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72 Cards in this Set

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what are the 5 groups of sensory receptors sensetive to?
chemical concentrations; tissue damage; temp.; mechanical forces; light intensity
chemical concentrations- ex.
these receptors are called CHEMORECEPTORS ex. receptors associated with smell and taste
tissue damage-
tissue damage stimulates PAINE RECEPTORS..tirggered by excess expsure to mechanical, electrical, thermal, aor chimical enery...these are stimulated by anything that can cause tissue damage. also, pain receptors adapt very little if any
temperature change-
these are thermoreceptors
mechanical forces-
in general thses are called MECHANORECEPTORS.
('') propriceptors-
specifically those that snese changes in the tention of muscles and tendons
those that sense changes in blood pressure
('')stretch receptors-
those the sence the degree of lung inhalation..they also aid in the maintencance of blood pressure
the feelings that occur when the brain interprets sensory impulses
when does sensory adaptation occur?
when sensory receptors are continuously stumulated
what happens next?
the receptors become less responsive tot he stimulus and..
they will finally ----- --- to -----..
completey fail; send signals
at this point..for instance..you would ---- --- perfum you are wearing
stop smelling
one the receptors have ---- the strength of the --- must --- in order to ---- the receptor
adapted; receptors, change, trigger
what are the somatic senses ass. with?
skin muscles jonits and viscera
what are the senses ass. with changes at hte body surface include:
senses of touch and pressure-, temp., and pain
touch and pressure-
meissner's and pacinian coupuscles
warm and cold receptors-adapt quickly hot tub of water, freezing pool
thise adapt very little if at all,
reffered pain-
a phenomnenom where visceral pain may feel like its coming form another body part....left shoulder hurts during a heart attack
senses associalted with changes in muscles and tendons and in body position are what?
senses associated with changes in vixcera are what?
what does the special senses include?
smell; taste; hearing and equlibrium, sight
smell: kind of receptors, what % flavor, what is the loss of abiltity to smell?
olfactory and chemorecptors; 75-80; anosmia
when an - - has been -, the impulses will -, by way of -, through the - - into the - -
olfactory nerve; stimulated; travel; axons; cribiform plate; olfactory bulbs
Thes impulses then travel by way of the - - to the - - which is the brain;s - for - and -
olfactory tract, limbic sys., center; memory ; emotions
do olfactory receptors adapt quickly, how long does it take:
yes! within a min. they are totally insensetive to that smeell
what are the only nerve cells that have dorect contact with the outside einvironment?
olfactory receptor neurons
bc of this they are - - and must be -. they are the only example of - - that are regularly -
easily damaged, replace, damaged neurons, that are regularly replace
taste: what are the organs of taste? where are they found?
taste buds, toungue roof of mouth and linings of cheeks and phyarynx
how many tastebuds do we have and how many cells does each one house?
10000, 50-150
taste receptors are - -
modified epithelial
in order for a chemilcal to be tasted, it must be - the liquid for this is provided by the - -
dissolved; salivary glands
what are the primary taste sensations:
sween sour salty and bitter
hearing: what is the organ for hearing? what is it also responsible for:
ear; static equilibrium (gravity) and dynamice equil. (angular momentum)
what are the portions of the ear:
exteranal, middle inner
external ear: what does this consist of?
outher flap which is called the auricle and the exteranl auditory meatus (canal in temp. bone)
what does the eam contain: what do they do?
hair and ceruminous glands; help keep foreign objecst out of the ear
when an impulse goes into the meatus, it travels to the - - which - when _
tympainc membrane,vibrated, stimulated
what are the 3 parts of the middle ear?
tympanic mem., tympanic cavity; auditory ossicles
loud noise triggers?
tympanic reflex
then what happens?
middle ear bones consrict, prevents vibrations entering easily
vibrations then go through the - into the - with is an - - space within the - -
membrane, cavity, air filled, temp. bone
vibration then goes into the - ( - - -)
ossicles (malice incus and stapes)
the malleus vibrates the - and then bibrates the -
incus stapes
inner ear: the inner ear' tubes and chambers are called the -
what does the labrying include?
cochlea, 3 semi circualr canals that function in equilbruim
cochlea funcion-
what does the cochlea contain?
orgaon of Corti which contains 16000 hearing rec. cells
what are the 2 types of deafness:
conductive, sensorineural
95 % caused by excells earwax, disease or a torn or perforated eardrum
cause by damage to the cochlea or the auditory nerve
what are the 2 kinds of equilibrium:
static and dynamic
stabiltiy and posture when head and body are still
sight:kind of receptors? assited by - - - -
visual, eyelids lacrimal appartus and muscles that move them
eyelid: layers?
skin (thinnest) muscle, ct, and conjunctiva (mucous membrane)
lacrimal apparatus- made of
lacrimal gland
what does the lac. gland do?
secrets tears and a series of ducts which carry to tears into the nasal cavity
tear then...
flow downard into the eys
what also secreted a tearlike secretion?
glandualr cells of conjuctiva
together the 2 secretions:
mositen and lubriacte the tyes lining of eylid
tears contain:
enzyme, lysozyme that has anti-bacterail properties hepls reduce the chance fo en eye infection
referred to as the window of the eye and help focus the entering rays
the white of the eyes, protects the eye and in an attachment for the extrinsic muscles
optic nerve-
found behind the eye and peirces the sclera
colored muscular portion ofo the eye that surrounds the pupil and regulated tis size
opening in the iris through twich ligh enters
lies directly behind the iris and pupil and is compsed fo specilalized epithelial cells. the lens changes shpae to allws for accommodation...looking at an ovject in the distance and then looking at something close up
aqueous humor
liquid that fills the sapce between the cornea and then lens, providing nurtients and maintaing the shape of the fron of the eye
this is a thin delicate layer that contains the visual receptor cells...photoreceptors
vitreous humor-
this is a transparent, jelly like supbstance that fills the posterior cavity of trhe eye and helps maintain its shape
rods and cones-
cones are color receptors in the retina of the eye, rods are light receptors that allow fro colorless vision