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44 Cards in this Set

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hydrologic cycle

circulation of water from the oceans to the atmosphere and back to the oceans by the way of evaporation, runoff from streams and rivers, and groundwater flow

integrated energy management

Use of range of energy options that vary region to region, including a mix of technology and sources of energy

integrated pest management

Control of agricultural pests using several methods together, including biological and chemical agents, Goals: Minimize the use of artificial chemicals and prevent or slow the buildup of resistance by pests to chemical pesticieds


one species prevents the entrance of later successional species into an ecosystem.


a type of tree that forms a layer of growth below dominants

keystone species

a species that has a large effect on its community or ecosystem leads to major changes in the abundances of many or all other species

lag time

time between between a stimulus and the response of a system

late successional species

Species that occur only or primarily in , or dominant in , late stages in succession

life expectancy

estimated average number of years an individual may live

life history difference

differences in life histories of species allow some to arrive first and grow quickly. It depends on when a species arrives to the ecosystem.

limiting factor

single requirement for growth available in the least supply in comparison to the need of an organism

logistic carrying capacity

the population size at which births equal deaths and there is no net change in the population

logistic growth curve

S shaped growth curve that is generated by the logistic equation. Small population grows rapidly, but growth rate slows and levels out

low-level radioactive waste

Waste materials that contain sufficiently low concentrations or quantities of radioactivity


element required in large amounts by living things. Big Six: H,O N, P, S

maximum lifetime

genetically determined maximum possible age to which an individual of a species can live


Nuclear accident when nuclear fuel forms a molten mass that breaches the containment of the reactor therefore contaminates the outside

methane hydrate

methane gas trapped in frozen water in the sediments of the deep seafloor


chemical elements in very small amounts by at least some forms of life


production of electricity using smaller distributed systems rather than relying on a central power plant


movement of individuals or groups from one habitat to another

missing carbon sink

Substantial amounts of CO2 released into the atmosphere but not reabsorbed and remain unaccounted for


planting of large areas with a single species in farming


a chemical change in a DNA molecule, DNA carries a different message than it did before

natural gas

naturally occurring gaseous hydrocarbon generally produced in association with crude oil or from gas wells. It's also clean burning and it's used in homes and industry

natural selection

A process by which organisms whose biological characteristics better fit them to the environment are represented by more descendants in future generations than those characteristics are less fit for the environment

negative feedback

a type of feedback that occurs when the system's response is the opposite direction of the output

net production

production that remains after utilization

nitrogen cycle

A complex biogeochemical cycle responsible for moving important nitrogen components through the biosphere and other Earth systems.

nitrogen fixation

Atmospheric nitrogen is converted to ammonia, nitrate ion, or amino acids. Microorganism perform most of the conversion but a small amount is also converted by lightning

nonrenewable energy

Energy sources that are dependent on fuels, or a resource that may be used up much faster than it is replenished by natural processes

no-till argriculture

combination of farming practices that includes not plowing the land and using herbicides to keep down weebs

nuclear energy

The energy of the atomic nucleus, that when released, may be used to do work.

nuclear fuel cycle

Processes involved with producing nuclear power from the mining and the processing of uranium to control fission, reprocessing of spent nuclear fuel, decommissioning of power plants, and disposal of radioactive waste

nuclear reactors

Devices that produce controlled nuclear fission, generally for the production of electric energy

obligate symbionts

A symbiotic relationship between two organisms in which neither by themselves can exist without the other

oil shale

Fine-grained sedimentary rock containing organic material known as kerogen. On distillation, yield significant amount of hydrocarbons including oil

old-growth forest

a nontechnical term often used to mean a virgin forest which is undisturbed for a long time

open system

a type of system in which exchanges of mass or energy occur with other systems

organic farming

Farming that is more "natural" in the sense that it does not involve the use of artificial pesticides and GMCs


when the carrying capacity of land for an herbivore, is exceeded

overshoot and collapse

occurs when growth in one part of a system over time exceeds carrying capacity, resulting in sudden decline in one or both parts of the system

passive solar energy systems

Direct use of solar energy through architectural design to enhance or take advantage of natural changes in solar energy throughout the year without mechanical power


land plowed and planted to provide forage for domestic herbivorous animals