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48 Cards in this Set

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Tsar Nicholas II
the last tsar of Russia. reactionary, devout, autocratic, and a family man. not too keen on being tsar.
Social Revolutionary Party
morel ike Social democrtats who followed the example of Ferdinand Lasalle in Germany
Social Democratic Party
more revolutionary.
"Majority" that were really the minority. hard-core Marxists who eventually control the government
"Minority" that were really the majority. more moderate than the bolsheviks
KD (Constitutional Democrats) or Kadets
2 names for the liberal party that dominated the Duma. favored by the B.
revolution of 1905
duma created. peasants made mroe free from mirs
Father Gapon
sent by government to listen to worker's grievences. produce a pettition.
Bloody Sunday
when the workers march very peacefully on the tsar's winter palace and, because the tsar is not there, they shoot and it is a massacre, making people no longer trusting in their government
October manifesto
Nicholas II gives in after general strikes after Bloody Sunday. writes a constitution and makes the first national assembly in Russian history: the Duma.
prime minister of russia who attempts to westernize and industralizie. made peasants free to leave mir.
peasants who were successful and made big farms, employing people and making food go up and prices go down. later exterminated by Stalin
revolution of 1917
overthrow of Tsar Nicholas II
Defeat to Japan 1905
date and name of the humiliating defeat that made Russia turn to the Balkans
Gregori Rasputin
cured Alexi's hemophelia; close to the tsarina; huge partyier, boozer, and womanizer; self-proclaimed holy-man; killed 3 ways, died of drowining.
PG government
established March 1917 until a constituant assembly can be elected and make a constitution.
put at head of the provisional government. a social revolutionary to be friendly to the workers.
leader of the soviets. communist and throughou marxist except he didn't beleive communist revolution oly possible where there was a big proletariat. russia had small proletariat
wanted to crush soviets with military and supported by the PG. failed and was a big loss to the PG, who lost credibility.
"Peace, land, and bread"
promises of lenin to the soldiers, workers, and peasants.
ship that shot at the Winter palace, where the duma and the PG met, amking them both fall apart.
organized a new army and held power.
Red Army
organized after the revolution to hold power.
Treaty of Bredst Letovst
when the Russians backed out of the war, making the germans happy and loosing a lot of land.
White Forces
all the forces against eh Bolsheviks. Kadets
military leadership
"War Communism"
first eonomic policy by nelin (1918-1921) which nationalized industry, collectiviced Agriculture, and got the grain to cities. Famine came after Kulaks destroyed resources, so he changed his policy.
N.E.P. (New Economic Policy)
full name and abbreviation fot he new policy made by lenin (21-28) which adjusted the communist rule after the "War communism"
Middlemen/NEP men
two names for the men who were allowed in the NEP to trade and work privately, purchasing and transporting food to the cities.
date of Lenin's death and Stalin's rise to power.
"General Secretary"
stalin's job throghout his rule. when Lenin was around, this included appointing people to power, so he appointed those loyal to him and therefore when it came time to vote, he won the majority.
5 Year Plans
stalin's plans to collectivize farming and liquidate the Kulaks.
concentration camps in the north were people were arrested and sent two. made free/slave labor.
Union of Soviet Socialist Republics
Gori, Georgia
where Stalin was born.
one powerful figure or group
Oligarcy or Clique (small group)
technology as a role
philosophy of ruling.
small group in Totalitarianism
those who study Russia
USSR formed (date)
RSSR (Rusian SOviet Socialist Republic)
biggest soviet in USSR
Polit Buro
12 people, one of which was Stalin, who were part of a Central Committe and made up the main goverment.
the party in the Soviet Union.
where the party spread its doctrine and propaganda. lower areas of government
first five year plan implimented.
Lev Kopelov
exiled intelligencia who was allowed to leave because he was Jewish.
Cult of Personality
around Stalin because of propaganda, some success, a widespread desire for order, paternalism, no perspective, and simply longevity of Stalin.
forgin minister and exploding drink
Feb 28-March 5 1928
first date where Stalin has a stroke and second where he dies of suffocation from paralisis.
successor of Stalin.