the retina
fovea centralis
what allows deaf individuals to respond to sounds such as music
what inner structures are associated with the sense of dynamic equilibrium
crista ampullaris & semicircular canals p.460
the sensory receptors associated with the semicircular canals are located in swellings called
ampulla p.460
the ___ plexuses of the spinal nerves are located between the neck and the axillae
why is it surprising that humans have only 7 million cones in contrast to 125 million rods as visual receptors in the retina
Humans are diurnal. Cones are for vision in the daytime. Rods are for dim light
why are individuals with dilated pupils perceived as more attractive than individuals with constricted pupils
dilation is a sympathetic response, which is a sign of sexual arousal and seen as inviting
the adjustment of the thickness of the lens to make close vision possible is called ____
the anterior branches of the thoracic spinal nerves give rise to the ____ nerves
which of the 3 branches of the trigeminal nerve, ophtalmic, maxillary and mandibular is most liekly to be involved in trigeminal neuralgia
the sciatic nerve splits above the popliteal fossa to give rise to the __ & __ nerves
tibialis & peroneal
pain that feels like it is coming from a part other than the part being stimulated is called
referred pain
a substance with a sour taste probably contains
citric acid, p.450
the anterior thigh is innervated by the ____ nerve
after traveling through the olfactory bulbs, nerve impulses pass along the ______ _______ to the olfactory interpreting centers
olafactory tract
the transparent anterior portion of the eyes outer tunic is called the
the nerve fibers from the vomeronasa organ synapse with subcortical structures to influence what type of behavior
partner selection
(think pheromones)
on average we are effectively blind for about a half hour each day. Why?
the _____ division of the ANS functions to prepare the body for stress
nerve fibers of the _____ division of the ANS arise from the brain stem and the sacral region of the spinal cord
the ___ root of a spinal nerve consists entirely of motor neuron axons
the range of human hearing is about
20-20,000 vibrations per second
which would cause conductive deafness
torn tympanic membrane
the sets of color receptors within the retina are sensive to light are
red, green, blue
the condition called glaucoma is usually caused by
excessive accumulation of aqueous humor
pain receptors
are generally stimulated by factors that can cause tissue damage
which of the following cranial nerves conducts sensory impulses from the anterior two-thirds of the tongue
anosmia is a condition in which there is a loss of
smell, p. 450
visual sensations from images focused on the side of the retina tend to be blurred because
there are more rods than cones in this region
sensorineural deafness may be due to
excessively loud sounds
the condition in which some portions of an image are in focus on the retina and other portions are blurred is called
the area of the skin supplied by sensory nerve fibers from a particular dorsal root is called a
the olfactory receptors are examples of
night blindness is most commonly caused by
an improper diet (lack of vitamin A)
as a result of the tympanic reflex
vibrations are transmitted less effectively to the inner ear
as they extend from the retina to the brain the nerve fibers
from the nasal half of each retina cross over
the hearing receptors are most closely associated with the
organ of Corti (spiral organ), p. 455
the cranial nerve associated with bells palsy is the
the cranial nerve associated with the gag reflex is the
worldwide, blindness is most commonly caused by changes in the
which of the following are generally adrenergic fibers
sympathetic postganglionic fibers
(secrete norepinephrine, p. 429)
rhodopsin is found in
rod cells
otosclerosis is a condition involving the
auditory ossicles

- new bone is deposited abnormally around the base of the stapes; interferes w/ movement of the ossicles necessary to transmit vibrations to the inner ear, p.459
the interference with vision and the feeling of numbness in the limbs experienced by a person with a migraine is probably caused by
cerebral blood deficiency
if you enter a room and smell a strong odor but the odor soon seems to fade away you have experiences
sensory adaptation

- ability to ignore important stimuli; as adaptation occurs, sensory impulses become less frequent until they cease; once adaptation occurs, impulses are triggered only if the strength of the stimulus changes, p. 440
if the retina becomes detached there is a danger that the receptor cells with die because of
lack of oxygen and nutrients
which of the following is part of the inner tunic of the eye
the retina, p. 469
sensory adaptaton occurs when
continuous stimulation of a receptor results in it completely failing to send signals to the brain
the lens of the eye thickens when
ciliary muscles contract
which vertebra would mark the end of the spinal cord
conductive deafness may be due to
all; damaged auditory ossicles, tearing of ear drum, and plugging of the external auditory ameatus
when entering a dark room on a sunny day, why does it take some time to see in the dark room
it takes some time for the retina to rebuild its rhodopsin stores from opsin and retinal, p. 473
if a personas right visual cortex is damaged, the injury will most likely affect the vision from the
nasal side of one eye and the temporal side of the other eye

- more specifically nasal side of left eye & temporal side of right eye (nasal or medial side crosses over)
pain receptors differ from other somatic receptors by
adapting very little if at all
treatment for cataracts usually involves removal of the
the pressure of CSF is usually meaured by introducing a hollow needle into the
lumbar vertebrae

- lumbar puncture (spinal tap) measures CSF pressure; hollow needle inserted into the subarachnoid space b/w 3rd & 4th or 4th & 5th lumbar vertebrae, p. 388
a chochlear implant is most likely to be used for the treatment of
sensorineural deafness
the Somatic Nervous System consists of nerve fibers that connect the CNS to the _____ whereas the autonomic nervous system consists of fibers that connnect the ______
skin and skeletal muscles; CNS to the visceral organs
p. 411
blowing the nose improperly may cause an infection within the auditory tube to spread into the
middle ear
the branch of the trigeminal nerve most commonly associated with trigeminal neuralgia is
the process by which the brain causes a sensation to seem to come from the stimulated receptors is

- allows a person to pinpoint the region of stimulation, p.439
constriction of the pupil is controlled by the _____ nerve
the condition called farsightedness of age is caused by
loss of lens capsule elasticity
pain receptors
are generally stimulated by factors that can cause tissue damage
muscle spindle receptors are stimulated more when
muscles become relaxed and stretched
the golgi tendon organ is stimulated more when
muscle tension increases
sensory impulses are stimulated at receptors by
changes in action potentials
which of the following is not a primary taste sensation

Primary taste sensations: sweet, sour, salty, bitter, and umami, p. 449
the olfactory organs function can be described by
aiding in food selection
stereoscopic vision results when the
images in the eyes are different
(close objects less than 20 feet away produce slightly different retinal images)

- stereoscopic vision simultaneously perceives distance, depth, height and width of objects
- possible b/c pupils are 6-7 cm apart
- reconciles the two images to perceive single object in three dimensions, p. 475
the phrenic nerve arises from the
cervical plexuses, p. 420
the corticospinal tracts function in the control of
voluntary muscle movements from the brain to skeletal muscles, p. 396
which best describes the reason that so many persons in need of treatment fail to undergo cornea transplants
transplantation reactions are very severe

- cornea is well supplied w/nerve fibers w/many pain receptors w/very low thresholds, p. 465
light is refracted when it passes
between media of different optical densities or at an oblique angle, p. 471
the condition called spina bifida is characterized by
all, abnormal neural tube development, open vetebral column, exposed spinal cord
when the radial muscles of the iris contract, the diameter of the pupil decreases
- dim light stimulates radial muscles of iris to contract --> pupil DILATES, p. 469
the utricle and saccule contain the sensory receptors associated with the sense of dynamic equilibrium
- static equilibrium: utricle & saccule
- dynamic equilibrium: semicircular canals & crista ampullaris, p. 460
the way we see the world varies from culture to culture person to person, & sex
carpal tunnel syndrome involves both the ulnar and median nerves

- median nerve only
- swollen tendons compress the median nerve in the wrist, sending pain up the upper limb, p. 426
presbyopia or loss of elasticity of the lens results in a person being able to focus only on distant objects
p. 472
interpretation of pain can vary from one culture to another
the auditory ossicles are located within the inner ear
F (middle ear, p. 451)
normally inhibition by the cholinergic tracts in the brainstem prevent the body from thrashing about during dreaming
the entire outer tunic of the eye is richly supplied with nerve endings for pain reception

- the anterior sixth of the outer tunic is suppplied with nerve endings for pain reception - area where it bulges forward as the transparent cornea, p. 465
the most sensitive areas of the body command the largest areas of the sensory cortex, lips fingers, thumbs, and toes account for as much sensory cortex as the rest of the body put together
it has been demonstrated that the pain relief provided by acupuncture can be blocked by narcotic antagonists
we tend to respond visually only to what we can recognize
the cornea receives its oxygen supply directly from the atmosphere
all individuals within the same environment perceive that enviroment exactly the same way
the ventral root of the spinal nerve is sensory
F (ventral root - motor neuron, p. 420)
auditory tubes function to equalize pressure in the throat with that in the middle ear but also are sites where bacteria can pass into the middle ear and cause infection
the chemical compunds perceived by the vomeronasal organ are similar in compostion to those perceived by the olfactory apparatus
nerve impulses from taste receptors can travel in the facial, glossopharyngeal or vagus nerve
T (p.450)

Facial - anterior 2/3 tongue
Glossopharyngeal - posterior 1/3 tongue & back mouth
Vagus - impulses from receptors at base of tongue & pharynx
tears contain an enzyme that functions to reduce the chances of developing an infection
the dorsal root of the spinal nerve is motor
(ventral root - motor; dorsal root - sensory, p.419)
the conjuctiva is a layer of tissue that lines the inner surface of the eyelids and covers the anterior surface of the eye
p. 463
the loudest sound we can hear is only about one thousand times as loud as the quietest

normal hearing can detect sound waves w/frequencies from 20 to 20,000 or more vibrations per sec, p. 457
the stapes transmits vibrations to the round window of the inner ear
F (oval window, p. 452)
rhodopsin is broken down by light
the pain associated with emergence from darkness into bright light is caused by energy release when rhodopsin is rapidly decomposed
nerve impulses from the organ of Corti travel on the vestibulocochlear nerve
T (p.458)
the spinal nerves in the thoracic and lumbar regions have a visceral branch that gives rise to the sympathetic ANS
the optic disk is located medial to the fovea centralis and is the site from which nerve fibers from the retina leave the eye and become part of the of the optic nerve
p. 469
spinal nerves are grouped and named according to function
the epineurium is composed of nervous tissue

-epineurium is the outermost layer of connective tissue of the peripheral nerves, p.412
endorphins are neuropeptides that have morphinelike actions
rods are more sensitive to light than cones but cones are important for color vision
the most common cause of blindness in the industrialized west is diabetic retinopathy
T, p. 477
when all three sets of cones are stimulated a person senses white light
(if none are stimulated, seen as black, p. 475)
sound vibrations are passed from the malleus to the stapes to the incus
malleus --> vibrates the incus --> stapes, p.452
crossing over of optic nerve fibers occurs in the thalamus

- occurs in optic chiasma (just anterior to the pituitary gland), p.475
nerve impulses from taste receptors can travel in the facial, glossopharyngeal or vagus nerve
alpha adrenegic perceptors are stimulated by norepinephrine, whereas beta adrenic receptors are stimulated by epinenphrine and norepinephrine
astigmatism is characterized by an ellipical curvature rather than a spherical curvature of the cornea or the lens
farsightedness hyperopia is characterizd by the eyeball being too short and the point of focus in the front of the retina

short eyeball - point of focus behind the retina = farsighted - correct with convex lens

long eyeball - point of focus in front of retina = nearsighted - correct with concave lens, p. 472
pain sensations arising from visceral organs may be caused the stretching of tissues
the neuropeptides enkephalins and endorphins function to relieve pain by working on specific sites in the brain to destroy the pain impulses
They act as neurotransmitters or neuromodulators - substances that altera a neuron's response to a neurotransmitter or block the release of a neurotransmitter, p. 374

enkephalins are inhibiting substances released in the posterior horn; endorphins are found in pituitary gland & regions nervous system
autonomic ganglia provide a degree of independence from the CNS by integrating motor impulses before they are relayed to visceral organs
sympathetic tone is defined as continuous stimulation of smooth muscles in the walls of blood vessels which results in partial constriction
the taste of food will be the same whether a person has a cold or not
nerve tracts other than the corticospinal tracts that transmit motor impulses into the spinal cord are called extrapyramidal tracts
(note: nerve tracts that transmit motor impulses into the spinal cord are descending tracts, p.395)
sometimes an infection, a tumor, or a blood clot may interfere with the circulation of cerebrospinal fluid thereby causing a drop in its pressure
muscle attached to the stapes
fluid of the membranous labyrinth
contains receptors for static equilibrium
scala vestibuli
bony canal within the cochlea, p.453
crista ampullaris
contains receptors for dynamic equilibrium
olfactory, optic, vestibulocochlear
sensory cranial nerves
oculomotor, trochlear, abducens, accessory, hypoglossal
primarily motor cranial nerves
trigeminal, facial, glossopharyngeal, vagus
cranial nerves containing both sensory and motor fibers
brachial plexus
musculocutaneous, ulnar, radial, median, axillary, & dorsal
thoracic plexus
does not exist
lumbosacral plexus
oburator, femoral, sciatic, & pudendal nerves
cervical plexus
phrenic nerve
brachial plexus
radial nerve
lumbosacral plexus
femoral nerve
dorsal root
sensory root
ventral root
motor root
cervical plexus
phrenic nerve
brachial plexus
ulnar nerve
lumbosacral plexus
sciatic nerve
thoracic plexus
does not exist
auditory ossicles
tympanic reflex causes these structures to become more rigid
osseous labyrinth
bony canal in the temporal bone, p.453
cochlear duct
filled with endolymph and lies between two bony compartments
organ of corti
located on the upper surface of the basilar membrane; contains hair cells arranged in rows
hair cells
hearing receptor cells stimulated when tectorial membrane rubs against them, p.455