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509 Cards in this Set

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An organ is defined as a structure that has a specific structure and is composed of to or more types of....
fluid btn the cells in a tissue is
interstitial fluid
The 2 body systems that regulate homostatsis are the
neverous and endocrine
what best describes the relationship btn the urinary bladder and the stomach
the urinary bladder is inferior to the stomach
The region of the abdominopelvic cavity that is inferior and medial to the left lumbar region is the
hypogastic region
a neuron is stimulated, thus opening membrane channels to allow sodium ions to leak from the extracellular fluid to the incellular fluid causing more membrane channels to open allowing more sodium ions to enter the intracellular fluid-------This is an example of a
positive feedback loop
a group of cells and the surronding material that work together to perform a particular function are called
The biological function of a protien is determined by its...
tertiary structure
examples of organic molecules
water is considered a ____on the pH scale
In the body, decomposition is what type of reaction
catabolic reactions
The atom of one element is distinguished from an atom of another element by the number of
protons in the nucleus
The atomic number of an atom is the
number of protons in the nucleus
erythrose is a
The pH scales measures
hydrogen ion concentration
Organelles that contain enzymes that destroy materal engulfed by phagocytes are
Organelles that contain enzymes for production of ATP are
_____ within the plasma membrane are required in order to transport a substance across a membrane via facliated diffusion
Carrier molecules
cells try to move sodium from the cytoplasm to the outside of the cell where the sodium concentration is 14 higher than in the cytoplasma. This mean sodium ions are moved out of the cells by_______
active transport
Adding a layer of cells to a membrane would decrease the rate of
osmosis is considered a special case of diffuison because
it is the net movement of solvent down its on gradient
facilitated diffusion is said to have a transport maxium because
when all the transporters are occupied the rate of facilitated diffuison cannot be increased futher
cells that can perform phagocytosis include
certain white blood cells
cilia and flagella are made mostly of
The process of transcription involes production of
mRNA from a DNA template
Secretory proteins and membrane molecules are synthesized by the
rough ER
The Golgi complex is most extensive cells that
secrete proteins into the ECF
what is the tissue that forms glands
epithelia tissue
What is the type of cell junction that prevents the contents of the stomach or urinary bladder from leaking into surrounding tissues
Tight junction
endocrine glands...
release hormones and are made of epithelial tissue
straified squamous epithelium is
Muscus is produced by what type of glands
goblet and exocrine glands
an exocrine gland in which a cell filled with serectory product dies and becomes the secretory product is called a
holocrine gland
The most abundant tissue in the body is
connective tissue
The product reaction of an acid and a base
What is formed by the unequal sharing of electrons
polar molcules
what type of muscle is the diaphram
the embryonic connective tissue which all other connective tissues arise is
a needle will pierce the skin in what order
corneum, glanuolosum, germinativum
why is the plasma membrane important
because it is selectively permable, contains cells contents and acts as a site for cell to cell interactions and recognition
What are the structures of the limbic system
hypothalamus, amygdaloid, and hippocampus
What is the main function of the rods in the eye
vision in dim light
what are the structures of the brain-stem
medulla oblongta, pons and midbrain
what do the synergist muscles do
work with and assist the action of the prime mover
muscle tissue has what type of actions
excitabily, contractibility, and extensibility
what is the area at the shaft of long bone
joints that are freely moveable
PTH is secreted by the...
PTH causes
the activation of the osteoclast in excess the release of calcitonin
The papillary layer of the demis contains
the meissners corpuscle and is rich in nerve endings
simple squamous is a single layer of
epithelium that forms the lining of serous membranes
Movement of O2 from red blood cells thru blood plasma across a capillary wall is done by
The sweat glands and hormone producing glands are formed from
During ventricular systole blood enters the
aorta and pulmonary trunk
the triscupid is closed when
the ventricle is in systole
During the T-P interval ___occurs
The _____ in an EKG corresponds to atrial depolarization
P wave
The QRS complex in an EKG corresponds to
atrial repolarization
Urine moves from the kidneys to the urinary bladder thru the ureters by
peristalic contraction of the smooth muscle of the uteres
The erection of a penis is causes by
dilation of arterioles suppling the sponge like spaces of the penis
______releasing hormone stimulates the release of luteinizing hormones
Contraction of the mammory ducts during milk ejection is stimulated by
Ejaculation is caused by a
spinal reflex
The primary tissues that line the bodies cavities are
Epithelial, connective,muscle, and nervous tissue
Where would the pancinian corpuscles be found
in the subcutaneous layer of the skin(below the skin)
Water moves in and out of cells by____membranes
muscle tetnus is
maxium muscle contraction
_______is the part of the neuron that sends info.
The axon
_____cells make myelin in the CNS
_____cells make up the myelin in the PNS
Schwann cells
The tissue which, histologically is squamous epithelium uncertain by a sparse connective tissue is
tunica intma
The chief antibody ammunition against antigens is
complement fixation
The dorsal side of the patella is the
____is the ground substance in cells
A fx in the shaft of a bone would be a break in the
Most of the water absorbed in the GI tract occurs in the
small intestine
The factor favoring filtrate formation at the glomerulus is the
glomerualr hydrostatic pressure
alcohol acts as a diuretic becauses it
decreases the amt of ADH secreted
In light refraction the normal focal point is located where the
light rays cross the anterior to the retina
The focal point of a person with uncorrected farsightiness is
posterior to the retina
An image falls directly on the retina refraction determines wheter the image is in focus and at that point whether a corrective lense of some sort must be used
read again
vassopression is Aka
antidirutic hormone
vassopression can cause increased
BP due to vassoconstriction fluid retention
decrease blood volme will cause the release of
____is the site of lympocyte differentiation
The thymus gland
where do neutrophils develop
in the stem cell of bone marrow
damage to some types of myelinated nerve fibers can often be repaired if the cell body of the nerve remains intact
damage to the axon makes the nerve incapable of generating an action potential. It generally causes changes to the cell body as well as the axon and cannot be repaired
damage to the dendrites interrupts the primary information pathway amongst neurons in the central nervous system **dendrites cannot self repair
damage to the neurilemma affects the functioning schwann cells that are necessary for myelin damage
The hypophyseal portal system(HPS) directly connects the median eminence to the ______
pars distalis via the hypothalamic hypophyseal vein
The neurohypophyis is AKA
the posterior lobe of the pituitary gland
The pars nervosa is in the
posterior pituitary lobe
The pars distalis is in the
anteior pituitary lobe
P cells or parvo cells are located in the
cones of the retina--they are small and have little convergence
ependymal cells have functions related to___ and ___ of cerebrospinal fluid
circulation and secretion
_____are the smallest of the neuroglia and are part of the immune system
microglial cells
Damage to the Wernicke's area would cause problems with the
perception of language
voluntary eye movements could be affected by damage to the
oculomotor III
trochlear IV
abducens VI
Patterns of vocalization could be affected by damage to the
Broca's speech area
____reserves are exhausted in a pt who is deficient in vit A
decreased blood sodium would lead to increased
aldosterone secretion
Increased calcium stimulates the thyroid to
secrete calcitonin
Decreased blood glucose stimulates the pancrease to
secrete glucagon
If adenylate cyclas were inhibited ADH
would be inhibited
Red eyes in photos is caused by
structures with in the eye absorb fewer red wave lenghts than other color wave lenghts
Rod stimulation is related to the perception of__ and __
black and white***not color
The cell bodies of preganglionlic parasymathetic neurons reside in the
anteior gray horns of the spinal cord
neuroglia tissue's cells interwine to form a
supporting framework thru out the brain and spinal cord
Neurilemma is the outer surface of a_____
schwann cell
schwann cells sheild both
myelinated and nonmyelinated axons
neuroglial cells are ___and___
regulators and protectors
In a first order neuron in the sensory pathway -carring fine touch sensations has its cell body in the right dorsal horn root ganglion in what location will this neuron synapse with a second order neuron
in the R medulla
____is the location for synapses of second order with third order neurons
The thalamus
CSF is produced by the
_____ choroid plexux and fills ependymal cells that are a type of neuroglia
The ______ ducts contain the hair cells that are stimulated when a person whirling becomes dizzy
semicircular ducts
The____contain the cells of the cochlear duct****these hair cells are involved in hearing
organs of corti
____ are boney structures that conduct vibration from the typanic membrane to the inner ear
auditory ossicles
___contain the hair cells and otoliths that provide a sense of head position relative to gravity
saccules and utricles
The retina is held in place by the
vitreous body
The ossicles are major structures of the
middle ear
photoreceptors are located in the
The primary function of the utricle and saccule is to
monitor static equilibrium
The primary gustatory area of the cerebrum is in the
parietal lobe
dilation of the pupil is caused by stimulation of____neurons
parasympathetic neurons
In the process of forming an image on the retina convergence occurs to allow
three dimensional image formation
The spaces anterior to the lens are filled with
aqueous humor
Presence of too much aqueous humor with in the eye is dangerous because it
puts pressure on neurons in the retina damaging them
The _____is the part of the brain that relays visual and hearing information
corpora quadrigemina
The corpora quadrigemina is part of the
_____coordinates autonomic reflexes, visceral functions and somatic sensory relay
medulla oblongata
btn the foramen magnum and the pons is the
medulla oblongata
fine control of body coordination and balance is the function of the
the total blood volume in an adults is about
5 liters
glucocorticoids and epinephrine cause adipose tissue to increase lipogenesis--this describes the
effect of 2 different hormones acting on the same organ
the __lobe is responsible for skeletal muscle control
the ____lobe is responsible for vision
occipital lobe
the ___lobe is responsible for touch and taste
parietal lobe
the ___ is responsible for hearing and smell
temporal lobe
TSH is secreted by the
anterior pituitary lobe
Sodium floods into a neuron to initate an action potential 1st then
the potassium comes causing repolarization
loss of calcium from bone matrix occurs with hyperactivity of the
a neurotransmitter has opened chemically gated channels leading to an excitatory postsynaptic potential (EPSP)
sodium ions will now diffuse their concentration gradient more rapidly **because sodium will diffuse more rapidly under the influence of an excitatory postsynaptic potential
potassium will diffuse more rapidly under the influence of an
inhibitory post synaptic potential
pupil constriction would be affected by a blockage of the
parasympathetic nervous system
**pupil constriction is an autonomic reflex that is controled by the parasympathic nervous system***
Iris dilation is stimulated by the____neurons
pain sensation would be affected by a blockage of the
sympathic nervous system
developing sperm are isolated from the bloodstrem by ___ of the systentacular cels***this prevents an autoimmune response to ones own sperm
tight junctions
sperm is produced in the
seminiferous tubules
testerone is secreted by the
interstial cells of lydig
final maturation of sperm cells occurs in the
the normal number of spermatozoa per millilter of semen is
The primary significance of the Krebs cycle in term of ATP production is
transfer energy into NADH and FADH
____should be measured to perdict when ovulation will occur
progesterone is secreted in the ____phase
Estrogen levels are high in the preovulatory phase triggering the relase of ____hormone and ___ hormone that causes ovulation
gonadotropic releaseing hormone and luteinzing hormone
A _____ and ____ are released at ovulation
secondary oocyte and one polar body
The ____ is the thick muscular layer of the uterus
during the process of oogeneses meiosis II is completed at
The ____is shed during the menstrual cycle
functional zone
_____ is suspended development at birth and is comleted at puberity
meiosis I
Ovulation occurs in the metaphase of
meiosis II
Implantation occurs when the
fertilized egg successfully attaches to the uterine wall
blood present in the capillary bed of the glomerulus exits thru the
efferent arteriole
correct blood flow thru a nephron is
afferent arteriole, glomerulus, efferent arteriole, peritublar capillaries, venules
___ is the majority of nitrogen containing material in urine
____is what makes urine yellow
If urine formation is normal but no urine enters the bladder there is likely to be an obstruction in a____
obstruction of the renal tubules would be indicated by
abnormal urine formation
the renal tubles are part of the collecting system involved with filtration and reabsorption
The modified distal tubular cells form the_____
macula densa of the juxtaglomerular apparatus
the juxtaglomerualr apparatus is part of the _____
distal convoluted tubule
The smooth muscle cells in the afferent arteriole coexist with the macula densa to form the
juxtaglomerular apparatud
The micturition reflex is initated by _____ in the bladder wall
strech receptors in the bladder wal
____will be in urine if a person is fasting
_____will be in urine if a person has be excercising strenously
The____is the part of the nephron that increases its permeability to water in the presense of ADH
collecting duct
In the _______ is wherre the largest % of filtered water is reasorbed
proximal convoluted tubule
_____is where tublar fluid from individual nephrons drains and where the final concentration and volume of urine is determined*by this time the proximal convoluted tuble has already performed its majority in reabsorption of water
The collecting duct
Glumerular filatration can be reduced by
the diameter of the afferent arteriole
_____is a response stimulated by the alcohol in serveral glasses of beer acting on ADH
Increased urination
_____are cells specialized for filtration that are found in the visceral layer of the glomerular capsule
The function of atrail natriuretic peptide in renal autoregulation of GFR is to stimulate
relaxation of glomerular mesangial cells
The permeability of the collecting ducts to water is regulated by
blood hydrostatic pressure
The normal daily volume of urine produced is
1000-2000 ml
Urea is produced in the process of detoxifying___
Beta oxidation is the process by which
fatty acids are broken down for use in the Krebs cycle
The complete hydrolysis of proteins yields ___ ___
amino acids
The hormones primarily responsible for daily regulation of the production of body heat are produced by the
thyroid gland
Most biological oxidations are
dehydrogenation reactions
Dietary lipids are transported in lymph and blood by
The role of insulin in the body's utilization of glucose is to
increase the rate of glycolysis
For glycogen to be used for energy production it must first be converted to
glucose 6-phosphate
The inability to synthesize proteins is the result of
destruction of a cells ribosomes
____provides a barrier that restricts the movements of proteins and other large molecules from the underlying connective tissue into the epithelium
The basal lamina
A_____junction is a cellular connection that allows rapid passage btn cells
gap junction
A ____junction is a cellualr connection that prevents passage of water and solutes btn cells
Intracelluar cement is a
cellular connection that bonds adjacent cell membranes
blood clotting is regulated by a
positive feedback system
respiration rate is controlled by a
negative feedback system
Negative feed back systems gernerally control
regular stable conditions in the body--ex temp, respirations
The mitral/left atrioventrucular valve is btn the__ and the___
The mitral/left atrioventtricular valve is btn the L atrium and L ventricle
The aortic valve is btn the
left vent and aortia
The pulmonic valve is btn the
R vent and plumonary trunk
The tricuspid is AKA
The # of carotid sinus impulses increase followed by peripheral vasodilation and decrease cardiac output best describes the
short term physiological responses of the carotid sinus baroreceptor reflex that occurs after a sudden increase in aterial bllod pressure
The tongue closes the ___ during swallowing
The ___closes the larynx
ASA is an effective antithrobic agent because
it blocks synthesis of thromboxane A2
___and ___enzymes are primarly responsible for protein digestion
gastric and pancreatic
___in pancreatic juice are primarly responsible for nucleic acid digestion
Retinol (vit A) is toxic if
taken in excess
____maintain osmotic pressure and provide transport
If a person with high BP has an elevated afterload the end systolic volume will
the 4 layers of the GI tract from the lumen to the outside are
mucosa, submucosa, muculairs and serosa
Frank starling principle=
an increased preload leads to an increased stroke volume
The enrty of fatty chyme into the small intestine triggers the release of bile into the small intestine
The chyme causes the intestine to secrete CCK/cholecystokinin which causes the galbladder to release bile
The blood pressure in the ventricle and aorta causes the
aortic valve to close preventing backflow during the cardiac cycle
Carbondioxide stimulates
The renal arteries orginate in the
abdominal aorta
The common iliac arteries orginate in the
abdominal aorta and extend to the pelvis and legs
The suprarenal arteries originate in the
The testicular or ovarian arteries orginate btn
the superior and inferior mesenteric arteries
Digestion of lipids would be hampered if the
liver were severly damaged--bile salts
__and __ enzymes are primarly responsible for carb digestion
saliva and pancreatic enzymes
During rapid ventricular filling of the cardiac cycle the ventricle pressure is the
pressure peaks during ventricular
pressure builds during atrial contraction of
atrial systole
pressure drops quick during isovolumetric relaxation of
ventricular diastole
Manual stimulation of the baroreceptors of the carotid sinuses by massaging the neck over the carotid sinus would cause a
drop in BP and heart rate
Enterogastric reflex inhibts the
intestinal phase of gastric secretion**the enterogastric reflex reduces gastric secretion by inhibiting both local and vegal responses and tighting of the pyloric sphincter
An increase in the partial pressure of CO2 in the blood causes the
rate and depth of ventilation to increase
An increase in peripheral resistance would directly increase
systemic arterial pressure
cardiac output will decrease if either
heart rate or stroke volume decreaseses
stroke volume decreases if
end diastolic volume decreases
lack of intrinsic factor can lead to
the decreaed oxygen carring capacity of blood--
excess red blood cells
if the connection btn the vagus nerve and the heart were severed the heart rate would
The __vein has the lowest blood pressure
___ generally have lower pressure thatn arteries
The appendix is attaches to the
____in the aveoli and ____ prevent the lungs from collasping
surfactant in the avoli and negative pleural pressure
____in the bronchial tree and thoracic cavity triggers inhalation
negative pressure in bronchial tree and thoracic cavity triggers inhalation
____secretion is involved in the digestion of protein in the stomach
secretin is triggered by the arrival of___in the small intestine
blood ph over 7.45=
_____can help bring an arterial blood ph of 7.25 into normal range
breathing rapidly and deeply
lowerd blood proteins will contribute to
the formation of edema
sodium concentration exceeds potassium concentration =s
the ionic status of extracelluar fluid**sodium is the largest componet of extracellular fluid
the left atrium recieves OXGENATED blood from the
the right atrium recieves blood from
systemic circulation
The right ventricle delivers blood to
pulmonary circulation
Aciduria is the production of
acidic urine
Acidosis is the term for
blood pH below 7.35
A pH os 7.1 is dangerously low and typical of
diabetic ketoacidosis
___is the main protein buffer in intracellular fluid
Bicarbonate is active in both
intracellular and extracellular fluid
___is most important in the buffering of plasma acid
The _____is a group of four muscles in the anterior compartment of the upper leg
quadriceps femoris
The ___is a group of three muscles in the posterior compartment of the upper leg
The gastrocnemuis is in the
posterior compartment of the lower leg
The tibalis anterior is in the
anterior compartment of the lower leg
____is where blood cells form
red bone marrow
Changing the conformation of troponin is the function of
calcium in muscle contraction
___is the active protein in smooth muscle that binds to calcium to initate contraction
Myosin heads/crossbridges are activated by stimulation form the
nervous system acting on muscle fibers
During bone development Primary Intramembranous Ossification is the
process for ossification of most of the axial skelton
Appositional ossificaitons adds
layers under which new bone develops
Limb bones form by
endochondral ossification
The acetabulum function is to
articulate with head of the femur
Only the thoracic vertebrae have
facets that provide rib articulation
plasticity, dense bodies, and involuntary describe ____muscle
striations, anaerobic, and voluntary describe___muscles
skeletal muscles
Lactic acid build up will cause
muscle fatigue
_____provides energy for quick contraction of muscles
creatine phosphate
____is the componet of bone that operates to reduce the brittleness of bone
Osteoclast cause bone to
break down by removing the bone matrix
The olecranon fossa holds the
olecranon process when the elbow is extended
The foramen magnum function is to
connect the brain with the spinal cord
The function of the obturator foramen is to
allow passage of blood vessels and nerves to lower extremites
The sitting position flexes the (sitting in a chair)
hips and knees
Cartilage grows by
appositionla and insterstial growth
bone grows by ___growth only
appositional growth only
The differences btn bone and cartilage is
cartilage is avascular and has a variety of fibers--bone is vascular and has primary collagen fibers
What points are used to measure the leg
the anterior inferior iliac spine to ther lateral malleolus of the fibula
What type of muscle is the diaphram
the result of enzymatic reactions are
a decrease in the energy of activation of chemical reactions
hydrophobic molecules are__molecules
polar molecules are formed by
the unequal sharing of electrons
the number of neutrons is different for the number of protons =s an____
unreactive elements do NOT form___
Unreactive means
the outermost shell is filled
**unreactive elements are inherently stable
A___is a solution of large molecules such as dispersed proteins
A ___is a stabilizing compound of a weak acid and a salt
A ___is a product of the reaction btn an acid and a base
glucose in urine is a characteristic of untreated DM because
elevated blood glucose exceeds the renal transport system leading to excessive glucose excretion into urine
the bowmans capsule and the glumeruls comprise the
renal corpuscle
the bladder will empty reflexively without voluntary control if
the spinal cord has not be severed
Increased osmolarity signals dehydration the body reacts by
increasing ADH and stimulating thirst
If body fluid osmolarity exceeds normal levels the____will increase
antiduretic hormone
Urine produced in the renal lobes collects in the
renal papillae and then is discharded directly into the minor calyx of the kidney
_____increases glumerular filtration(GFR)
afferent arteriolar vasodilation
alcohol inhibits the release of
Increased renin production causes an increased
aldosterone secretion and constriciton of the efferent arterioles
______reabsorption increase is a result of increased renin production of the juxtagomerular apparatus
The ___is the reputured follicle resulting from ovulation
corpus luteum
The endometrium is the thickest towards the end of the
secretory phase
The placenta provides
nutrition and produces hCG
___prepares mammory glands for lacation
humanplacental lactogen (hPL)
To stimulate the release of horomones from the corpus luteum is the main role of___during the 1st 3 months of pregancy
___stimulates parturtion
The____glands secrete thick mucus that netralizes urine acidity and lubricates the tip of the penis
bulbourethral glands
The seminal vesicle secretes
fructose, postraglandin, and fibrinogen
The ___is the major source of the fructose secretions by sperm cells for energy
seminal vesicles
____cells secrete androgen-binding protein that increases testoserone conceration
Sustentacular cells
The ___stores spermatazoa
The ____cells of the testes produce testosterone
interstitial cells
Meioisis II is complete if
fertilizaiton occurs
During the process of oogenesis meiosis I is completed at
The secretion of adrenocorticotropic horomone(ACTH) leads the stimulation of the adrenal cortex causing the release of
The ___controls the movement of the tongue
hypoglossal XII
The ___serves motor function of the eye
trochlear IV
The _____serves the taste buds on the tongue
glossopharyngeal IX
Cocaine and LSD act like
catecholamines dopamine adn epinephrine
Herion relieves by pain memicking the activity of
TSH is secreted by the__gland
pituitary gland
The thalmus relays sensory info to the
The hypothalamus releases hormones that control the
anterior lobe in of the pituitary gland
The basal nuclei control
muscle tone and movement patterns
Hypersecretion of oxytocin would cause
an over production of milk
hyposecretion of prolactin will cause a mother to be unable to
produce enough milk for her new born
ADH regulates
the kidneys reabsorption of water and also elevates BP and blood volume
Increased Na+ permeability of celluar membranes is the result of an
excitaroty postsynaptic potential (EPSP)
Two motor(viseral) neurons synapse in
automatic ganglion
Damage to the medulla oblongta =s problems
with visceral activity espicaly cardiac and respiratory functions
Damage to the hypothalamus causes problems with
emotional respinse and viseral activity
damage to the cerebellum causes loss of
muscle tone and clumsiness
Efferent tracts are
descending pathways that carry impulses from the brain
parasympathetic afferent fibers are in the
periphal nervous system
somatic afferent fibers are in the
spinothalamic nerve tract
____is the tiny gap in time btn the action potentials arrival and its effect on the postsynaptic membrane
synaptic delay
facilitation occurs when
a neuron is brought very close to the threshold of action potential by repeated stimuli
Saltatory propagation is the
action potential that jumps along the nodes
_____ is the process in which excitatory messages arrive simultaneiosly creating action potential
spatial summation
amplication of sound waves results from
the tympanic membrane collecting vibrations and transmitting them to the oval window
A decrease in blood____stimulates the increased secrection of the parathyroid hormone
___is the white part of the eye
the ___is the inner most part of the eye
parts of the retina are pigmented and contain small blood vessels
The ___is the nonvascular transpartent coat that covers the iris
The ___is the opening at the center of the iris
a lesion on the R spinothalmic above the second cervical level a person would be
unable to feel touch at the L side a head and neck
a lesion on the left spinothalamic tract the pt would be unablet o distinguish
touch/pressure on the right side below neck
When inadequate dietary intake of iodine results in significantly reduced blood thyroxin levels, how do the hypothalamus and anterior pituitary respond?
Thyrotopin releaseing hormone levels in the blood and TSH levels increase
**Aldosterone is secreted in response to a drop in blood pressure or blood volume**
**aldosterone is released after a blood donation**
The digestive tract is lined with
simple columnar epithelium
_____lines the most of the upper respiratory tact
pseudostrarified columar epithelium
The____is the deepest inner layer of the epidermis
stratum germinativum
transverse =
superior and inferior
frontal =
anterior and posterior
midsaggital =
right and left
____ is the method of passive transport depends on carrier poteins that change the shape to allow movemnet from an area of higher concentration to an area of lower
facilitated diffusion
glycogen is produced in the__
glucagon is released to
increase glucose levels
Insulin is produced by the
___makes up the bulk of normal ICF
___is needed to strimulate most cells of the body to increase the uptake of glucose
***this best describes the homestasis of blood glucose**
Cervical veretebrae have transverse
foramena and bifid spinous processes
____extends the leg at the knee
recus femoris
The ____ ____ is a knee flexor and is also involved in hip flexion
biceps femoris
The ______extends the ankle and helps with flexion of the knee
The semitendinosus is a __flexor
knee flexor
The pH of blood must be kept constant to sustain
H20 balance
Water/fluid balance is sustained primary by
hydrostatic pressure
____results in the least amt of water loss
150mls qd
breathing h20 loss is about
400mls qd
perspiration h20 loss is about
750mls qd
urination h20 loss is about
1,200 mls qd
The ___and the____ in cervical vertebrae protect blood vessles serving the brain
transverse foramina and bifid spinous
____joints are slightly moveable
The sutures of the skull are fibrous____joints
The myosin head forms crossbridges by
acting on the actin following ATP hydrolysis
**this is the second step of the contraction**
Ca2 moves tropomysin from the myosin binding site in the contraction of skeletal muscle this initates the
contraction cycle
The latissimus dorsi and pectoralis major are___
the latissimus dorsi is an extensor and the pectorlais major is a flexor
short intense mucle activities like spinting use
CP and ATP
strenght activities like weight lifting relay on
anaerobic metabolism
____metabolism is the bodys energy source for a 100 mile bike race or running or cycling
____is the location of the blood vessels that nourish the cells of compact bone
haversian canals
Muscle proteins do not break down until several hours after death causing the end of
rigor mortis
Cessation of ____ causes the irreverersible cross linkage actin and myosin fliaments during rigor mortis
skeletal muscles can produce
graded contractions because are each made up of many muscle fibers thru the differential stimulation of muscle fibers
Aqueous solutions are most eaisly formed if the
solute is polar
____promote chemical reaction
decreasing the temp of the reaction
reduces the rate of a chemical reaction
carbon 14 ia an
BP is normally higest in the
renal artery
______best reduces peripheral resistance in blood vessels
Increasing the diameter of arterioles
The __wave signals depolarization of the atria
P wave
The ____occurs after contraction of the atria
______occurs when all the valves have closed
Isovolumetic contraction
The aortic valve opens during the____ and closes at the end of the____wave
The aortic valve opens during the QRS comples and closes at the end of the T wave
Contraction of the atria occurs 1st after the
P wave
ATP is formed from ADP
thru catabolism
The ________vein has the largest cross-setional area
brachiocephalic vein
____facilitate the digestion of fat by causing fat emulsification
bile salts
baroreceptor stimulation occurs in response to a
rise in BP and acts to bring it back to normal
a form of hydrolysis is the formation of
glucose to glycogen
arterilar smooth muscles contract in vasular spasm is the 1st hemostatic event to occur following damage to an
______stimulation causes a decrease in cardiac output and peripheral resistance
Baroreceptor stimulation
smooth muscles will___following stimulation of the baroreceptors in the aortic arch
glycogen chanded to glucose is an example
a catabolic chemical reaction
decreased heart rate at time of increased blood pressure is a normal response of the
cardioinhibitory center of the medulla oblongata
A major function of hepatocytes is the formation and secretion of
In the gastric phase strech receptors and hormonal reactions control
gastric activity
In the cephalic phase of gastric activity reflexes from the head based senses stimulate
increased gastric activity
During the intestinal phase of gastric activity
control is inhibited by the enterogastic reflex
When blood pH decreases more
O2 is avaiable to tissues
The function of surfacant produced by type II alveolar cells is
it reduces surface tension the alveoli can more eaisly expand during inspiration
glycogenolysis is the breakdown of
glycogen an energy reserve used when glucose is insufficient***occurs in a pt with falling glusose levels***
lipoprotein carries
ventilation is ___to remove excess carbon dioxide in response to a higher than normal blood levels of carbon dioxide

The purpose of hyerventialtion is to remove CO2
___acts on the liver to increase the rate of bile secretion
_____of the lungs and chest wall causes expiration during normal quite breathing
passive recoil
Aan increase in end idastolic volume(EDV) is an effect of
increased venous rtn
Cardiac output is the
volume ejected from the ventricle into the aorta each minute
EDV/end diastolic volume is the
blood volume at the end of systole
The heart will____if there is an excess of potassium
Heart contractibility and irritability is enhanced by
high levels of calcium
____is produced in the duodenum and stimulates the gallbladder to release bile
____arteries have more smooth muscle
Lipid digestion depends on
pancreatic enzymes and bile salts
cellose is
_____produce pepsin a protein digesting enzyme
chief cells
The addition of water to molecular bonds is involved in
chemical digestion
The bundle of his or AV bundle
carries the impulses from the
AV node to the ventricles
The AV node connects the
atria to ventricles
The time that ____valves are open last the longest
The right coronary artery conducts blood to the
SA node
The ____duct connects the gallbladder and common bile duct
The ______is the entrance to the superior region of the stomach from the esophagus
lower esophageal spincter
The ____controls the passage from stomach to duodenum
pyloric sphincter
As BPG and temp increases more O2 is
released from hemoglobin
AS PCO2 increases Ph drops and so does
hemoglobin saturation
An elevation in Ph will increase the affinity of
hemoglobin for oxygen
The______ causes inhibiton of the feeding center
satiety center
The right and left portions of the thalamus are connected by the
intermediate mass
The ___and ___ areas help control breathing
pneumotaxic and apneustic
The medulla oblongata is btn the
foramen magnum and the pons
the blood CSF barrier is composed of
ependymal cells
Cerebrospinal fluid functions
acts as a shock absorber for the brain
contains WBCs-is a medium for exchange of netrients and waste
CSF is produced by
filtration and secretion in the choroid plexuses
____are paired masses of gray matter with in the white matter of the cerebrum that are rich in dopamin and are involved in the maintance of muscle tone
basal ganglia
The cavities in the brain are called
The cranial nerve that has a deratone is the
The plexus from which the sciatic nerve arises is located
anterior to the sacrum
In the tendon reflex the tendon organs sense changes in
muscle contraction or passice strech
the____is the orgin of the sciatic nerve
sacral plexus
____is normally found in the epidural space
spinal nerves are considered mixed which means they contain both
afferent and efferent nerves
The ____ is the roots of spinal nerves hanging inferiorly from the inferior end of the spinal cord in the vertebral column
The caudia equina
Most neurons are
The trigger zone on a unipolar neuron is at the
junction of the axon and dendrite
_____conduction is the the conduction of a nerve impulse along a myelinated axon
saltatory conduction
a neurotransmitter that allows sodium ions to leak into a postsynaptic neuron causes
excitatory postsynaptic potentials
CSF is normally found with in the
central canal of the spinal cord
_____is the time following an action potential during which a second action potential cannot be initated reguardless of stimulus strenght
The absolute refractory period
The ____zone on a unipolar neuron is at the junction of the axon and dendrite
trigger zone
membrane proteins called G proteins may be important in the
activites of ligand-gated ion channels
Efferent neurons transmit impulses from the CNS to
Neuroglia in the CNS that produces the myelin sheath are
_____are clusters of rough ER in the cell body
Nissl bodies
The origin of a muscle refers to the
attachment to the stationary bone
brevis means
a work in a muscle name that indicates the muscle derease the size of an opening is
The insertion of skeletal muscle is the
connection to the bone that moves while the muscle contracts and the point at which effort is applied in an anatonical lever system
The function of myoglobin is to
bind oxygen for aerobic respiration
Sliding filament theory says that
myofibers shorten when then filaments are pulled toward the center of the sarcomere by swiveling of the myosin heads
pushing with arms =s
isometric contractions
The protein making up the M line that binds titin and connects thick filaments to eatch other is
during the latent period of muscle contraction calcium ions are beginning to enter the
sarcoplasm from the sarcoplasmic reticulum
The role of acetycholine in skeletal muscle contraction is to
bind specific receptors on the sarolemma to open sodium ion channels
The muscle that relaxes during a particular action is the
The greastes ROM occurs in which joints
ball and socket
skeletal muscles are stimulated to contract when
acetylcholine binds to receptors on the sarcolemma causing action potential
The function of calcium ions in skeletal muscle contraction is to
bind to the troponin on the thin filaments so that the myosin binding sites onthe actin can be exposed
glucose is stored in muscle cells as
_____is the plasma membrane of a myofiber
The ____is areolar connective tissue surrounding individual muscle fibers
The ability of muscle to strech without being damaged is
Striations in muscle tissue is due to the
arrangement of proteins with in the cells
____and ____both have joint cavities btn articulating bones and become synostoses as the body ages
sutures and syncondroses
In a symphysis articulating bones are connected by
_____sutures generally do not persist into adulthood
frontal sutures
What type of bone is the scapula
flat bones consit of
2 parallel plates of compact bone
short bones lenghtand width are
nearly equal
synthesis of vit D needs
UV light
sebaceous glands usually secrete thier products into the
necks of hair follicles
differences in skin color is due to the amt of
melanin produced by melanocytes
What is normally found btn the visceral and parietal layer os the pleura
serous fluid
The function of osteoblast is to produce
new collagen for bone matrix
osteoclast are located in the
The role of human growth hormone in bone growth is that it
stimulates the production of IGFs
The most abundant tissue in the body is
connective tissue
most oxygen is transported in blood by the
heme portion of hemoglobin
The type of chemical reaction catalyzed by the digestive enzymes in the digestive juices of the alimentary canal is
what event makrs the beginning of the stage of expulsion in true labor
complete cerical dilation
The fetus is protected from mechanical injury by fluid contained within the
How many days after ferilization does implantation of the blastocyst occur
6 days
The female structure that is homologuos to the scrotum is the
labia majoria
What is the next event following syngamy
depolarizaition and release of calcium ions by the oocyte
dietary lipids are trasported in the lymph and blood by