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22 Cards in this Set

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whenwas the foundatikon of indian civilizations ?
1500 B.C.E - 300 C.E.
toographic zones : mountian zones include :
river basin include :
and peninsula include :
(mts.) - himalayas, & hindu kush .
(R.basin) - indus R. ganges R.
(penn) - deccan plateau
what is the climate
subtropical (penninsula, ganges R.)
the monsoons provide what ?
3 harvest seasons (wheat, rice, milliet, barley)
it was very difficult to inify all of india because of barriers and plateaus what is the term for this ?
geographical diversity
word for vedic ages
developmentn of the caste system was divided how ?
by varna (color of skin)
what was the order of the caste system ?
brahmin, warriors, merchants, peasants/laborers. also untouchables but not on the pyramid
what is jati
it is a sub-caste based on occupation
what is acestisim
living a withdrawn life where yoiu eat a special diet, practice yoga, and meditate in an attempt to escape reincarnation.
what is janism ?
religion which practiceed non-violence to all living things, some went in to banking and trade to avoid killing things.
who was the founder of buddhism?
Siddhartha Gautama (563 B.C. E.- 483 B.C.E )
the basic teachings of buddhism, centered around eliminating suffering and achieving enlightenment is what ?
the 4 noble truths
in the rise of hinduism 2 gods become important what are the names ?
vishnu and shiua
worship centers on what ? and who spreads the ideas ?
on temples and shrines. ;; pilgramage
what do religious dutties depend on ?
Gender, social status, and age
what religion becomes more popular ?
the mauryan empire was founded by who?
most famous mauryan emperor . . . . --> converted buddhism . edict (laws)wrote on rocks and pillars around india
describe women's rights
lost right to inherit and own property, treated like the lowest caste married young (sati)
inherited occupational groups that were part of the caste system
living up to ones expectations is called what ?