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22 Cards in this Set

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Binary Fission
when a prokaryotic cell pinches in after elongating its size during cell division, separating the cell into two daughter cells.
steps of the cell cycle
G1, S, G2, M. the G stages are growth and development stages, while the S stage is when DNA is duplicated, and the M stage (either mitosis in cell division or meiosis in reproduction) is the cell division phase
the first 3 stages of the cell cycle (G1, S, G2)
Stages of mitosis
pro[hase, metaphase, anaphase, telophase
the stage following telophase at the end of mitosis, it is the physical seperation of the newly formed daughter cells
the raw material that forms chromosomes later on in the cell cycle
nucleus and nucleolus dissapear, the mitotic spindle begins to form, chromasomes are 2 identical connected sister chromatids. centrioles move to opposite sides of the cell (in animal cells)
the sister chromatids line up along the equatorial metaphase plate
sister chromatids are separated and moved to opposite sides of the cell via the spindle apparatus
nuclei for the soon to be split cells begins to form again, the chromatin uncoils, and the nucleoli reappear
a protien that accumulates durring G1, S, G2 of the cell cycle, as mitosis proceeds, the level of cyclin declines
Protien Kinase
a protein that controls other proteins through the addition of phosphate groups
Cyclin-Dependent-Kinase, present during the whole cell cycle, bind with cyclin to form a complex called MPF (maturation/mitosis promoting factor)
Maturation/Mitosis Promoting Factor, it comes from the binding of CDK with cyclin, and it dictates when a cells gets pushed into or pulled out of mitosis; when MPF concentration are high (which is consequently when cyclin concentrations are high), then the cell gets prompted into mitosis. when MPF concentrations are low (which is when cyclin concentrations are low) then the cell comes out of mitosis
an organism whose cells/cell has only one copy of each type of chromosome (n)
an organism whose cells/cell has two copies of each type of chromosome (2n)
Homologous Chromosomes
resemble one another in shape, size, function, and genetic information they contain. ex. in humans, 46 chromosomes are divided into 23 homologous pairs
the four daughter cells created at the end of meiosis II
the process of producing 4 haploid sperm during each meiotic cycle in men
the process of producing 4 haploid eggs durring each meiotic cycle in women
polar body
in meiosis I in woman, one of the daughter cells recieves half the genetic info. along with most of the cytoplasm, the other cell (the polar bpdy) only recieves half the genetic material and is cast away
only occurs during meiosis, its when complementary parts of homologous wrap around eachother and switch or 'cross over' in meiosis . important becasue ACCOUNTS FOR VARIETY!!