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14 Cards in this Set

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All somatic motor neurons release what chemical at their synapses with skeletal muscle fibers? And what is it's effect?

Acetylcholine. Stimulatory.

Autonomic postganglionic fibers release what 2 chemicals?

Acetylcholine and norepinephrine. Norepi is secreted by most sympathetic fibers and ACh is secreted by parasympathetic fibers.

What is the primary role of the parasympathetic division?

To promote maintenance functions and conserve body energy (rest and digest)

What is the primary role of the sympathetic division?

To mobilize the body during activity (fight or flight)

Parasympathetic nerve fibers originate where in the CNS?

Cranium and sacrum

Sympathetic nerve fibers originate where in the CNS?

Thoracic and lumbar areas

What are the 2 types of cholinergic (acetylcholine) receptors?



What effects do nicotinic receptors have on their target organ? Where are they found?


Found on the sarcolemma of smooth muscle cells, all postganglionic neurons, hormone producing cells of adrenal medulla

Where are muscarinic receptors found? What are their effects?

All parasympathetic target organs. Excitatory, except in cardiac muscle

Where are beta1 adrenergic receptors found? What are their effects?

Primarily in the heart, but also in kidneys and adipose tissue. Increase heart rate and force of contraction, stimulate kidneys to release renin.

Where are beta2 adrenergic receptors found? What are their effects?

Lungs, most other sympathetic target organs, abundant in blood vessels serving the heart, liver, and skeletal muscle. Effects are mostly inhibitory. Dilates blood vessels and bronchioles, relaxes smooth muscle of digestive and urinary organs, relaxes the uterus.

Where are beta3 adrenergic receptors found?

Adipose tissue. Stimulates lipolysis by fat cells.

Where are alpha1 adrenergic receptors found and what do they do?

Blood vessels serving the skin, mucosae, abdominal viscera, kidneys, and salivary glands. Virtually all sympathetic target organs except heart. They constrict blood vessels and visceral organ sphincters, dilate pupils.

Where are alpha2 adrenergic receptors found and what do they do?

In the membrane of adrenergic axon terminals, pancreas, blood platelets. They inhibit NE release from adrenergic terminals, inhibit insulin secretion, promote blood clotting.