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69 Cards in this Set

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first imperialism
Cultural Hegemony
cultural diffusion (other name) of one country with power over another. imposing culture on another country.
first type of imperialism where the mother country directly takes control over another territory in direct rule.
second type of imperialism where the mother country has a "figurehead" ruling but doing its bidding.
Spheres of Influence
third type of imperialism where the mother country takes over useful parts but not the whole colony, such as ports, industries, and places of raw materials.
"white man's burden"
cause of imperialism where the white man saw it as their duty to bring culture to barbarians.
Industrial Revolution
major cause of everything causing the Imperialism movement.
John Camberlain
wrote the "white man's burden" fueling imperialism
Cecil Rhodes
wrote "Concessions on Faith" that noone was supposed to read and was a large starter of the diamond business in the Congo and has a country named after him. very rich man.
"Dark Continent"
imperialism name for Africa/
"Dr Livingston I Presume"
famously obvious statement of Henry Stanly
meedical missionary and doctor who went to Africa to improve lives and make Africa mroe humane. looses touch with Europe and dies.
New York Herald
newspaper seeking good story sends Stanly to Africa to search for Dr LIvingston
Henry Stanley
finds Livingston and goes back, but in the course sees all the untapped potential int he land. he seeks support in Britain but gets nothing, same in US, but in Continent, Belgium is willing to help.
Leopold II
with Stanley and king of Belgium. "King's inferiority complex" of a small, neutral country and no greatness. invests his own money in the congo and finds the rubber industrty and exploits people and trees in horrible fasion.
Edmund Morey
British accountant who kept track of imports and exports to Congo, seeing there were more imports than exports. goes down to congo to check it out. he sees brutality and goes back to Briain and dedicates his life to improving the life of the natives. finds many supporters.
Samuel Clemens
mark twain who supports Edmund Morey in improving lives of natives.
Muhhamed Ali becomes king of the Ottoman Empire.
Muhammed Ali
modernized ottoman army, public schools, industries and expanded into Sudan and made the Suez canal.
Ferdinand De Lesseps
Frenchmen who convinced Muhamed Ali to build Suez canal.
Suez canal opened. many loans from europe neccessary and Ottomans in debt. canal sold to british .
soldiers in ottoman Egypt try to overthrow government and Britain uses as an excuse to dominate Egypt and save their canal.
Ethiopians who defeat the Italians
still independant because the US guaranteed for freed slaves.
Congo Freestate
middle of Africa before it was owned by Belgium.
"Cape to Cairo"
britains aspirations of imperialism as stated by Cecil Rhodes.
1898 - Fashoda crisis
date and name of the British and French face-off at nile where the Frech back down for fear of being surrounded by enemies (Britain and Germany)
1885 - Berlin Conference
Bickmarck calls for order. he is not interested in the colonies and concerned about how the clashing of imperialistic countris could lead to war and tear the new germany appart. established that they had to treat natives fairly, occupation was neccesary, and they had to declare holdings. also, if you heald coast, you could march inland.
Duch-Africans established on the cape.
Farmer Africaners who were not happy when Great Briatin comes and takes away their right to have slaves.
1895 - the Great Treck
date and name when the Boers all left and went north.
Transvaal or Orange Free State
2 names for the new Boer state after Britain took over their old land.
1899 - Boer War
Briatin angry at loosing minerals to the Boers and go to get the territory. they have better teck, so the Boers fight in gurrila warfare. to compensate, GB makes concentration camps to hold women and children hostage. many die
boers surrender - date. many women and children died from negligence
Maxim Gun
first machine gun.
Union of South Africa
under British witht he boers involved in politics and governing.
legally seperating whites and blacks in governings. blacks into reservations or "townships" and no natives in government. recently done away with.
INorganic Countries
countreis with no natural borders or nationalities in countries. main result of imperialism and still a problem today.
1912 - African National Congress
congress to push whites out of power and date formed.
Qing/Manchu Dynasty
new dynasty of China that was not considered by many people to be a "part of china"
when big cities and ports were forcibly conceeded to European Countries.
pockets of land for every nation in China.
Opium Wars - 1839-41
name and dates for the wars where Britain needed to trade with China and china only wanted gold and opium. Britain got their opium from India and imported it and, at the beginning, a chinese official ordered crates of opium to be dumped from frustration of problems. britain, looking for a reason to start war, attacked and beats on China for 2 years.
1841 - Treaty of Nanjing
name and date of the treaty ending the opium war and giving Hong Kong as a concession to Great Britain, aming it a center of industry and rich.
1857 - second opium war
war where the British invaded china and burned the Emperor's summer palace, bringing chinese and japanese art back to Europe and makeing it stylish.
Treaty of Tientsim
treaty ending the second opium war.
1894 - Sino Japanese War
where the Japanise industrialized and Korea wanted help with independance. Japan got more land and Korea's independance was gained from China.
Peninsula gained by Japan in the war against China.
1899 - Boxer's rebellion
date and name of the rebellion led by conservative/superstitious groups who didn't want traditional culture modernized and attacked. the Euorpeans teamed up to repress and get more land and China had to pay indemnities for the damages.
Taiping Rebellion - 1850-64
date and name of the civil war of China where the people were against the manchurians and led by southern chinese. the leader thought he was Jesus's brother. supported peasants and women and equaliy and socialists land reforms. put down by British so they could still control the Qing dynasty, who were weak. many died, one of the most deadly wars.
"Chinese Gordon"
British genearl who fought and died in china in the Taiping Rebellion supporting the Qing rebellion.
bosses, warlords, and political powers in Japan. second step of the social pyramid.
nobles and third step down on the Japanese Social pyramid.
warrior class and fourth step down on the Japanese social pyramid.
peasans class and fifth and lowest step in the Japanese social pyramid.
dynasty in power in Japan.
seclusion policy in Japan.
date that Japan opens up by gunpoint to US trade.
Gemeral Matthew C Perry
US general who opened up Japan by gunpoint.
Sat-Cho alliance
alliance between 2 Daimyo families in japan against tthe Tokugawa who rejected the open policy. they tried to force the shogun to go back, but when they attacked the British they realized that they need to modernize.
Meiji Dynasty
new dynasty in Japan interested in Modernizing and Industrializing. new land tax to fund modernizing. took away Daimyo land and gave them gov. bonds and posts, investing their interests in the government. almost no debt.
1904 - Ruso-Japansese War
after the peninsula had been taken away from Japan after the Sino-Japanese war, they tried again and got into a war with Russia. name and date. use of macine guns, Japan won. first time a major European power had been defeated by a non-European power. mini-revolution in Russia. Roosevelt solved issue.
biggest battle of the Ruso-Japanese War where Japan was victorious.
Futurist movement
In Italy, there was a movement against Italy's facination with history and wanting to make Italy a great power and glorifying strife and war. Social Darwinism
Henri Mussis and Alfred De Tarde
two men who interviewed selected people to give a biased view of the views of people for war. they wanted unideological views to put asside differences for fatherland for war.
Friedrich Von Bernhardi
the one who wrote "Germany and the next war" and advocated a better, more nationalistic view to be victorious in next war. "to be or not to be" kind of attitude.
Indians who helped britain in the army.
Indian tradition of the widow on the fuenral pyre. stopped by the British.
lower-caste human sacrifices for the goddess Kali. Indian.
1857 - Indian Mutiny/Sepoy Rebellion
new weapons issued and there was a rumor they were greased with Beef (for Hindus) and pig (for muslims) and the soldiers rebelled. they were put down brutally and many were killed as an example.