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15 Cards in this Set

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800 AD; formed the first stable government, ruler of the Franks, received first title of “Holy Roman Emperor”
William the Conqueror
1066; invades England (Battle of Hastings), brought idea of Feudalism
system of government where people are broken up into classes; King-Lord-Noble-Vassals-Serfs, with the king owning everything, and serfs working
Bubonic Plague
1330-1347; “Black Death”, carried by fleas and rats; caused by raw sewage, low immunity, and high population; killed 25-33 million over 5 years
100 Year's War
1337-1453; 116 years w/ 100 years of fighting, between England and France because of land and inheritance
The Great Schism
1378-1417; the division between the Eastern (Orthodox) and Western (Roman) churches; also when there were 2-3 popes
1480s; people began to focus more on literature and art with humans instead of the church
Martin Luther
1483-1546; leader of the Reformation; went against the Catholic church; formed the Lutheran Church
Counter Reformation
Catholic Church’s reaction to the Reformation of the protestant church; affirm some of the principles rejected by protestants, accepted authority of pope; led by Jesuits
Black Death
-1347; Bubonic plague; killed 25-33 million in 5 years
1265-1321; wrote Divine Comedy (1310-1320), in different style than “tragic”; poem referring to 3 parts of the next world
1340-1400; wrote Canterbury Tales (1387-1400), a collection of stories in lengthy, rhymed narrative- depicted interests and behavior of all people
wrote Grand Testament; modern poet, using vernacular of the poor and criminals
expressed or written in a language of a native place
qualifications of a knight; courtesy, generosity, valor, and dexterity in arms