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148 Cards in this Set

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•revival of the classics

•liberal arts




change to modern times







Italian Renaissance art and architecture

•embraced the natural world

•human emotions


•linear perspective

•Classical architecture (domes Collums arches)

•more secular

Peace of Augsburg

The ruler of a land will determine the religion

•if people didn't like it they could leave

• not extended to Calvinism or Anabaptists

Marburg colloquy

A meeting to solve a disputes between Zwingli and Martin Luther over transubstantiation

•desired outcomes me was to unify Germany and Swiss Protestants

•Phillip of hesse wanted this to happen

•disagreement caused defense leagues to form

English civil war

Roundheads vs cavaliers

Charles I dissolved parliament

Parliament had divided over religion

parliament wins against King with Oliver Cromwell

Petition of right happens earlier (no forced loans or taxes without parliament consent)

•Charles is executed

Spanish Armada

Sent to attack England by Phillip II (king of Spain)

•130 ships


•duke of Parma


Adult baptism


•aka Amish



•pro transubstantiation

• Protestant reformation



•extreme Calvinism


•ignatious Loyola

•all tradition



Henry VIII formed it

•basically Catholic

•book of common prayer

•church of England

Treaty of Westphalia

Ends 30 years war

Bc of so much hostility and death

Everyone is just tired of fighting and wants it stop

The ninety five thesis

Martin Luther

95 theses against selling of indulgences

Start the Protestant reformation

Mass produced

Defenestration of prague

Right before the 30 years war

bohemians revolt

Ferdinand II sends Catholic rep to negotiate

Protestant leaders throw them out the window

January edict

Issued by Catherine de Medici


•limited tolerance to Huguenots

German peasants revolt

• at first Luther sympathized with them

•revolted against land lords

•Luther said they were "unchristian"

-only equal spiritually

•peasant reformers were put on stake and often burned

St bartholomews day massacre

In France

•Catherine de Medici weds daughter to Henry IV (Huguenot)

•bourbon power now

•guises are furious (Catholics)

-massacred Huguenots

Edict of Nantes

Huguenots get religious freedom

Ends up being revoked


Couples knew each other

Right to resist arranged marriages


Status of women

Margaret of Parma

•Cardinal Granvelle wants centralized Royal govt

•William of Orange goes against Spanish

The compromise- covenant to resist inquisition and Trent

Spanish levied new taxes bc of their revolt

Spanish armies attack


Very traditional

Many holidays


Similar to Lutheranism

No need to do crazy things for Christ

Transubstantiation is symbolic


John Calvin

Modest simple

No traditions or ceremonies


Individuals responsibility to reorganize society


Huge for sugar production

Treated terribly

Needed in Brazil and South America a lot

Not as many in us at this time

The Colombian exchange

•transfer of animals, plants, culture, human populations, technology and ideas between the American and Afro-Eurasian hemispheres

Seven years war

Prussia and Britain vs Austria France and Russia

•fought in North America

•results of mercantilism

British defeat the French

French invasions of Italy

Ludivico il moro invites French into Italy for aid

•this was so stupid

•France invades Italy

Spanish colonialism

Link between new world and Spain

Few limitations

Castilian monarch has council of nobles govn America


The war of Jenkins ear

•eventually needs reform during bourbons rule

•trade rival art/smuggling

•Spanish has coastal patrols

•fight happens Robert Jenkins ear gets cut off

•Britain goes to war with spain

Treaty of Utrecht

From war of Spanish succession

Female heir of Charles II becomes queen

•throne passes to Phillip v

•establishes boundaries

•France and Spain can't unite

Mercantile empires

Spain: mainland in S.A riled Florida Mexico California and southwest

- govd Central America Cuba Puerto Rico Trinidad

British : colonies along northAtlantic

France: st Lawrence river valley, oh/MI River valleys

-st Dominique, Guadeloupe, Martinique

•stations in India

Dutch: Surinam, cape colony

•trade stations in west Africa Sri Lanka, benga in India

-controlled Java trade


Govt regulated trade and commerce

•for me to win you must lose

War of Spanish succession

Charles II dies

-no heir

•closest relative is a female (becomes queen)

•closest male is a Habsburg

•Spain and France vs Britain

*france kinda wins

•throne is passed to Phillip V

•no longer the habsburgs , it's the bourbons

Council of trent

Council=embodiment of the counter reformation

•want to condemn Protestantism

Protestant reformation

Attempt to reform Catholic Church


•caused by secularism, individualism

•monarch v papal power

Ideas spread through printing press

Counter reformation

Anti Protestant

•wanted to bring back Catholic tradition

English reformation

King Henry VIII

Forms Church of England

Anglicanism (basically Catholic)

The Politique

Care about the good of their country instead of personal benefit

•Elizabeth I of England

•Henry IV

Spanish ren. Economy

Incoming wealth

•rich got richer, poor got poorer

•ton of debt



30 years war

Between mainly the HRE (Spain, France, Swedish,)

•went from religious to political conflict

•4 stages

•caused by Ferdinand II (forced Catholicism on bohemians

Frederick II helps the bohemians

Edict of Nantes

Freedom for Huguenots

Later revoked

English bill of rights

Passed by William and Mary

Limited monarchy power

Guaranteed civil liberties to privileged classes

Monarchs have laws and must consent with parliament

Prohibits Roman Catholics from holding throne

Mississippi bubble

System where people invest

To make bonds

-they don't actually make money

-France is broke

The strelsy

Guards of Moscow garrison


Rebel against Peter the great

They were suppressed

Dutch golden age

Netherlands = a republic

Economic prosperity

Amazing agriculture

Trade and finance

Overseas commercial empire

Advanced financial system

Seaborne empire in east Asia

Dutch East Indies company


Calvinism is official religion

War of Austrian succession

Frederick the great attacks Austria bc it is being run by Maria Teresa

Wants to prove his dad wrong

He got Silesia

Broke the pragmatic sanction

Glorious revolution

James II is king

Appoints Catholics to high positions

Suspends religous tests/worship

-has a son (Catholic heir)

•Protestants want William of Orange to invade

-William of Orange and Mary become monarchs


Complete power

Give up rights to the monarch

Hobbes leviathan

Lou's XIV

Triple alliance of 1667

England, Sweden, United provinces unite in the war of devolution

Divine rught

Right to rule by God

Hand selected

Justifies rule


Extreme Catholics

-Roman Catholic religous movement

•resembled Calvinism

• st Augustus

• Louis XIV bans it

Oppose theology political influences of Jesuits

Oppose free will

Original sin

Le Fronde

French noble rebellions

Nobles of robe vs nobles of the sword

Bc if raised taxes 4 30 years

The time of troubles

Death of Ivan the terrible

In Russia b4 romanov



Little nobles

Important to Prussia

In charge of military


Collected taxes

Govd nobles of the robe

Given artist by richelieu

Reinforce policies of kings locally

Nobles answer to them

American Revolution

Break away from Britain

Declaration of Independence

Declaration of Independence

Thomas jefferson

Le Fronde

French noble rebellions

Nobles of robe vs nobles of the sword

Bc if raised taxes 4 30 years

The time of troubles

Death of Ivan the terrible

In Russia b4 romanov



Little nobles

Important to Prussia

In charge of military


Collected taxes

Govd nobles of the robe

Given artist by richelieu

Reinforce policies of kings locally

Nobles answer to them

American Revolution

Break away from Britain

Declaration of Independence

American victory

Peace of Paris

British recognition of the independence of the

United States of America

End of the First British Empire

Shattering of the Iroquois Confederacy

Declaration of Independence

Thomas jefferson

Thirteen colonies declare independence from Britain

us constitution

Bicameral congress

Separation of powers

Ultimate law


Planets revolve around sun


Planets revolve around planets


Nothing new to learn

Wouldn't teach science

Enlightened despotism

Absolutist monarchs invest in science

Done for mercantilism

Some embrace tolerance and abolish serfdom/torture



Biggest source of death for women during scientific revolution

Tabula rasa

Clean slate

John locke

Old regime

France before the revolution

Liberal phase

Want change

Radical phase

Crazy ideas of change

Conservative phase

Want tradtion

Bill of rights

protections of individual liberty and justice and place restrictions on the powers of government.

Civil constitution of the clergy

Church under the state

October days

Parisian women March to Versailles

Demand bread

Magma carta

Limits monarch power


God is the clock maker

Fate is in our own hands

Change in literacy

Almost everyone is reading

Books read by all (read enlightenment thinkers)

People can gain information


Believed humans can progress

Views of human nature

Inherently bad / Rousseau says good

Scientific societies

Where scientist learn

Not at university because of scholasticism

Women in science

Involved but no credit

If a woman is a scientist she must be a witch

Not considered smart enough

Husbands took credit

Women and the enlightenment

Very important


Places of freedom

Interested in philosophy works

us constitution

Bicameral congress

Separation of powers

Ultimate law


Planets revolve around sun


Planets revolve around planets


Nothing new to learn

Wouldn't teach science

Enlightened despotism

Absolutist monarchs invest in science

Done for mercantilism

Some embrace tolerance and abolish serfdom/torture



Biggest source of death for women during scientific revolution

Tabula rasa

Clean slate

John locke

Old regime

France before the revolution

Liberal phase

Want change

Radical phase

Crazy ideas of change

Conservative phase

Want tradtion

Bill of rights

protections of individual liberty and justice and place restrictions on the powers of government.

Civil constitution of the clergy

Church under the state

October days

Parisian women March to Versailles

Demand bread

Reign of terror

Actions to protect the revolution and silence dissent


Get rid of cstholicism

Napoleonic wars

Austerlitz= Napoleon becomes king of northern Italy

Armies are citizens armies

Napoleonic code

Dismantle the old regime

Spread the revolution

Cement the revolution in society

Estates general

French govt

Louis XVI calls him

Hadn't been called in 200 years

Active citizens

Pays three days worth of taxes so they can vote

Passive citizens

Passive can't vote

Magma carta

Limits monarch power


God is the clock maker

Fate is in our own hands

Change in literacy

Almost everyone is reading

Books read by all (read enlightenment thinkers)

People can gain information


Believed humans can progress

Views of human nature

Inherently bad / Rousseau says good

Scientific societies

Where scientist learn

Not at university because of scholasticism

Women in science

Involved but no credit

If a woman is a scientist she must be a witch

Not considered smart enough

Husbands took credit

Women and the enlightenment

Very important


Places of freedom

Interested in philosophy works

us constitution

Bicameral congress

Separation of powers

Ultimate law


Planets revolve around sun


Planets revolve around planets


Nothing new to learn

Wouldn't teach science

Enlightened despotism

Absolutist monarchs invest in science

Done for mercantilism

Some embrace tolerance and abolish serfdom/torture



Biggest source of death for women during scientific revolution

Tabula rasa

Clean slate

John locke

Old regime

France before the revolution

Liberal phase

Want change

Radical phase

Crazy ideas of change

Conservative phase

Want tradtion

Bill of rights

protections of individual liberty and justice and place restrictions on the powers of government.

Civil constitution of the clergy

Church under the state

October days

Parisian women March to Versailles

Demand bread

Reign of terror

Actions to protect the revolution and silence dissent


Get rid of cstholicism

Napoleonic wars

Austerlitz= Napoleon becomes king of northern Italy

Armies are citizens armies

Napoleonic code

Dismantle the old regime

Spread the revolution

Cement the revolution in society

Estates general

French govt

Louis XVI calls him

Hadn't been called in 200 years

Active citizens

Pays three days worth of taxes so they can vote

Passive citizens

Passive can't vote


Club from the third estate

Want a republic

Anti monarch


Girondists led the assembly

Sans culottes

Magma carta

Limits monarch power

Thermidorian reaction

White terror

Response to revolution

Executed those involved

Tennis court oath

National Assembly won't stop meeting until they write a constitution


God is the clock maker

Fate is in our own hands

Change in literacy

Almost everyone is reading

Books read by all (read enlightenment thinkers)

People can gain information


Believed humans can progress

Views of human nature

Inherently bad / Rousseau says good

Scientific societies

Where scientist learn

Not at university because of scholasticism

Women in science

Involved but no credit

If a woman is a scientist she must be a witch

Not considered smart enough

Husbands took credit

Women and the enlightenment

Very important


Places of freedom

Interested in philosophy works