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105 Cards in this Set

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Axial Skeleton
Consists of: The Skull, Hyoid Bone, Vertebral Column, Ribs and The Sternum
Appendicular Skeleton
All other parts- Pectoral Girdle, Upper Limb Bones, Pelvic Girdle and Lower Limb Bones
Jaw & Chin
Hyoid Bone
Middle of the Neck
Flat Bone in the center of the Chest
Sides of the Torso
Vertebral Column
Lower Middle Back Area
Pectoral Girdle
Top of Shoulder Area
Side of Shoulders Area (Armpit Area)
Upper- Arm Bone
Larger Bone in Fore-Arm
Smaller Bone in Fore-Arm
Bones in the Wrist Area
Metacarpals of Hand
Lower Fingers Area
Phalanges of Hand
Upper Finger Area
Bone Shapes:
Long, Short, Flat and Irregular
Long Bones
Larger then they are broad.

Eg: Femur or Thigh Bone
Short Bone
More or less equal in dimensions

Eg: Carpal or Wrist Bones
Flat Bones
Appear compressed and in one dimension.

Eg: Cranium and Sternum Bones
Irregular Bones
Bones that do not fit into any other Bone categories.

Eg: Spehnoid Bone from the Skull
Arise from the Bones Surface.
Depressions & Cavities
Holes, Dents and Spaces in Bone.
Organic Matter of Bone Tissue
Collagenous Fibers & Cells
Inorganic Matter of Bone
Complex salt consisting of Calcium Phosphate and Calcium Carbonate.
Ends of Bones
Shaft of Bones.
Articular Cartilage
Cartilage located at the ends of Bones (Epiphysis).
Epiphyseal Line
A line between the diaphysis and epiphysis in older people. It is also considered a fusion plate.
Epiphysieal/Growth Plate
A fusion plate where the growing regions of the bone united. Found in individuals who are growing in height.
Compact Bone
Hard, Outer Layer of Bone
Cancellous/Spongy Bone
Soft, Inner Layer of Bone
Thin Rods/Plates of Bone that run in the same direction as the stress applied to the bone.
Medullary Cavity
The Inner-Most Section of Bone
Hematopoietic Red Marrow
Marrow that forms Red Blood Cells
Yellow Marrow
Marrow that is Adipose (fat) Containing.
Nutrient Foramania
Located on the surface of the Diaphysis. Small holes that allow for passage of blood vessels into and out of the bone.
Preforating/ Volksmann's Canals
Nutrient Foramania leads to these. They are Central Canals that carry nutrients vertically through Compact Bone.
Dense Connective Tissue Sheath that covers the Outer surface of Bone.
Attach muscle to bone at the periosteum.
Straps of Connective Tissue that connects Bone to Bone.
A layer within the inner surface of Long Bone.
Modular units of Bone.
Central/Haversian Canal
Hole in the middle of an Osteon. It houses blood vessels and nerves in Dense Bone Tissue.
Spaces that the bone cells (osteocytes) occupied in living tissue.
Bone Cells
Thin tubes that connect the Lacunae
Dense Mineral Salts in an Osteon that form concentric rings between the Lacunae.
Bone Cells
Osteoblasts, Osteocytes & Osteoclasts
Originate from Stem Cells, Produce new Bone and become Osteocytes.
Mature Bone Cells. They sense the stresses placed on Bone and add more Bone Material if needed.
Involved in Bone Reabsorption. They increase the size of the Marrow Cavity as a person grows. They are formed from fusion of cells (macrophages) and each cell has multiple nuclei.
The Shoulder Blade.
A long bone that articulates with the scapula and its proximal end with the radius and ulna at its distal end.
In the fore-arm, it is lateral on the thumb side.
A medial bone, has a proximal head that looks like a wheel. Has a U shaped depression.
Coxal Bone
The lateral half of the large, flattened, irregularly shaped bone of the pelvis consisting of ilium, ischium and pubis that have fused in the adult, and the acetabulum, which is the point at which the three bones meet.
The longest and heaviest bone in the body. Only bone of the thigh. It articulates proximally with the coxal bone and inferiorly with the tibia.
The large bone of the leg. The weight bearing bone of the leg inferior to the femur. It is the medial bone of the leg.
Pectoral Girdle
Consists of the right and left scapulae, right and left clavicles. It provides a movable yet stable support for the upper limbs.
Upper Limb
Clavicle, Humerus, Scapula, Radius & Ulna, Carpals of Wrist, Metacarpals of Hand and then Phalanges of Hand.
Pelvic Girdle
Consists of the two Coxal bones. Each Coxal bone results in the fusion of three bones: the Illium, Ischium, Pubis
Lower Limb
The Coxal Bones, Femur, Patella, Tibia & Fibula, Foot Tarsals, Foot Metatarsals & Phalanges.
Commonly knows as the shoulder Blade.
Superior Border
A border of the Scapula. Has an indentation known as the Scapular Notch.
Medial/Vertebral Border
A border of the Scapula.
Lateral/Axillary Border
A border of the Scapula.
The longest and heaviest bone in the body. Only bone of the thigh. It articulates proximally with the coxal bone and inferiorly with the tibia.
The large bone of the leg. The weight bearing bone of the leg inferior to the femur. It is the medial bone of the leg.
Pectoral Girdle
Consists of the right and left scapulae, right and left clavicles. It provides a movable yet stable support for the upper limbs.
Upper Limb
Clavicle, Humerus, Scapula, Radius & Ulna, Carpals of Wrist, Metacarpals of Hand and then Phalanges of Hand.
Pelvic Girdle
Consists of the two Coxal bones. Each Coxal bone results in the fusion of three bones: the Illium, Ischium, Pubis
Lower Limb
The Coxal Bones, Femur, Patella, Tibia & Fibula, Foot Tarsals, Foot Metatarsals & Phalanges.
Commonly knows as the shoulder Blade.
Superior Border
A border of the Scapula. Has an indentation known as the Scapular Notch.
The longest and heaviest bone in the body. Only bone of the thigh. It articulates proximally with the coxal bone and inferiorly with the tibia.
Medial/Vertebral Border
A border of the Scapula.
Lateral/Axillary Border
A border of the Scapula.
The large bone of the leg. The weight bearing bone of the leg inferior to the femur. It is the medial bone of the leg.
Pectoral Girdle
Consists of the right and left scapulae, right and left clavicles. It provides a movable yet stable support for the upper limbs.
Upper Limb
Clavicle, Humerus, Scapula, Radius & Ulna, Carpals of Wrist, Metacarpals of Hand and then Phalanges of Hand.
Pelvic Girdle
Consists of the two Coxal bones. Each Coxal bone results in the fusion of three bones: the Illium, Ischium, Pubis
Lower Limb
The Coxal Bones, Femur, Patella, Tibia & Fibula, Foot Tarsals, Foot Metatarsals & Phalanges.
Commonly knows as the shoulder Blade.
Superior Border
A border of the Scapula. Has an indentation known as the Scapular Notch.
Medial/Vertebral Border
A border of the Scapula.
Lateral/Axillary Border
A border of the Scapula.
Scapular Notch
Contains a nerve that innervates the shoulder muscles.
Subscapular Fossa
An indentation on the anterior surface of the scapula.
Scapular Spine
Divides the posterior surface of the Scapula.
Supraspinous Fossa
A superior depression in the scapula
Infraspinous Fossa
An inferior depression of the scapula.
Acromion Process
The spine of the scapula runs from the vertebral border to the lateral edge of the scapula where it expands.
Coracoid Process
A projection of the scapula which projects anteriorly.
Inferior Angle
One sharp angle of the Scapula
Superior Angle
One sharp angle of the Scapula
Glenoid Cavity/Fossa
The shallow depression of the scapula that the humerus moves in.
Commonly known as the collar bone. It is a small bone that is a strut between the scapula and the sternum.
Sternal End
The blunt, vertical truncated end of the clavicle.
Acromial End
The horizontally flattened end.
Conoid Tubercle
Located on the inferior surface of the clavicle.
A long bone that articulates with the scapula.