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119 Cards in this Set

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Which statement best describes arteries:
all carry blood away form the heart.
which of the following signs of hypovolemic shock is a relatively late sign
Rapidly falling blood pressure.
which Lymphatic structure drains Lymph from the right upper limb and the right side
of the head and thorax.:
right Lymphatic Duct
_________predominate at the sites of chronic infections
The arteries that are called distributing arteries are the:
Muscular arteries
the antibody molecule is held together by __________ bonds:
which of the following is NOT a type of T cell
Permitting the exchange of nutrients and gases between the blood and tissue cells is the primary function of
which of the following is NOT a function of the inflammatory response:
Replaces injured tissues with connective tissue/
which tunic of an artery is most responsible for maintaining blood pressure and continuous blood circulation:
Tunic Media
the process whereby neutrophils and other white blood cells are attracted to an inflammatory site is called:
the system that recognizes foreign molecules and acts to immobilize, neutralize, or
destroy them is the:
Immune System
the pulse pressure is
Systolic Pressure minus Diastolic Pressure.
Functions of the spleen include all of those below except
Crypts that trap bacteria.
the only immunoglobulin to exist as a Pentamer is:
In the dynamics of blood flow through capillaries, hydrostatic pressure:
Is the same as capillary blood pressure.
The only T cell that can directly attack and kill other cells are the
Cytotoxic cells
Which of the following would NOT be classified as a Lymphatic Structure
Lymph collecting or pooling from the lower extremities would first pool in the
_______ before moving on up:
Cisterna Chyli
_______are released by activated T cells and macrophages to mobilize immune cells and attract other leukocytes into the area:
which of the following is NOT one of the three main factors influencing blood
Cardiac output
______ determine(s) what specific foreign substances our adaptive immune system
will be able to recognize and resist:
Our genes.
Select the correct statement about the movement of materials at the capillary level:
Carbon dioxide moves from its production site into the interstitial fluid.
Which of the following is the characteristic of antibodies:
Composed of heavy and light polypeptide chains.
Is the ability of individual cells to recognize a specific entigen by binding to it.
Which of the following blood pressure readings would be indicative of hypertension:
170/96 in a 50-year-old man.
Normal blood pressure for an adult at age 65 is
Innate immune system defenses include
Which of the following do NOT influence arterial pulse rate
Histologically, the______ is Squamous Epithelium supported by a sparse connectivetissue layer
Tunica Intima (interna)
Which of the following would be classified as a delayed hypersensitivity reaction:
Allergic contact dermatitis.
Graph rejection may be caused by
Using a Xenograph
Which of the following in NOT a blood vessel attached to the Circle of Willis
Posterior Cerebral Artery
A thrombus (blood clot) in the first branch of the arch of the aorta would affect the flow of blood to the:
Right side of the head and neck and right upper arm.
Specific defense system
Immune Response
First line of defense
Skin and Mucous Membrane
Second line of defense
Inflammatory Resonse.
Nonspecific defense system
Inflammatory Response & skin and mucous membrane.
What is necessary to supply the body with O2 and dispose of CO2
Blood pH adjustment
The smallest microscopic subdivision of the lung is the:
The plicae circlares and intestinal villi are found in which of the four layers of the alimentary tube well
Which of the following influence the increase in ventilation that occurs as exercise is initiated
Decrease in lactic acid levels
The most powerful respiratory stimulus for breathing in a healthy person is
Increase of Carbon Dioxide
Which of these is NOT part of the Splechnic circulation
Inferior Vena Cava
The amount of air that can be inspired above the tidal volume is called
Inspiratory Capacity
In the plasma, the quantity of oxygen in solution is
Only about 1.5% of the oxygen carried in dissolved form.
The larynx contains
The thyroid cartilage
Intrapulmonary Pressure is the
Pressure within the Alveoli of the lungs.
_________is/are NOT important as a stimulus in the gastric phase of gastric
The statement, “in a mixture of gases, the total pressure is the sum of the individual
particle pressures of gases in the mixture.” is
Dalton's Law
The ______ contains lobules with sinusoids (lined with macrophage) that lead to a
central venous structure.
Which of the following is NOT found on the right lobe of the lungs:
Cardiac notch.
Since the lungs are filled with fluid during fetal life, which of the following
statements is true regarding respiratory exchange:
Respiratory exchanges are made through the placenta.
Pancreatic amylase can get to the small intestine via the:
Cystic duct
Which of the following can diminish lung compliance:
Factors that decrease the surface tension of the fluid film of the alveoli.
Hepatocytes do not:
Produce digestive enzymes.
Chyme is created in the:
Possible cause of hypoxia include:
Too little oxygen in the atmosphere.
Which of the following is NOT true of saliva?
Contains enzymes that begin the breakdown of proteins.
Air and food are routed into the proper channels by the:
The walls of the alveoli are composed of two types of cells, type I and type II. The function of type II is:
to secrete surfactant.
Which of the following is not a characteristic of the large intestine:
It is longer than the small intestine.
Which of the following produce intrinsic factor:
Parietal cells.
The layer of the digestive tube that contains blood vessels, lymphatic nodes. And a rich supply of elastic fibers:
Paneth cells:
Secrete enzymes that kill bacteria.
Under normal conditions the gastric mucosa pours out as much as:
2 to 3L of gastric juice per day.
Which of the following provide the greatest surface area for gas exchange.
Nervous control of gastric secretion is provided by:
The vagus nerve and enteric plexus.
The ingestion of a meal high in fat content would cause which of the following to
Bile would be released from the gallbladder to emulsify the fat in the duodenum.
The functions of the nasal conchae are to enhance the air turbulence in the cavity and to increase the mucosal surface area exposed to the air:
The intrinsic factor of smooth muscle to exhibit the stress – relaxation response is termed plasticity:
Each lung has an indention, the pelvis, through which blood vessels enter and leave the lungs:
As food passes through the digestive tract, it becomes less complex and the nutrients are more readily available to the body:
Smoking diminishes ciliary action and eventually destroys the cilia:
The main chemical activity of the stomach is to begin the digestion of proteins:
The roof of the nasal cavity is termed by parts of the frontal bone:
Cystic fibrosis may significantly impair the activity of the liver:
The peritomeum is the most extensive serous membrane in the body:
The first teeth to appear are the deciduous teeth:
Normal quiet breathing approximately 750ml air moves into and out of the lungs with each breath:
The pharyngeal – esophageal phase of swallowing is involuntary and is controlled by the swallowing center in the thalamus and lower pons:
The descending limb of the loop of Henle:
Contains fluid that becomes more concentrated as it moves down into the medulla.
The first major branch of the renal artery is:
Which of the following glands are responsible for 60% of the synthesis of semen:
The seminal vesicles
Blood vessels of the renal columns are called:
Which of the following occurs as a result of undescended testes:
Inadequate or nonviable sperm will be produced.
The urinary bladder is composed of ______ epithemlium:
The mechanism that establishes the medullary osmotic gradient depends most on the permeability properties of:
Loop of Henle
The seminal vesicles:
Produce a yellowish fluid rich in fructose.
Spermiogenesis involves:
The formation of a functional sperm by the stripping away of superfluous cytoplasm.
The dartos and cremaster muscles are important to the integrity of the male
reproductive system. Which of the following is true about the role they play:
They regulate the temperature of the testes.
The fatty tissue surrounding the kidneys is important because:
It stabilizes the position of the kidneys by holding them in their normal position.
The ovaries:
Are surrounded by the tunica albuginea.
The functional and structural unit of the kidneys is:
The structures that receive the ovulated oocyte, providing a site for fertilization, are called:
The fallopian tubes.
Effects of estrogen include:
Growth of the breasts at puberty
The __ artery lies on the boundary between the cortex and medulla of the kidney
A Bowman’s capsule does not contain:
A vasa recta.
The chief force pushing water and solutes out of the blood across the filtration
membrane is
Glomerular hydrostatic pressure (glomerular blood pressure)
Alcohol acts as a diuretic because it:
Inhibits the release of ADH
The filtration membrane includes all but:
Renal fascia.
Which of the following statements is true concerning the mammary glands of both males and females:
The mammary glands are modified sweat glands that are actually part of the
integumentary system.
Which of the following is the correct statement about uterine tubes.
The infundibulum is the funnel-shaped region near the ovary.
Tubular reabsorption:
By active mechanisms usually involves movement against an electrical and/or chemical gradient.
Which of the following statements about the female reproductive process is NOT true.
Rebuilding the endomerium is under the control of prolactin.
Excretion of dilute urine requires:
Impermeability of the collecting tubule to water.
The glomerular filtration rate is approximately 350ml/min.
Urea is reabsorbed in the loop of Henle.
Pain during ovulation is called dysmenorrheal.
Aldosterone is a hormone that causes the renal tubules to reclaim sodium ions from the filtrate.
The terminal portion of the urinary system is the urethra.
The kidney consumes about 15% of all oxygen used by the body at rest.
Female orgasm is required for conception.
Urine is 95% water by volume.
The myogenic mechanism reflects the tendency of vascular smooth muscle to stretch.
Blood in the urine may be a symptom of bladder cancer.
Atrial naturetic factor inhibits sodium reabsorption.
The soft mucosal lining of the uterus is the endomertium.
Having a kinked uterer is called Renal Ptosis.