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105 Cards in this Set

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Corn Laws were done away with. the tarriff laws that protected the interest of the gentry growing grain in inside gone because Potato famine needed cheaper grain.
1901 - wireless messages sent across ocean
first radio
telephones invented
invented the x-ray
Panama canal
cannal connecting the atlantic and pacific oceans.
Suez canal
canal connecting the medeterranian and caspian oceans through Egypt.
german canal connecting Baltic and North Sea through Denmark.
LLC - LImmitted Liability Coorperation
cooperation owned by investors with lots of capital invested. no single investor held accountable for co's mistakes.
steel producer in Germany. LLC
Steel producer in France. LLC
was the liberal leader in parliament and sometimes the prime minister of britain. he extended suffrage to working class and established public edu, secret ballots, localized labor unions, minimum wage, safter workplaces, and paid members of parliament.
conservative leader of parliament and prime minister when the liberals were not. he extended suffrage to psasants and improved housing conditions and workplaces.
ADAV - genearl german workers union
fromed in 1863 and was the forruner to the german Social Democratic Party. in 1869 formed the Socialist german workers Union.
Social Democatic party
formed later to represent socialists in government.
formed the ADAV and father of the SDP. beleived in full suffrage. german with french name
fear of pope beyond the alps.fear of church influence getting the the way of nationalism.
Pius IX
current pope claiming ultramonatism and making him the enemy of Bismarck. fear of southern Germany splitting from lutheran northern germany
laws on membership of the church, limits on catholic schools. limits on bishops. failed to weaken church. by Bismarck.
Catholic centerparty in Bismarcks' lands. Bismarck turned to them for help against the socialist parties.
doing something because it is right.
only things known for sure proven by scientific method
acknowledgement of ignorance (concerning God) cannot be proven/disproven
Charles Darwin
evolution theory from Galapagos Islands. mutations advance history
"Natural Selection"
darwin's theory of evolution by the kiling of bad mutations or weaker creatures.
Herbert Spenceer
started Creationism and social darwinism (which Darwin never intnded to be)
Social Darwinism
allowed for racism and war but no charity
theory of relitivy and physics.
Pierre and Marie Currie
one born in poland and one French, both worked in France on radioactivity.
Max Planck
Uncertainty Principle that one cannot determine the exact location or speed of an electron.
athiest that said religion was harmful because charity and helping is a waste and harmful to species because there is no natural selection.
SUPERMAN theory. created new morality.
created by Nietzche.
dynamic person rising above all people. created new morality.
Will To Power
thing of the Superman with the passion and drive to rise. fed hitler and racism.
Syllabus Of Errors
agaisnt and rejecting new scientific or flood thoughts such as darwinism and phisycs.
Rerum Norasum
social statement by Leo XIII that accepts some parts of socialism such as charity and needs being taken care of, but criticized the materialistic views that people are product of ONLY the enviroment.
wrote Rerum Norasum and was pope after Pius IX
Theodor Herze
began Zionism and was a journalist.
wanted independant Jewish homeland. not too picky but realy wanted Palestine
Bilfour Delcaration
WWI British foregin minister gave support to the zionists.
psycology who tested dogs conditioned response. becan the beleif of behaviouralism.
Conditioned Response
tested by Pavlov with dogs and applied to people.
beleif that human behaviour shaped by events and stimuli around us.
BF Skinner
led behaviouarlism moevemnt who beleived he could make anyone do anything.
Waldon 2
Skinner's book of a Utopian society with proper peaceful conditioning.
Sigmund Freud
german who began: Phycology, phycoanalisis, dream interpretation,notion of subconscious, phases of development, dellusional, hysteria, penis envy.
Subconscious (according to Freud)
accessable though hypnosis and question and answer.
Penis Envy
Freud's idea that women wanted to be men.
Oral Phase
Freud's first phase where everything went into the mouth.
Anal retentive
Freud's idea of retaining bowl movments for control for children. second phase.
Anal Expulsive
Freud's name for those that like no control at all.
oediple Complex
envious of parent's sexual relationship. Freud's idea.
Interpretation of Dreams
Freud's book that dreams are a manifestation of the subconscious
Eimile Zola
painted the hardships of the working class. realism painter.
Gustav Courbert
paints funeral (A burial at Ornas). not realistic to photography but to life. painter of realism.
painted the gleaners and was a realism painter.
Le Gleaners
the people getting the last of the grain. backbreaking work and the misery of the peasant class combined with the beautiful, romantic, natural scene.
against romanticism and no idealism in a rough and tough world. not beautified or romanticized but real.
next phase of art after realism.
a HUGE show was scheduled at the Paris acedmy and many were refused, producing many impressionist artists.
Room/salon of rejected
not allowed to be in show. many impressionist painters.
most famous in the salon of the rejected. painted very controversial painting sof nude women.
"Picnic on the Grass"
paointing of 2 well-dressed men and one nude woman and was widely hatted by the artistic community of France.
paointing of a prositute likened to a greek goddess with flowers from her clients, showing that whe was repected and honored. scandalized the masses.
second show of the rejected.
Claude Monet
impressionist who painted a cathedral and a haystack at different times.
"impression of a rising sun"
painting by Monet that was so named beause it is impressionit and not clear.
coupound for monet where he went blind and painted much of his later works.
Loic Laws
seperated further the church and state in France.
steel company in Britain
pittsburg steel company. also made libraries.
name for organizations so big in US
name for big organizations in Europe
Vertical organization
company buys EVERYTHING to have monopoly over product.
Boulanger Affair
former general who grouped conservatives (monarchists, catholics, nap. supporters, and military leaders) who advocated an overthrow of gov. they chickened out and they were discaredited for it. strengthened French Republic.
Dreyfuss Affair
where a Jewish officers was accused of Treason and found guilty. he was sent to DEVIL"S ISLAND, a penal colony or brutal place. when Eimile Zola found his innocence, he was not brought back and this furthered proof of anti-semitism.
Eimile Zola's work finding that Dreyfuss was innocent. it critisized the military, the church's anti-semitism, the conservative's refusal for a re-trial, and discredited anti-republican, conservative forces.
Freudian slip
saying something your subconscious is thinking when you mean to say something else.
Phallas symbol
symbol reminding person of penis
Rorschach Test
date and name of the inkblot test of free association.
Impressionist art
playing with light and breaking from realism
pretty and bourgeoisie - peasants were a depressing topic.
No political meanings, just pretty art of innocence and bourgoisise. French artist.
French artist who painted the lower classes and protrayed the happy times - idealized
Alfred Sisley
French artist born to English mother.
Morrisso Berte
French woman paointer who painted domestic scenes. impressionist
Edward Degas
French impressionist aritst who painted ballet dancers all the time and painted the woman drinking very strong alcohol
Paul cezanne
post-impressionist who paointed landscapes of Mont Siante victorie over and over again. began to paoint cubist art.
using different colors and distortion to protray artist's feelings.
vincent Van Gough
Dutch artist who painted post-imperssionist, expressionist art.
norwegian, expressionist artist who painted scary/stark/stern faces.
painting by Munch who paints the mother of christ naked an din a seductive pose.
The scream
painting by Munch of a man on a beach screaming with the red sunset behind him.
Toulouse Lautrec
created commercial posters.
city where much art was centered. very risque, naughty city with much nudity and bad actions.
Georges Surat
started pointilism
Rene Margritte
Expressionist painter using Freudian theory and Cartesian dualism to test what is perceived against what is real. surrealist.
Toulouse Lautrec
created commercial posters.
Georges Surat
started pointilism
painting of a million tiny dots of single colors.
Rene Margritte
Expressionist painter using Freudian theory and Cartesian dualism to test what is perceived against what is real. surrealist.
testing our preception of reality. genre.
this is not a pipe
painting by Margritte of something obvious but not.
painting of raining men.
Son of Man
a man with an apple in his face.
Origin of Species 1859
date and name of Darwin's first book on evolution of animals
The Descent of man 1871
date and name of Darwin's second book on the evolution of man.
William Siemens
better method of makins steel than Bessemer. reduced costs and higher quality.