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33 Cards in this Set

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In the hierarchy of biological organization, the shoot is _____.
a system
A root hair is _____.
an extension of an individual cell that absorbs water from soil
The shoot system of a beavertail cactus consists of broad paddle-like structures covered with clusters of spines. The spines are modified leaves, so the clusters must be modified _____ and the flat green paddles must be modified _____.
buds; stems
A cross section of a plant part exposes epidermis, a thick cortex, and a central cylinder of xylem and phloem. This part is a _____.
Guard cells _____.
are involved in transpiration (evaporative water loss) and gas exchange
Which best describes a characteristic of tracheids?
- They are only found in gymnosperms.
- They maximize delivery of water to new, expanding leaves.
- They are fat and wide.
Which best describes a characteristic of tracheids?
- They maximize delivery of water to new, expanding leaves.
Which increases the surface area on roots more: root hairs, or mycorrhizae?
Is Ψs (psi s) always positive?
What is the water potential in a turgid cell?
Ψ = 0
(psi equals zero)
In a plant root, the one cell type in which water cannot move via the apoplast is the _____.
During winter, tree sap can sometimes freeze and cavitation (the formation of an air pocket) may occur. Which one of the following mechanisms of sap transport would you expect to be most immediately affected by cavitation? [Root pressure, or cohesion transpiration]
Cohesion transpiration
When referring to phloem transport, the "sink" in roots is created by the active transport of sugars from _______ to ________ ______.
When referring to phloem transport, the "sink" in roots is created by the active transport of sugars from PHLOEM to CORTEX CELLS.
In the spring when leaves are growing rapidly, ______ that was stored in roots may be sent to the leaves to power their growth.
In the spring when leaves are growing rapidly, SUGAR that was stored in roots may be sent to the leaves to power their growth.
What makes up 90% of a plant's mass?
What are the main macronutrients?
Carbon, Hydrogen, and Oxygen.
Topsoil horizon is composed from what two things?
Particles of rock and humus (remains of partially decayed organic matter).
What are the most fertile soils called?
What is usually the limiting factor of growth for plants?
Which elements are commonly seen in fertilizers, and which is most important?
Nitrogen, Phosphorus, and Potasium. N-P-K

Nitrogen is the most important.
Bacteria that fix Nitrogen are commonly in ________ (beans).
Bacteria that fix Nitrogen are commonly in LEGUMES (beans).
What's the difference between ectomycorrhizae and endomycorrhizae?
Ectomycorrhizae are a fungus that forms a thick coating on a root but does not penetrate the root cells. Endo/ do penetrate into root cells. (This penetration does not hurt the plant's cells.)
Explain Epiphytes.
Epiphytes grow on other plants but do not necessarily "harm" its host.
Plant cell walls are made up of ________.
Plant cell walls are made up of CELLULOSE.
Plants are split into _______, not phyla.
Plants are split into DIVISIONS, not phyla.
Which division of plants have xylem and phloem?
Which division of plants are cone (conifer) plants?
Which plants are known as flowering plants?
What coats spores and pollen to protect them from the environment?
Which is dominant in bryophytes: the gamete generation, or the sporophyte generation?
The gamete generation.
Regarding bryophyte reproduction, on top of the sporophyte forms a ________ which contains spores.
Regarding bryophyte reproduction, on top of the sporophyte forms a SPORANGIA which contains spores.
In seedless vascular plants, the [gamete/sporophyte] is the dominant part of life.
In seedless vascular plants, the SPOROPHYTE is the dominant part of life.
What are sori?
Clusters of sporangia regarding seedless vascular plants.
For the mature seed, what is deemed the "food"?
The endosperm.