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41 Cards in this Set

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(1748-1832) British theorist and philosopher who proposed utilitarianism, the principle that governments should operate on the basis of utility, or the greatest good for the greatest number.
Jeremy Bentham
(1729-1797) Member of British Parliament and author of Reflections on the Revolution in France (1790), which criticized the underlying principles of the French Revolution and argued conservative thought.
Edmund Burke
Politically active students around 1815 in the German states proposing unification and democratic principles.
Italian secret societies calling for a unified Italy and republicanism after 1815
(1819) Repressive laws in the German states limiting freedom of speech and dissemination of liberal ideas in the universities.
Carlsbad Decrees
Russian revolutionaries calling for constitutional reform in the early nineteenth century.
King of Prussia who promised and later reneged on his promises for constitutional reforms in 1848
Frederick William IV
(1787-1874)-Chief minister under Louis Philippe. Guizot's repression led to the revolution of 1848.
Francois Guizot
An alliance envisioned by Alexander I of Russia by which those in power were asked to rule in accord with Christian principles
Holy Alliance
(1808-1873)-Nephew of Napoleon I; he came to power as president of the Second French Republic in 1848
Louie Napoleon Bonaparte
1773-1859)-Austrian member of the nobility and chief architect of conservative policy at the Congress of Vienna
Prince Clemens von Metternich
1806-1873)-British philosopher who published On Liberty (1859), advocating individual rights against government intrusion, and The Subjection of Women (1869), on the cause of women's rights.
John Stuart Mill
Legislation that restricted the number of poverty-stricken eligible for aid
Poor Law of 1834
Organization, made up of Austria, Britain, Prussia, and Russia, to preserve the peace settlement of 1815; France joined in 1818.
Quadruple Alliance
Depopulated areas of England that nevertheless sent representatives to Parliament.
Rotten boroughs
Economic customs union of German states established in 1818 by Prussia and including almost all German-speaking states except Austria by 1844
1828)-Allowed Protestants who were not members of the Church of England to hold public office.
Repeal of Test Act
Gave vote to all men who paid ten pounds in rent a year; eliminated the rotten boroughs.
Reform Bill of 1832
1829)-Enabled Catholics to hold public office for the first time
Catholic Emancipation Bill
Abolished in the British Empire, 1833
Limited children's and adolescents workweek in textile factories
Factory Act
Repealed in 1846. They had imposed a tariff on imported grain and were a symbolic protection of aristicratic landholdings.
Corn Laws
(1814-1876) Radical Russian, advocated revolutionary violence. He believed that revolutionary movements should be lead by secret societies who would seize power, destroy the state and create a new social order.
Michael Bakunin
1813-1898) Englishman who developed the Bessemer converter, the first efficient method forthe mass production of steel
Henry Bessemer
(1811-1882) Wrote the Organization of Work (1840) which proposed the use of competition to eliminate competition. It wasthe first step toward a future socialist society. Advocated the principle of "from each according to his abilities, to each according to his needs."
Louis Blanc
Middle class (bourgeois) doctrine indebted to the writings of the philosophes, the French Revolution, and the popularization of the Scientific Revolution. Its politi8cal goals were self government (concept ofthe general will); a written constitution; natural rights (speech, religion, press, property, mobility); limited suffrage; its economic goals were laissez-faire (free trade -- no government interference inthe workings of the economy).
Classical liberalism
The idea, according to Karl Marx, that change and development in history results from the conflict between social classes. Economic forces impel human beings to behave in socially determined ways.
Dialectical materialism
The manufacture of goods in the household setting, a productdon system that gave way to the factory system.
Domestic system
1820-1895) Collaborator with Karl Marx. Engels was a textile factory owner and supplied Marx with the hard data for his economic writings, most notably Das Kapttal (l867).
Friedrich Engels
Battlefield photographer of the Crimean War
Roger Fenton
1762-1814)-Gerrnan writer who believed that the German spirit was nobler and purer than that of other peoples.
J. G. Fichte
(1772-1837)-A leading utopian socialist who envisaged small communal societies in which men and women cooperated in agriculture and industry, abolishing private property and monogamous marriage as well.
Charles Fourier
The idea, according to G. W. F. Hegel (1770-1831), a German philosopher, that social change results from the conflict of opposite ideas. The thesis is confronted by the antithesis, resuiting in a synthesis, which then becomes a new thesis. The process is evolutionary. Marx turned Hegel "upside down" and made class conflict, not ideas, the force driving history forward.
Hegelian dialectic
1774-1803)-Forerunner of the German Romantic movement who believed that each people shared a national character, or Volksgeist
J. G. Herder
1776-1834)-English parson whose Essay on Population (1798) argued that population would always increase faster than the food supply
Thomas Malthus
(1818-1883)-German philosopher and founder of Marxism, the theory that class conflict is the motor force driving historical change and development.
Karl Marx
(1771-1858) Utopian socialists who improved health and safety conditions in mills, increased workers wages and reduced hours. Dreamed of establishing socialist communities the most noteable was New Harmony (1826) which failed.
Robert Owen
(1772-1823)-English economist who formulated the "iron law of wages," according to which wages would always remain at the subsistence level for the workers because of population growth.
David Ricardo
British journalist who reported the events of the Crimean War first hand for the people at home
William Russell
1820-1903)-English philosopher who argued that in the difflcuit economic struggle for existence, only the "fittest" would survive.
Herbert Spencer
(1803-1844)-Soclalist and feminist who called for working women's social and political rights.
Flora Tristan