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25 Cards in this Set

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What is mercantilism?
-Colonization feeds mother country
-Before capitalism
-Import raw goods export products
-Control of seas
-Works well for Britain
What was the Agricultural Revolution?
-Before capitalism
-Better methods of farming=more food
-Allows for population growth
-Surplus, crop specialization
Who was Jethrow Tiller?
Created a machine that separated seed from the husk
What was the social mobility that existed before capitalism?
-Guilds no longer exist
-People can move up
What was the British government like before capitalism?
-Stable government
-Representative monarchy
What were some inventions created in the British Industrial Revolution?
-Use of iron
-Bessemer= steel, cheaper and better
-Morse code
-Textile mills= cotton from America's, wool domestically, high demand for clothes
What were some themes of the Industrial Revolution?
-Natural laws of economy= government doesn't regulate economy
-Capital=means by which you make your profit
-Legal equality
-Labor based on wage rather than product= people weren't invested in product, specialized unskilled laborers
Who were Malthus and Riccardo?
-Iron Law of Wages= minimum amount where poor people can just live and have no extra money
-Low wages= can't have children (for their own good)
-The worth of a human
-One's own responsibility to be successful b/c no more feudalism
What was classical liberalism?
-Equality= property, press, religion, speech
-Representative gov.
-Bourgeoisie loves, others don't feel so great
-No internal structures to deal with rapid urbanization
Where is the proof that classical liberalism/capitalism works?
The America's
What were the impacts of Industrialization?
-Gross= poop in streets, crime
-Iron Law of Wages= people not being paid very much
What was Socialism?
-Contrast to Liberalism= people left out of capitalism (only B included), don't have resources, Liberalism problem is yours
-France= Louis doesn't care, not his problem, crushes revolt, conservative
-Social equality
-Government run economy
-Early= aware of impact of urban, liberalism wasn't protecting rights, natural laws and free market are BS, only protect same ppl who were rich
What was Communism?
-Kind of socialism
-Gov. owns factories and controls farms
Who were the Ludites?
-Smashed factories
-Cause of inequalities= technology
What was French Utopian Socialism and who were three key figures?
-People feel disenfranchised, progress has led us astray, technology=bad, rich getting richer
-Adam Smith= If you're poor it's your fault
-Gov should have stronger role= working conditions, private property, no free market
-Henry St. Simon= ppl were parasites (old aristocracy), never really go rid of feudalism, intellectuals didn't have same privileges as upper class, but they should run state b/c they would stand up for poor
-Charles Fourier= self-sufficient communities, agriculture, abolish marriage, pro-women's rights, free unions, sexual freedom
What was the Romantic period?
-Counter-Enlightenment= based on feelings and emotion, push against rational ideas
-Enlightenment was for smart wealthy people
-Glorification of commoners= Grimme Brothers, Goethe
-Sturm drang= consistent push and pull of emotions.forces
-Connected to Individualism= inherent quality, commonality of human experience (not explained rationally), feeling of finding yourself, self-determination>capitalism
-Searching for divine spark that connects us= not reason, swept up in emotion
Who was Hegel?
-Push for Zeitgeist= spirit of the times
-Thesis+Antithesis= synthesis, each movement you end up with a solution of contradiction of what you had before, Dialectic= opposing sides
-Idea is still to perfect society= men can learn from his mistakes, explanation of history of time
-French Rev.=synthesis what happened before, contradiction= 3 estates, noble and clergy had most power but 3rd estate had economic power
-People are isolated from each other
-Total movement
Who was Von Herder?
-Romantic natioanlism= political legitamacy comes from commoners, rise of nationalism with self-determination
-Commonality= language= most important factor, natural myths part of cultural identity
-Diaspora= spreading out of people, Jews but still maintain nationalism (through family)
-Not a fan of French ruling over Germans
-Freedom of self-expression
What were the basics of Nationalism?
-Associated with Classical Liberalism
-People wanted to vote and equalities
-Extension of strengthening state
What was Nationalism like in France?
-Napoleon the Third= crowned himself empire (1st elected)
-No longer connected to liberalism, authoritarian ruler
-People liked him= his name, his progressiveness, did something for the working class b/c Parliament wasn't
-For conservatives= Marx replaced one tyrant with another
-Builds Paris sewers, reorganizes Paris so you can't have revolutions (widens streets)
-Reforms= more voting/Paris
-Peasants are having the revolution not Proletariat
-Public wars= state as a whole
What was the Realist Movement?
-Romantic age is out= tell it how it is, cut emotional crap
-People are good/evil based on nature/nurture, no human nature
-We follow the laws of nature, environment shapes us
What was Italy like?
-Not united= problem, Northern part more wealthy, push unification from Piedmont
-Afraid of communism
-Loose group people= unification not seen as a threat
-France wants to help= Nap.III in favor of self-determination, stronger Italian state= balance of power in Austria
Who was Cavour?
-Sneaky, oppurtunistic, rich from Piedmont, French
-Cremian War= sides with GB, France Austria vs. Russia, smart move
-Benefits of capitalist society, becomes more successful
-1858= allied with Nap through marriage, made secret peace with Russia, wants Austrians out, take away temporal power from Pope
-1859= tricked Austria into war with France where they are defeated, French get nervous, Nap makes separate peace with Austria, and feel conflicted with Pope (Catholic)
What happened in 1860?
-Piedmont gets Northern Italy=all the wealth/best parts
-Pope is angry excommunicates
-Three main states= Piedmont states, Papal states, Two Sicilies
Who was Garibaldi?
-Took his 1,000 men south
-Revolutionary, but conservative, red shirts
-Cavour helps, take Two Sicilies, but have to deal with Pope and French in Rome
-Emmanuel, Cavour Garibaldi join together to unify, successful for most part, still issues like dept, rich and poor regional, transportation