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28 Cards in this Set

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a council of workers
Alexander Kerensky
revolutionary leader among many who were eager to see genuine parliamentary ryle, religious and other freedoms, and a host of political and legal changes
Russian Communist Party
political party in Russia led by Lenin and the Bolsheviks
Council of People's Commissars
created by the communists, headed by Lenin, and drawn from soviets across the nation to govern the state
Social Revolutionary Party
emphasized peasant support and rural reform
Congress of Soviets
Bolshevik-dominated congress that replaced Parliament
Red Army
early beneficiary of two ongoing sources of strength for communist Russia: a willingness to use people of humble background but great ability, and an ability to inspire mass loyalty in the name of a brighter communist future
New Economic Policy (NEP)
helped reduce ecnomic disarray in 1921 by promising freedom of action for small businesspeople and peasant land owners
Union of Soviet Socialist Republics
what Russia was now called
Supreme Soviet
had many trappings of a parliament and was elected by universal suffrage
name one of the Communist party members of worker origins took on: meaning "steel"
Jospeh Stalin
emerged as undisputed leader of the Soviet state, his victory a triumph for party control over all branches of government
Communist International office set up by Lenin to huide international revolutionary activity
wealthy, commercailly oriented peasants who were particularly attuned to a profit-based market agriculture
creating large, state-run farms rather than individual holdings as in the West
five-year plans
under the state planning commission negan to set clear priorities for industrial development, including expected output levels and new facilities
party congresses and meeting of the executive committee
Berlin Wall
built in 1961 to contain the flow of people to West Germany
independent labor movement
socialist realism
a style in the arts bent on gloryifying heroic workers, soldiers, and peasants
Aleksandr Solzhenitsym
was exiled to the West because of the publication of his trilogy about the Siberian prison camps; found the West too materialistic and individualistic for his taste
The Gulag Archpelago
Aleksandr Solzhenitsym's trilogy
Hope Against Hope and Hope Abandoned
Two essentially autobiographical volumes written by Nadezhda Nadelstam telling her and her husband's story
Nikita Khrushchev
new Soviet leader that emerged in 1956 from a committee pack to gain primary power
Mikhail Gorbachev
quickly renewed some of the earlier attacks on Stalinist rigidity and replaced some of the old-line party bureaucrats; also made many other changes
openness which implied new freedom to comment and criticize
economic restructuring which Gorbachev translated into more leeway for private ownership and decentralized control in industry and agriculture
Boris Yeltsin
Gorbachev's successor who confirmed the stance that "any nation has the right to decide its fate by itself"