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75 Cards in this Set

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Endocrine and exocrine glands rise from this type of tissue
Epithelial Tissue
Classified as smoothe and cardiac
Muscle tissue
Nuerons and Glia
Nervous Tissue
Carcinoma rises from this tissue
Osseous tissue type, forms in ligaments and tendons
Connective tissue
dense, fibrous, reticular, areolar
Connective tissue
Tissue that stores Fat
Connective tissue
Classified as Squamous cuboidal and columnar
Has two surfaces, always unatched, like the surface of skin
The most abundant of four tissue types
Connective tissue
Cutaneous Membrane
"The skin"
considered an organ, the skin.
Located under the epidermis
contains blood vessels nerves and sensory receptors
Subcutaneous Layer
Dermis lies on top of subcutaneus, not considered part of skin, unattatched and primarily composed of loose connective adipose tissue, cushions and regulates bidy temps
Refers to Hives
Protein in skin that flattens hardens and makes skin water resistant
Refers to baldness or hair loss
contains stratum germanatim
stratum corneum
Arrector Pili
Motor nerve/ Goose Bumps

Half moon shape
The lunula is part of this structure
Deep within epidermal layer, calls called melanocytes secrete a skin darkening pigment called melanin, stains surrounding cells, causing it to darken
Condition in which there is no melanin secreted
Melanin is Concentrated in local areas and produces non malignant blemishes
Skin appears blue because of hypooxemia
lacks oxygen
Loss of pigment in skin creating white patches
Substance found in carrots and tomatoes and can make skin yellow,
also found in Asian skin
condition in which excess melanin is secreted in response to uv rays
melanoma is skin cancer
Sweat glands that play an active role in temp regulation
These and Apocrine glands are classified as sudoriferous glands
Eccrine and Apocrine are two main types of sweat glands
A pimple forms when sebum blocks this gland and becomes infected
Sebaceous Gland
Milk secreting gland , classified as a modified sweat gland
Mammary Gland

(Lactates Milk)
Modified gland that secretes
EAR wax

cleaning your ears is a cerimounious event
Oil gland

contains SEBum
Cream cheese like covering an a baby at birt called Vernix, secreted by these glands
Sebaceous Glands

Sebaceous gland makes newborns look cheesy..
Sudiferous glands that respond to emotional stress and activate sexual arousal

People act like Apes smell like Apes because of their hairy sweaty genitals
Glands Associated with B.O.

People act like Apes smell like Apes because of their hairy sweaty genitals and pits
Sweat glands are usually associated with hair follicles and are found in hair follicals in the genital areas

People act like Apes smell like Apes because of their hairy sweaty genitals
Visceral Pleura

Visceral pleura is Seriously thoracic about covering each lung!
Part of Serous Membrane, found in Thoracic cavity Each lung is invested by an exceedingly delicate serous membrane, the pleura, which is arranged in the form of a closed invaginated sac. A portion of the serous membrane covers the surface of the lung and dips into the fissures between its lobes; it is called the pulmonary pleura (or visceral pleura).

The visceral pleura is attached directly to the lungs.
Serous Membrane

Serous menbranes are serious about lining the visceral cavity and are not open to exterior parts of body
Line the Ventral body cavities that are not open to the exterior, include the abdominal and thoracic
Cutaneous Membrane

skin is cute and members are brainy
Another word for skin.
Membrane that lines reproductive tract

Mucous is reproductive..
Mucous Membrane
Sling that Supports the Heart

Outside of Heart
A Serous Membrane that LINES the wall of the abdominal cavity
Parietal Layer

Perri and Etyl own a Wall Paper company.. they are serous about lining the inside walls
Serous Membranes that line the wall of the cavityPart of the
Serous membrane that lines the OUTER lining of lungs

Visceral is serious about covering the lungs with a lining
Visceral Pleura

Visceral means Organ
Pleura means two
Three Serous Membranes

Visceral Hangs out in the Thoracic Cavity and has the Lungs covered
Thoracic Cavity (Lungs)
Visceral Pleura cover each lung,

Peri hangs outside and partially covers the heart while his buddys Parietel and Visceral offer support with a sling
Found in the thoracic cavity and partially surrounds the heart
Connective tissue that lines the joint cavities
Synovial Membrane lines joint cavities and secretes synovial fluid, With its egg-like consistency ("synovial" partially derives from ovum, Latin for egg), synovial fluid reduces friction between the articular cartilage and other tissues in joints to lubricate and cushion them during movement
Thick fibrous connective tissue forms bands of sheets called fascia, Covers muscles, bloodvessels and nerves
Three types of Loose Connective tissue
Adipose tissue
loose and connective tissue that stores fat
In histology, adipose tissue or body fat or just fat is loose connective tissue composed of adipocytes. Adipose tissue is derived from lipoblasts.
Areolar Tissue

Areol around/surround
Made up of colegan and elastin fibers, soft and gel like, it cushions surrounds many organs
Loose connective tissue
contains fibers that are LOOSLEY arranged around cells
Reticular connective Tissue

Reticular (Fine Collagen)

Call Gen, she is in the reticular about the lymph
network of delicately interwoven reticular, (collagen)fibers. Forms the internal framework for lymphoid tissue, such as spleen, lymphnodes ad bone marrow
glue that supports and keeps cells together
smoothe flexible and solid but not as hard as a bone
Formed by Chondrocytes, secretes a protein containing intracellular matrix that is firm smoothe and flexible
Peri/ covers connective tissue that carries blood vessels to the cartilage, the blood vessels supply oxygen and nutrients to the cartilage
Three types of cartilage
Oseous tissue
Bone tissue
Connective tissue with a watery matrix
Blood and Lymph
A fluid matrix found in blood that contains collegen and elastic fibers like other tissues
Nervous tissue
Makes up Brain, Spinal Cord and nerves, consists of two cell types:
Neurons and Neurolgia
Transmit electric signals to and from the brain and spinal cord.

Glue that supports and sticks the neurons and cells togther
Muscle Tissue
composed of cells that shorten or contract
Three types of Muscle Tissue
Smoothe Muscle
Cardiac Muscle
Skeletal Muscles
Attatched to bone, skeleten, appear striated or striped, maintain posture, stabilize joints
Smoothe Muscle

Found in walls of organs Related to doing work in the organ in which it is found
Found in walls of viscera or organs such as intestines and urinary bladder, breathing passages..ie; Churns and mashes food in stomach does another function for bladder ie; expels urine
sheets of tissue that coversurfaces, line cavities, and surround organs
Two classifications of

Epithelial Membranes
Cutanous membrane (skin)
Mucous membranes
Serous Membranes
Cardiac Muscle
Heart/ pumps blood to vast network of blood vessels / of Cardiac muscle fibers are long brancing cells that fit together tightly, this arrangement promotes rapid conduction of electricity
Cutaneous Membrane
Skin/ outer layer contains the epidermis which is the statified squamous epithelium and theunderling layer is the dermis which is composed of fibrous connective tissue
Mucous membranes

Exterior Opens to outside of body, mouth anus
Line all body cavities that are op to the Exterior of the body