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54 Cards in this Set

  • Front
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Muscles produce movement by exerting force on ____
which in turn pull on bones and other supporting structures like the skin.
The attachment of a muscle's tendon to the stationary, usually proximal bone, is called the?
Origins and Insertions
Origins and Insertions
The origin of the Biceps is the ____ and the insertion is the ____?
Insertion: Radius
The action of the Biceps is to?
pronate and flex the arm
The origin of the Triceps is the ____ and the insertion is the ____?
Origin:Scapula near shoulder joint Upper lateral and posterior sites of humerus
Posterior surface of humerus
Insertion: Back of olecranon process of ulna
The action of the Triceps is to?
Action: Straighten (extend) the arm
Muscles, tendons, bones, and joints can form what three different types of levers in the body?
First-class levers, Second class levers, and Third class levers.
In a lever, the point of movement called the ____, is acted on by two different forces: Effort and load.
There are few first-class levers
in the body. This pic shows a example
first-class levers
What levers always provide a distinct mechanical advantage in producing force?
Like a pry bar
Second class levers
What levers are the most common and favor speed and range of motion over maximum force?
Third-class levers
Most skeletal muscles are arranged in opposing ____ pairs at joints.
Within opposing pairs, the prime mover or ____ is the muscle primarily responsible for causing the desired movement.
agonist (“the leader”)
The ____ stretches and yields to the effects of the prime mover.
In flexing the forearm at
the elbow, the ____
is the prime mover or
agonists, and the ____ ____ is the antagonist.
brachialis, triceps
What are muscles used to prevent unwanted movements at intermediate joints, or otherwise aid the movement of the prime mover?
What muscles are a type of synergist muscle that are used to steady the proximal joints of a prime mover?
Some of the more common muscles of the head and neck include:
Orbicularis oris
Extraocular muscles
Rectus abdominus
External oblique
The muscles of facial expression move ____ rather than bones around a joint.
Action: Closes and
protrudes lips for kissing
Origin: Surrounding the
opening of the mouth
Insertion: The skin at the
corner of the mouth.
What Muscle is this?
Orbicularis oris
Origin: Maxilla and zygomatic arch
Insertion: Mandible
Action: Closes the mouth
What muscle is this
3 pair give each eye very
precise movement
Origin: Back of the orbit
Insertion: Different parts
of the eyeball
Action: Precise and rapid
movement of the eyes
What muscle is this?
The Extraocular muscles
The Extraocular muscles
The Extraocular muscles
Some of the more common muscles that originate on the trunk include the ones shown
Some of the more common muscles that originate on the trunk
Origin: Clavicle and sternum
Insertion: Proximal humerus
Action: Adducts and medially rotates the arm at the shoulder joint
What muscle is this?
Pectoralis major
Origin: Ribs 3–5
Insertion: Coracoid process of the scapula
Action: Internally rotates the shoulder
What muscle is this?
Pectoralis minor
Origin: Lateral clavicle and upper scapula
Insertion: Deltoid tuberosity
on the shaft of the humerus
Action: Abducts, flexes, and
medially rotates the upper arm
at the shoulder joint
What muscle is this?
Deltoid Muscle
Origin: Occipital bone and
cervical spine
Insertion: Clavicle, scapula and
lower thoracic vertebrae
Action: Supports the arm and
moves the scapula up, down,
in, and out
What muscle is this?
What is the Origin, Insertion and Action of the Sternocleidomastoid?
Origin: Clavicle and sternum
Insertion: Mastoid
process of temporal bone
Action: Flex and
rotate the head
Origin: Thoracic and lumbar
vertebrae and the iliac bone
Insertion: Mid-humerus
Action: Drives arm inferiorly
and posteriorly (the
swimmer’s muscle) 
Latissimus dorsi
Latissimus dorsi
Latissimus dorsi
Anterior abdominal wall:
Origin: Pubic bone
Insertion: Ribs and sternum
Rectus abdominis
Anterior abdominal wall:
Origin: Ribs 5–12
Insertion: Iliac crest and
linea alba
Actions: Flexes vertebral column and compresses abdomen
External oblique
The main muscle of inspiration is the?
Origin: Inferior 6 ribs
(anteriorly) and lumbar
vertebrae (posteriorly)
Insertion: Central tendon
What is the Origin, insertion, and action of the Biceps brachii?
Origin: Scapula
Insertion: Radius
Action: Flexes and
supinates forearm at
elbow joint and flexes
arm at shoulder joint
What is the origin, insertion and action of the Brachialis?
Origin: Distal anterior surface of humerus
Insertion: Ulna
Action: Flexor of forearm at elbow
What is the origin, insertion, and action of the Triceps brachii?
Origin: Scapula and posterior surface of humerus
Insertion: Olecranon
process of ulna
Action: Extends
forearm at elbow
joint and arm
at shoulder joint
Triceps brachii
Triceps brachii
What is the origin, Insertion, and Action of the Brachioradialis?
Origin: Humerus
Insertion: Distal radius
Action: Supinates the forearm
at the radioulnar joint
What is the origin, insertion, and action of the Gluteus maximus?
Origin: Iliac crest, sacrum, and coccyx
Insertion: Femur
Action: Extends and laterally rotates thigh at hip joint
Gluteus maximus
Gluteus maximus
What is the origin, Insertion, and action of the Quadricep group (Rectus femoris, vastus lateralis, vastus intermedius, and vastus medialis)?
Origin: Iliac spine and proximal femur
Insertion: Patella and proximal tibia
Action: Flexes thigh at high joint and extends leg at knee joint
Muscles that move the femur, tibia, and fibula
Hamstring group
Muscles that move the femur, tibia, and fibula
Hamstring group
What is the origin, and insertion of the Hamstring group: (Biceps femoris,
Semitendinosus, and Semimembranosus)?
Origin: Ischial tuberosity
Insertion: Proximal tibia and fibula
What is the origin, insertion, and action of the Tibialis anterior?
Origin: Tibia
Insertion: First cuneiform
and first metatarsal
Action: Dorsiflexes and
inverts the foot
Tibialis anterior
Tibialis anterior
The Muscles that plantar flex the foot at the ankle joint are called?
Gastrocnemius and soleus muscles function as one – often called the gastrocsoleus muscle
What is the origin and insertion of the Gastrocnemius and soleus muscles?
Origin: Femur, capsule of
knee, and head of fibula
Insertion: Calcaneus by way
of calcaneal (Achilles) tendon
Gastrocnemius and soleus muscles
Gastrocnemius and soleus muscles
Major Skeletal Muscles Anterior View
Major Skeletal Muscles
Major Skeletal Muscles
Major Skeletal Muscles