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30 Cards in this Set

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which blood vessels are the thinnest and transparent?
Ascending aorta branch supplies blood to
cardiac muscle
Arch of the aorta supplies blood to
head and neck and both upper extremities
Thoracic aorta supplies blood to
chest wall, and organs in the chest
Abdominal aorta supplies blood to
organs in the abdomen and lower extremities
high blood pressure range
greater than 140/90
normal blood pressure range
120/80 - 139/89
low blood pressure range
lower than 90/60
RAA (Renin-angiotensin-aldosterone)
increases blood pressure
Epinephrine and Norepinephrine
increase blood pressure
ADH (antidiuretic hormone)
increases blood pressure
ANP (atrial natriuretic peptide)
decreases blood pressure
Main feature of shock?
Low blood pressure, rapid heart and pulse rate, cool and pale skin, sweating, oliguria
hypertension of hepatic portal vein can cause what type of complications?
ascites, splenomegaly, and bleeding of esophageal varications
Right lymphatic duct recieves lymph from
the upper right quadrant from the body
Thoracic duct recieves lymph from
all parts of the body except those above diaphragm on the right side
T cell lymphocytes mature where
in the Thymus
B cell lymphocytes mature where
red bone marrow
which lymphocyte has the function of phagocytosis?
B cell
which lymphocyte produces antibodies?
B cell
what is the function of the spleen?
carry out immune functions, destroy pathogens by phagocytosis, removal of worn out or defective blood cells and platelets, storage of blood, and production of blood cells during fetal life
Elevation of multiclasses of immunoglobin can be seen in what diseases?
chronic infection, chronic liver disease, lupus, and rheumatoid arthritis
decrease in multiclasses of immunoglobin can be seen in?
congenital or acquired immunodeficiency
what is autoimmune disease?
The body can't recognize its own tissues and chemicals and produces B and T cells that attack its own tissues
difference between active immunity and passive immunity
Vacine = active
Immune globulin = passive
in forceful exhalation which muscles contract?
internal intercostal and abdominal muscles
where is the respiratory center?
mainly in the medulla oblongata and party in the pons of the brain stem
what are the typical symptoms of pneumothorax?
chest pain
specific chemical receptors are located where?
Carotid bodies arel located near the bifurcation of the common carotid arteries in the neck

aortic bodies are located in the aortic arch
what are the complications of COPD?
emphysema and pulmonary heart disease