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93 Cards in this Set

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What are the major and minor sensory innervations of the subdivisions of the pharynx?
Naso: 9/5, Oro: 9/10, Laryngo: 10/9
What is the only pharyngeal muscle innervated by the glossopharyngeal nerve (CN9)?
Most of the motor innervation to the pharyngeal muscles is from what nerve?
Vagus nerve (CN 10)
The mucus glands of the pharynx are innervated by what nerve system?
Reinke's guess: name the nerves associated with the mucus glands of the subdivisions of the pharynx.
Naso: CN7, Oro: CN9, Laryngo: CN10
What is the location of the larynx?
between the upper border of C4 down to inferior border of C6, anterior to laryngopharynx
What does the upper respiratory airway consist of?
Nasal cavities, nasopharynx, oropharynx, laryngopharynx, and larynx (oral cavity not included)
How many pieces of cartilage form the larynx? How many are paired?
9, 3 (3x2=6)
What are the paired cartilages of the larynx?
arytenoid, corniculate, cuneiform
What are the unpaired cartilages of the larynx?
thyroid, cricoid, epiglottis
The epiglottis lies over what structure?
the glottis
What is the relative shape and location of the epiglottis?
leaf-shaped. Lies posterior to the root of the tongue, over the glottis
What is the function of the epiglottis?
helps cover the airway during swallowing, opens during breathing
Name the attachments of the epiglottis.
thyroepiglottic lig., hyoepiglottic lig., median glossoepiglottic fold, lateral glossoepiglottic folds (2)
The thyroepiglottic ligament connects what?
inferior tapered end of epiglottis to the thyroid cartilage
hyoepiglottic ligament connects what?
epiglottis to the hyoid bone
what is the median glossoepiglottic fold?
midline lying fold that attaches the epiglottis to the root of the tongue
what are the lateral glossoepiglottic folds?
2 lateral folds of tissue that attach the epiglottis to the root of the tongue
What lies between the median and lateral glossoepiglottic folds?
What is the aryepiglottic fold?
fold of connective tissue joins lateral borders of the epiglottis to arytenoid cartilage posteriorly. Forms lateral walls of the laryngeal inlet.
what forms the lateral walls of the laryngeal inlet?
aryepiglottic fold
what is the fold of tissue that joins the lateral borders of the epiglottis to the arytenoid cartilage posteriorly?
aryepiglottic fold
What is the epiglottic tubercle?
small swelling on inner, inferior, posterior surface of the epiglottis
What is the small swelling on the inner, inferior, posterior surface of the epiglottis called?
epiglottic tubercle
What comes in contact with the cuneiform tubercles that shuts off the larynx during swallowing?
epiglottic tubercle
What is the function of the epiglottic tubercle?
contacts cuneiform tubercles during swallowing to shut off the larynx
What is the thyroid cartilage also known as?
adam's apple
What is the relative size of the thyroid cartilage?
the largest laryngeal cartilage
Which is the largest laryngeal cartilage?
the thyroid cartilage
In which gender is the thyroid cartilage larger and why?
males, testosterone
Which laryngeal cartilage is larger in males?
What is the shape of the thyroid cartilage?
V-shaped that is open posteriorly
Which laryngeal cartilage is v-shaped and open posteriorly?
What are the two sides of the thyroid cartilage called?
What are the lamina(e) of the thyroid cartilage?
the two sides of the cartilage
What is the angle of the thyroid cartilage?
midline area where the two lamina fuse together
What is the midline area of the thyroid cartilage where the two lamina fuse together called?
The angle of the thyroid cartilage
What is the importance of the superior/inferior horns (cornua) of the thyroid cartilage?
they can fracture during intubation leading to severe and persistent throat pain and litigation
What part of the thyroid cartilage can fracture during intubation leading to lawsuits?
the superior and inferior horns (cornua) of the thyroid cartilage
What is the complete circular band of cartilage that surrounds the inferior portion of the larynx called?
The cricoid cartilage
What is the cricoid cartilage?
a complete circular band of cartilage that surrounds the inferior portion of the larynx
Which laryngeal cartilage resembles a "signet ring"?
cricoid cartilage
which cartilage forms a complete circular ring?
cricoid cartilage
which cartilage is skinny in the front and wide in the back?
cricoid cartilage
What is the relative size of the cricoid cartilage anteriorly and posteriorly?
narrow, wide
What is the location of the cricoid cartilage?
immediately beneath the thyroid cartilage
Which cartilage lies beneath the thyroid cartilage?
cricoid cartilage
What aides visualization of the airway and closes off the esophagus to prevent aspiration?
cricoid cartilage
What is the purpose of cricoid pressure?
prevents aspiration
What manuver prevents aspiration during RSI (or just intubation)?
cricoid pressure
What is the only non-expanding portion of the upper airway?
cricoid cartilage
Why is the cricoid cartilage the only non-expanding portion of the upper airway?
it is a complete ring
what is the narrowest part of the upper airway in small children and babies?
cricoid cartilage
What is the relative size of the cricoid in small children and babies?
narrowest part of the upper airway
What is the paired cartilage that sits on the superior border of the posterior aspect of the cricoid cartilage?
arytenoid cartilage
What are the pyramidal shaped cartilages?
arytenoid cartilage
What is the shape of the arytenoid cartilage?
Where does the arytenoid cartilage sit?
superior border of the posterior aspect of the cricoid cartilage
What are two areas of the arytenoid cartilage?
apex and base
Which cartilage has an apex and base?
arytenoid cartilage
What is associated with the apex of the arytenoid cartilage?
corniculate cartilages and aryepiglottic folds
Where do the corniculate cartilages and aryepiglottic folds attach?
the apex of the aryepiglottic cartilage
What does the base of the arytenoid cartilage sit on?
superior border of the posterior aspect of the cricoid cartilage
What are two processes associated with the base of the arytenoid c?
vocal process and muscular process
What has a vocal and muscular process?
the base of the arytenoid process
Where does the vocal ligament attach?
vocal process of the base of the arytenoid C to the inner angle of the thyroid
what attaches the vocal process of the arytenoid process to the true vocal cords?
vocal ligament
What is attached to the vocal process of the base of the arytenoid cartilage?
vocal ligament
What attaches to the muscular process of the base of the arytenoid C.?
lateral and posterior cricoarytenoideus M.
Where do the lateral and posterior cricoarytenoideus M.s attach?
muscular process of the arytenoid C.
What are the lateral and posterior cricoarytenoideus M.s important for?
important in the movement of the vocal cords
What are the lateral and posterior cricoarytenoideus M.s also known as?
adduct and abduct cricoarytenoideus M.s
What is the anterior projection from the base of the arytenoid called?
vocal process
What is the lateral projection of the base of the arytenoid called?
muscular process
What are two small pieces of Ca. that sit on top of the apex of the arytenoid c?
corniculate cartilages
What does the corniculate cartilage sit on top of?
arytenoid ca.
What is the location of the corniculate cartilage?
on top of the apex of arytenoid & embedded in aryepiglottic fold medial to cuneiform ca.
Which ca. is embedded in the aryepiglottic fold medial to cuneiform ca.?
corniculate ca.
Where is the corniculate tubercle?
posterior medial aspect of the aryepiglottic fold
What is the slight swelling in the posterior medial aspect of the aryepiglottic fold called?
corniculate tubercle
what are the wedge shaped pieces of ca. in the aryepiglottic fold that are lateral to the corniculate ca.?
cuneiform ca.
What is the relative size and shape of the cuneiform ca.?
small, wedge-shaped
What is the location of the cuneiform ca?
embedded in the aryepiglottic fold, lateral to the corniculate ca.
Which ca. of the larynx is not attached to any other ca.?
cuneiform c.
What c. is the cuneiform c. attached to?
Which c. provides strength to the epiglottic fold and helps close off airway during swallowing?
cuneiform c.
What are the functions of the cuneiform c.?
provide strength for the aryepiglottic fold and close off airway during swallowing
What is the cuneiform tubercle?
slight swelling in the aryepiglottic fold d/t the underlying cuneiform cartilage
What is the slight swelling in the aryepiglottic fold d/t the underlying cuneiform cartilage?
Cuneiform tubercle
Which tubercle lies lateral to the corniculate tubercle?
cuneiform tubercle
What tubercle lies medial to the cuneiform tubercle
corniculate tubercle
What happens to the cuneiform tubercle during swallowing?
brought together and touch the epiglottic tubercle
During swallowing, what are brought together and touch the epiglottic tubercle?
cuneiform tubercle