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38 Cards in this Set

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What did Pasteur do?
-disproved spontaneous generation
Who was Linnaeus and what did he do?
He was the ologian and Botonist
-He created the system for classification of all living things
What did Cuvier do?
He discovered catastrophism meaning sudden catastrophies created the cahnges on Earth's crust
-major changes on the Earth's crust is caused by catastrophy
What did Hutton do?
He discovered gradualism.
-things change gradually over time
What did Lamarck discover?
1) Use/disuse
*use-will stay and continue
*disuse-will go away
2)Inheritance of desired traits whatever you enhance or lose on first generation will pass on to next generation
Who was Charles Darwin and what did he do?
-father of modern evolutionary thought
-he explained that all organisms had the same or a common ancestry
-1)Natural Selection
-2)Gemmules "genes"
Natural Selection
"Survival of the fittest"
-best fit for the environment will pass on genes to next generation
Who was Wallace and what did he do?
-independent Co-founder of natural selection
Who was Haeckel and what did he do?
-studied embryology and founded modern phylogenetic practices

"phylogeny"=longest time-present
Who was Stanley Miller and what did he do?
-Increase in pressure
Products- 1)sugars, 2)amino acids, 3) nucleotides
-a discrete characteristic in a population
-many discrete traits within a population in high frequencies
Natural selection
-species and organism adapt to their environment and their phenotype change according to their environment
Artificial Selection
-Humans interfering with breeding patterns of animals and plants
Frequency Dependent Selection
-a decline in number or decline in reproductive success of one morph as a result of that morph being too common
Intrasexual selection
-one gender competing amongst themselves for mates of the opposite gender
Intersexual selection
-have individual gender choose mates from other gender
sexual dimorphism
-has secondary sexual characteristics
secondary sexual characteristics
-marked differences genders other than reproductive system
relative fitness
-how often a specific genotrype occurs within a given population with the other genotypes
-similar characteristics arising from common ancestry
homologous structures
-similar characteristics
vestigial structures
-left overs
-example- a snack has a pelvis which is useless to it
molecular homology
-DNA, similar proteins
-a population of organisms that reproduce with each other only and their offsprings can reproduce as well
-no direct lineage, same species still exist
-direct lineage. the species change
-physical barrier
-small selective portion of a population will only breed within themselves
punctuated equilibrium
-a theory of evolution advocation spurts of relatively rapid change followed by long period of stasis
-species that include specialized non reproductive castes as members of their populations
kin selection
-the offsprings recieving care from parents or relatives
genetic drift
-change of allele frequency due to a chance event
bottlenect effect
-when something creates a big change in size
founder effect
-a natural disaster that didn't kill a number of a population but moved and created a new gene pool
gene flow
-when members of difference populations moves and breeds