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71 Cards in this Set

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What are the 4 functions of the respiratory system
gas exchange, filters air, regulates ph, and speech production
name the parts of a respiratory system
nose, nasal cavity, sinuses, pharynx, larynx, trachea, bronchi, and lungs
what are organs divided into
upper and lower respiratory tracts
what is the airway in the upper respiratory tract
airway from nose through larynx
where are the structures located in the upper respiratory section
in the head and neck
what is the lower respiratory section
the airway from the larynx to the lungs
where are the structures found in the lower respiratory tract
what is the conducting division
part of the system involved in airflow
what is included in the conducting division
nostrils though bronchioles
what occurs in the respiratory section
where the gas exchange occurs
what is included in the respiratory division
alveoli, alveolar ducts, and respiratory bronchioles
what does the nose consist of
2 external nares (nostrils)
what do they do the external nares do
allows air to enter and exit the nasal cavity
what are the external nares made of 4 tissues
epithelium, muscle, bone and cartilage
what is the function of the nose
it warms and filters air coming through
what is another name for throat
what does the pharynx connect
connects the nasal and oral cavaties to larynx and esophagus
what are the 3 regions of the pharynx
nasopharynx oropharynx and laryngopharynx
what type of tissue 3 does the pharynx contain
skeletal muscle, epithelium, and connective tissue
what are some functions of the pharynx
food passage way, air passage way, speech and swallowing
where is the nasopharynx located
space superior to the softpalate
what does the nasopharynx contain what type of opening
openingto eustachian tubes
what are tonsils foundin the nasopharynx
the pharyngeal tonsils (adenoids)
what type of tissue lines the nasopharynx
pseudostratified ciliated columnar epithelium
where is the oropharynx located
space inbetween soft palateand upper epiglottis
what tonsils does the oropharynx contain
the palatine and lingual tonsils
what is the oropharynx lined with
stratified squamous epithelium
what is the function of the oropharynx
food and air passage
what is the laryngopharynx located
between upper epiglottis and larynx
what is the laryngoppharynx lined with
stratified squamous epithelium
what are the 2 functions for the laryngopharynx
air and food passage way
what is the name for the voicebox
what section is the larynx
lower respiratory tract
where is the larynx located inbetween 2 major things
between the pharynx and the trachea
what are the 3 types of tisse that are in the larynx
muscle, cartilage, and elastic connective tissues
what is the framework of the larynx madeup of 9 cartilages
epiglottic, thyroid, cricoid, arytenoid, corniculate and cuneiform
what is the adams apple
thyroid cartilage
what are the 2 folds of the walls of the larynx
upper and lower, or false and true
which are the false vocal folds and which are the true
the upper pair of vocal folds are false
vocal folds are also called
vocal cords
what covers the glottis
what is the epiglottis made of
elastic cartilage
what do the lower vocal folds do
the false vocal folds help with swallowing they don't produce sound
what produces sound
true vocal folds
what are some functions of the larynx
keep food anddrink from trachea and sound. air passage to and from trachea
what is the windpipe called
what is posterior to the trachea
what is the trachea made of 4 types of tissue
pseudostratified ciliated columnar epithelium, hyaline cartilage rings, smooth muscle, and connective tissue
what are the functions of the trachea
transports and filters air to lungs
where are the bronchi located
branches of tubes start fromthe trachea going into the lungs
what are secondary bronci
branches from primary bronchi going to each lobe of the lung
how many lobes are therein the lungs where secondary bronchi
3 on the right and 2 on the left
what are the branches that come of the secondary bronchicalled
tertiary bronchi
what are tertiary bronchi made of 4 types of tissue
hyaline cartilage, smooth muscle, elastic, and pseudostratified ciliated columnar epithelium
what are the functions of tertiary bronchi
to filter and transpot air to bronchioles
what are bronchioles
smaller branches of bronchi
what are bronchioles made of 2 tissues
smooth muscle and pseudostratified ciliated columnar epithelium
what is the function of bronchioles
transport and filter air
what is an alveolar duct
branch from respiratory bronchiole into an alveolus
what are alveoli
air sacs in lungs
what is the alveolis function
gas exchange
how does the gas exchange occur
with capillaries via diffusion
what are alveoli made of
simple squamous epithelium
alveolar sac
clusters of alveoli
where are the lungs located
in the pleural cavity
how many lobes does the right lung have
what are located in the lungs
bronchioles, alveolar ductsand alveoli
what else non lung are located in lungs
blood vessels, lymphatic vessels, nerves
what is the intrapleural space
between pleural membranes
what is the serous membrane that attaches to the surface of the lung
visceral pleura
what is parietal pleura
serous membrane lines the pleural cavity