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29 Cards in this Set

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Scientific Revolution
1600-1700s transition from a medieval world view to a secular, rational one
Intellectual tradition of the 1500-1700s that emphasized magic & alchemy
Idea that the earth is at the center of the universe (AKA Ptolemaic)
Idea that the sun is at the center of the universe
Polish astronomer and mathematician whose "On the Revolutions of the Heavenly Spheres" 1543 first suggested the heliocentric theory but mistakenly believed the planet's orbits were circular
Danish astronomer whose detailed astronomical records were eventually synthesized by Kepler
German astronomer who used Brahe's data to construct his three laws of planetary motion: 1-orbits are elliptical 2-speed of orbit is greater when planets are closer to the sun 3-larger planets revolve more slowly than the smaller ones
Italian mathematician & astronomer who used a telescope to confirm the heliocentric theory and whose books, "The starry Messenger" 1610 and "Dialogue" 1632 defended it
English mathematician whose book "Principia" 1687 pulled together the work of previous astronomers and mathematicians to create his universal law of gravitation which explained all motion in the universe
Ancient Greek physician whose theory about the four bodily human humors was disproved during the Scientific Revolution Paracelsus, Vesalius and Harvey
Swiss physician whose macrocosmic-microcosmic and "like cures like" theories make him the forerunner of homeopathy and holistic medicine
Physician whose book "on the Fabric of the Human Body" 1543 was the first true anatomy book
British physician whose book "On the Motion of the Heart and Blood" 1543 explained how blood circulates
Pioneer in the study of gasses whose Boyle's law explained how volume is affected by pressure
The "founder of modern chemistry" who invented a system of naming the chemical elements
Margaret Cavendish
Pioneering female scientist in field of natural philosophy
Maria Merian
Pioneering female scientist in field of entomology
Maria Winkelman
Pioneering female astronomer
Querelles des Femmes
"Arguments about women" i.e. whether they were capable of true intellectual though and worth of education
Women who helped in childbirth
French philosopher whose book "Discourse on Method" 1637 outlined his Cartesian Dualism theory which asserted that the mind cannot be doubted but the body can, i.e. people must use reason and math to understand work, not senses. He is sometimes referred to as the father of modern rationalism and skepticism
Scientific Method
A system for examining and understanding the physical world that uses inductive reasoning, i.e. doing experiments and observations to arrive at generalizations about the world. aka empiriacism
English scientist who first suggested the scientific method/empiricism
(English) Royal Society
An organization that spread new scientific theories in the 1600-1700s
French (Royal) Adademy
An organization that spread new scientific theories in the 1600-1700s
Journal des Savants
Scientific journal published by French Acadamy
Philosophical Transactions
Scientific journal published by Royal Society
Dutch philosopher whose book "Ethics Demonstrated in the Geometrical Manner" 1677 asserted that humans can find true happiness by using reason
French scientist whose book "Pensees" tried to bridge the gap between religion and science by arguing that believing in God is rational (and a good bet)