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108 Cards in this Set

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March 23, 1933
date and name of the enabling act that allowed Hitler to pass laws, making him a dictator backed up with force.
town where Hitler was Born
Vienna Art Academy
rejected Hitler as a boy and sent him to live in Vienna to be influenced by the poverty and politicians.
leader of the small, right-wing, anti-sematic group who didn't like the disproportional success of the Jewish people as bankers, Educators, and lawyers. influenced Hitler.
mayor of Vienna who influenced Hitler in his anti-sematic and populist ideas.
exploiting the fears and concerns of the masses and therefore is popular to the masses
Paul Von Hindnberg
ran against Hitler for president and won. later named Hitler chancellor, despite the fact that he hated him, but was allowed to die a peaceful death. was never replaced, giving Hitler power.
Mein Kamph
"my struggle". the book written by Hitler in prison about Propaganda and Mass rallies, primacy of race (blood), and living space.
Jewish Diaspora
spreading of the Jewish people after the Romans kicked them out. went to Germany and north, along the medeterranian, and to India and China
living space, by Hitler, that the Germans needed more of because of a larger, more urban population.
2 or more parties team up and run country.
Article 48
gave the president power to give emergency powers to the chancellor. was a loophole in the constitution and allowed Hitler to rise to power.
chancellor before Hitler who was the center party member. he ran the country by Article 48 for many years as a moderate politician, weakening democracy and giving way to hitler.
November 6, 1932
nazis have 33 percent of the vote
January, 1933
Hitler is named Chancellor by Hindenberg, who greatly disliked him.
Reichstag Fire
parliament building set on fire and, because of the national emergency of the communist overthrow, Hitler invokes article 48 and rounds up communists and socialists and arrests them in just a few days.
Van Der Lubbe
set the Reichstag building on fire.
March 5, 1933
when the Nazi party and the DVP finally get the 51 percent majority in the new election. because of Hitler's control of the press.
The Third Reich
the Third Empire under Hitler
the movement of the Nazis to get EVERYTHING into the nazi gear.
improving humans by getting rid of undesirable traits.
mixed race
a catch-all term for those deemed "asocial" or socially unwanted. "genetically inferior"
Nula Poema sine Lege
no punishment without prior law. ignored in Nazi germany
WWFD - what would the folk do?
the idea that judges had to rule by - not by law but by feeling.
Hitler Jugend
Nazi boy scouts
"race Science" - phrenology
2 names for the science practiced by nazies of the studying of the skull for intelligence.
Triumph of the will
propaganda movie of Hitler's that had smiling faces, happy scenery, and small children to prove that Germany was happy and successful under Hitler.
Leni Riefenstahl
director of the propaganda movie and a close working partner and friend of Hitler which later blacklisted her as a Nazi.
Heil Hitler
2 cries of Nazi Germany of "Hail Hitler" and "victory hail"
first super highway created by Hitler
people's car.
town that was dedicated to the people's car and created for that purpouse.
1936 4 year plan
year of rearmament and plan for that. exactly this many years after, WWII starts
Kraft Durch Freude
Strength through Joy
english and German name for the state-paid vacations for the low-income Germans.
first super highway created by Hitler
people's car.
town that was dedicated to the people's car and created for that purpouse.
1936 4 year plan
year of rearmament and plan for that. exactly this many years after, WWII starts
Kraft Durch Freude
Strength through Joy
english and German name for the state-paid vacations for the low-income Germans.
first super highway created by Hitler
people's car.
town that was dedicated to the people's car and created for that purpouse.
1936 4 year plan
year of rearmament and plan for that. exactly this many years after, WWII starts
Kraft Durch Freude
Strength through Joy
english and German name for the state-paid vacations for the low-income Germans.
Ernst Rohm
the leader of the Brown Shirts who was a threat to Hitler because of their loyalty to him and his second revolution ideas.
June 30, 1934
Night Of Long Knives
the date and name of the night where all of Hitler's enemies were killed.
Schutz Staffel
protection squad who were the really nasty guys.
the SS sent to the eastern front to round up and kill thousands of Jews.
leader of the SS nasties.
what would the Furer do? what all the leaders asked themselves when making decisions.
March 1933
when the Germans were encouraged to Boycott Jewish business
April 1933
Jews in civil service fired.
September 1935
Nuremberg Laws
date and name of the laws that were the nazi effor to create a legal code explaining what a jew is and their limits in German society. took away their citizenship.
the Picasso Painting of the bombing of the town called Guernica of the German airfoce helping the Spanish Fascists and Conservatives.
NIght of Broken Glass
November 9, 1938
date and name of the night where 20,000 Jews were rounded up and sent to concentration camps and all their property was burned.
KZ - Konzentration Lagen
literally meaning "concentration camps" was the first type of camp
VL - Vernictungslagen
"Extermination camps" and teh second, more deadly type of camp
first sizable camp
(Martin)was a catholic who spoke against Hitler and was imprisoned
Zyklon B
type of gas used to gas the Jews in the chambers
Joseph mengele
spent time at Dahau as the Nazi Dr. used Jews for military reserach and greatly desired twins.
See Wann
town where there was the meeting that was the official announcement of the extermination of Jews.
lead the meeting at Wannsee
"final solution"
the actual extermination of Jews in extermination camps.
biggest extermination camp where 1.25 million people were killed.
second biggest death camp where 2/3 of a million people were killed.
combing through Germany and Austria
Munich Crisis
when the Sudetan land of the Czechs was given to Germany without its concsent.
Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact
Nazi Soviet Pact
2 names for the non-agression pact between Germany and Russia
September 1st 1939
Poland invaded Germany
September 3rd, 1939
Brtain and France declare war on Germany
Manhattan Project
Nuclear invention helped by Einstein and tested in the southwest
August 6, 1945
Hiroshima bombed
Enola Gay
flew the plane that bombed Hiroshima
August 9, 1945
Nagasaki bombed
September 2, US Missouri
Japanese emperor signed peace and surrendered
VJ day
when the Japanese surrendered
Israel formed
Roosevelt and Churchill met for a peace settlement of WWII
Four Freedoms
free trade
freedom from fear
freedom from want
freedom from force/agression
agasint communism
January 13
Casablanca meeting
date and name of the meeting where the FDR and Churchill met and agreed to not accept anything but complete surrender
Tehran Conference
December '43
date and name of the strategic meeting of the big 3 where Stalin asks to open another front and they open on Normandy on DDay
October 1944
Secret meeting where FDR isn't present and they make a map. England gets Greece, Russia gets Bulgaria and Romania and Yugoslavia/Hungary is shared
meeting where Europe was divided and Germany made into occupation zones
Morgenthou plan
rejected, but a plan to make Germany completely into an agricultural state.
Potsdam meeting
July '45
name and date of the meeting in Sansusi where germany is demilitarized, de nazified and war criminals are punished. reperations come out of zones and the polish border decided based on rivers
Clemet Atlee
new prime minister of England after Churchill voted out
President Truman
new president after FDR died
Oder and Nessie
rivers allong Polish Borders
Nuremberg Trials
putting nazis on trial.
Vishy France
a portion of France rulled by collaborators of Nazis, such as Laval and Petain
Vidkun Quisting
a word that literally means tratior, he was a collaborator with the Nazis in Sweeden.
the series of rules for invasion. first areal bombardment, then tanks and machines and then the infantry.
"Fortress Europe"
the term used to describe all of Europe under Hitler
Erwin Rommel
Desert Fox
the German general who worked in Africa and later attempted to assassinate Hitler
the evacuation of British soldiers called a miracle.
Magionot Line
the reinforced line that extended along the border of France.
Land Lease
created by Roosevelt to appease the people
the new front opened on Normandy with many people and men.
Slaughterhouse 5
Curt Vonagut
name and author of a book qritten after the German surrender.
Moltov Ribbentrop pact
the non agresssion pact between Nazi germany and the Soviets.
combing of Germany
Munich Crisis
Czech Sudetan land given to Germany without its consent
General Douglas
predicted that the Japanese will return
Manhattan Project
project led by einstein to make nuclear weapons.
2 names and date of those cities in Japan that were bombed.
VJ day - victory in Japan day
the day when the Japanese surrender.