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8 Cards in this Set

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The industrailization of West
Social tranformation, western society went through dizzying series of disruptions.
Called the phase of experamentaion.
Social changes renforced the ideoligical challege.
Manchester, England grew to be a city of several hundrend thousand.
Health conditions in poor areas worsend because of the packed houseing.
Bad harvests in 1846 and 1847 cause food prices to go up.
Socail structure came to rest less on birth right but rather on money.
Constitutional issues were replaced with social issues.
Feministic movments gained favor.
Leisure became big part of life.
The industrailization of West
Rise in premarital sex, and births.
Enlightinment thinkers challenged old belifs and power of the church.
Europe copyed commen western cultrual patterns.
The industrailization of West
Enlightinment thinkers challenged power of the church
Napoleon confermed religious freedom.
Some Prussian reforms granted freedom to jews
New churches were built as citys grew.
Eailyer certintys of christianity and the elightinment gave way to debate.
The industrailization of West
Britin lost contol of U.S.
Europe tryed to contorl colonies, power was being lost.
Britin tryed to impose new taxes and trade laws on colonies.
Most of Europe started revolutions
Naploleon starts to get counties in europe.
Britin started industrialization, other counties around copyed.
Prussia became a supreme german power and after the fight with the french , german unity was produced.
Lots of counties out side of north america adopted western ideas and social aspects of life.
Britin moves down to western lower hemishpere
New Zealand gets visted by Dutch
Germany, Austria hungery and Britin form the triple alliance.
The industrailization of West
U.S. based on popular vote
french goverment and buerocracy were incapable of reform.
Political protests found support with students and artisins
Western goverments incouraged railway building
New set of political movments emerged
The industrailization of West
Automatic machinery
Better tools to gather resources and crops
Better weapons
The metric system of weights and measures
Spindles for warping fiber into thread
The industrailization of West
Commercialization stirres the economy
More trade because of other counties near by.
In france, goverment and nobles had all of the money while the masses, who were poor had very little money.
 lots of taxation
The industrailization of West
Settlers from most of eruope went to colnies arounf the world.
Britin to New Zealand and America and Australia
Russia to Canada
French to other side of Canada
Spain and Portugaul to south and central America