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59 Cards in this Set

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Motor unit
A single somatic motor neuron & all the muscle fibers it stimulates
Muscular atrophy
Wasting away of muscle due to lack of use
The replacement of skeletal muscle fibers with scar tissue
Somatic motor neurons
Provide the nerve impulses that stimulate skeletal muscle to contract
4 properties of muscle tissue
Electrical excitability
The contractile elements of skeletal muscle
Composed of 3 types of proteins: contractile, regulatory and structural
The ability of muscle cells to respond to stimuli and produce electrical signals
Sequence of events resulting in muscle contraction
1. Nerve impulse
2. Release of acetylcholine
3.Muscle action potential
4. Release calcium ions from sarcoplasmic reticulum
5. Calcium ion binding to troponin
6. Power stroke, actin & myosin binding & release
Structural protein, connects z disc to m line of the sarcomere, stabilize position.
Basic functional units of myofibril, in muscle fiber
Z discs
Narrow plate-shaped regions of dense protein that separate one sarcomere from the next
M line
Region in center of the H zone that contain proteins that hold thick filaments together at the center of the sarcomere
Components of Sarcomere
z discs, a band, I band, H zone, M line
A band
Dark middle part of sarcomere, extends entire length of filament
I band
Lighter less dense area of sarcomere, no thick filaments
H zone
Narrow region in center of each A band, contains thick filaments
Contractile motor protein
Regulatory protein that blocks myosin-binding sites
Contracile protein that contains myosin-binding sites
Calcium-binding protein
Sources of ATP for muscle contraction
Creatine phosphate
Anaerobic cellular respiration
Aerobic cellular respiration
Sheath of areolar connective tissue that wraps around individual skeletal muscle fibers
Dense irregular connective tissue that separates a muscle into groups of individual muscle fibers
Bundles of muscle fibers
Outermost connective tissue layer, encircles entire skeletal muscle
Dense irregular connective tisuuse, lines body wall, holds functional muscle units together.
Cord of dense regular connective tissue, attaches muscle of periostium of bone
Muscle fiber
Muscle cell
Connective tissue elements, extend as broad flat layer
Tendon sheath
2 layer tube of fibrous connective tissue enclosing certain tendons
Neuromusclar junction
Synapse btwn a motor neuron and a muscle fiber
Transverse tubules
Invaginations of the sarcolemma from the surface toward the center of the muscle fiber
Satellite cells
Myoblasts that persist in mature skeletal tissue
Plasma membrane of a muscle fiber
Oxygen-binding protein found only in muscle fibers
Sarcoplasmic reticulum
Ca2+ storing tubular system similar to smooth ER
Contracting unit of skeletal muscle fiber
Cytoplasm of muscle fiber
Skeletal muscle
Striated, no autorhythmicity, uses satellite cells to repair damages fiber
Cardiac muscle
Fibers joined by intercalated discs, striated, has extended contraction due to prolonged calcium delivery, uses troponin as regulatory protein, can be autorhythmic
Smooth muscle
No arranged in sarcomeres, contraction begins slowly but lasts long time, uses pericytes to repair, can be autorhythmic, uses calmodulin as regulatory protein
Stress-relaxation response
Smooth muscle action that allows the fibers to maintain their contractile function even when stretched
Twitch contraction
Brief contraction of all the muscle fibers in a motor unit in response to a single action potential in its motor neuron
Fused tetanus
Sustained contraction, no relaxation btwn stimuli
Wave summation
Larger contraction resulting from stimuli arriving a different times
Motor unit recruitment
Process of increasing the # of activated motor units
Concentric isotonic contraction
Contraction in which the muscle shortens
Muscle fatigue
Inability of muscle to maintain its strength of contraction during prolonged activity
Unfused tetanus
Sustained but wavering contraction with partial relaxation btwn stimuli
Muscle tone
Produced by continual involuntary activation of a small # of skeletal motor units, results in firmness
Isometric contraction
Contraction where muscle tension is generated without shortening of muscle
Recovery oxygen uptake
Amount of O2 needed to restore the body's metabolic conditions back to resting levels after exercise
Eccentric isotonic contraction
Contraction in which a muscle lengthens
Perimysium bundles...
Groups of muscle fibers into fasicles
Sarcoplasmic Reticulum releases..
Calcium ions to trigger muscle contractions
Sarcomeres are separated by?
Z discs
What bands/zones disappear during muscle contraction?
I and H
If ATP were not available what would happen?
Crossbridges would not detach from actin, muscle would remain rigid
Motor end plate
Part of sarcolemma that contains acetylcholine receptors