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28 Cards in this Set

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Cellular junctions?





How is the basement membrane a partial barrier?

Because it allows nutrients and waste to diffuse through

Cillia vs Microvilla

Cillia helps propel mucus and Microvilla increases surface area for absorption

Meaning of simple, stratified, and pseudo stratified?

Simple is one layer,

Stratified is multiple layers of cells and pseudo stratified is not truly stratified but not all the cells reach the surface however they all connect to basement membrane.

Three basic shapes of epithelial cells?


What is a gland?

Group of cells that have ability to make and release a secretion

Endocrine vs Exocrine

Endocrine has no ducts I.e adrenal gland

Exocrine has ducts I.e sweat

Where are globlet cells found and what do they secrete?

They are found in respiratory and digestive tract and secrete mucus.

Merocrine vs apocrine vs holocrine

Merocrine stays intact

Apocrine losses top part of cell

Holocrine gets destroyed completely

Serous vs Mucous

Serous is watery while mucous is thick

How is CT close to epithelial tissue?

Only that they both come from mesoderm

Three parts of CT?

Extracellular fibers, ground substance, and cells.

GAGS are?

Gycosaminoglyans- and are major ground substance found in CT

What are fibroblasts?

A fixed cell that secretes fibers and ground substance. Start as blasts and form cytes and can go back to blasts.

Adipose tissue is?


Brown fat vs white fat

Brown fat is vascular, glandular, and releases heat.

White fat is a thermal insulator and shock absorber.

Three cells in CT?


Mast cells(oval-release histamine)


Why is cartilage thick and slow to heal?

Cause it's avascular(no blood vessels)

Is blood connective tissue?


Membrane is composed of what two types of tissue?

Epithelial and connective

Where are mucous membranes found and what do they do?

Found lining organs that have outside connections to environment, and produce mucous to help make lining slippery and to trap microbes

Membrane that covers outer portion of organs?

Visceral layer

Layer that covers cavity walls?

Parietal layer

Effusion vs ascites

Effusion is when large amounts of fluids enter a both cavity

Ascites is when there's a presence of effusion in the abdomen

Another name for cutaneous membrane?

Skin or integument

Where are synovial membranes found? And how are they diff from other membranes?

Lining cavities of joints and are made of CT not epithelial tissue

How do muscle contract?

Fibers are arranged in microfilaments that when slide over one another make the muscle contract(shorten)

Three types of muscle?

Skeletal, cardiac and smooth