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55 Cards in this Set

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Anti-anxiety drugs also have what function
Hypnotic and anticonvulsant
What drugs have replaced barbiturates as antianxiety medications
What is the target receptor for benzodiazepines
What is the major inhibitory neurotransmitter in the CNS
Binding of GABA to its receptors triggers an opening of what channel
T or F: benzodiazepines activate influx of chloride ions which causes a small hyperpolarization and inhibits formation of action potentials
Do benzos have antipsychotic and analgesic actions?
What are the actions of Benzos
anxiolytic, hypnotic, anterograde amnesia, anticonvulsant, muscle relaxant
What property varies widely among the different benzos
duration of action
T or F: Benzos should not be used to alleviate the normal stress and should only be used for short periods due to their addiction potential
Longer-acting benzos such as ___ are often preferred in those pts with anxiety that may require tx for prolonged periods of time
Out of the 3 effects of benzos, which one is less subject to tolerance - antianxiety, sedative, or hypnotic?
Cross-tolerance exists among benzos as well as what other agent
What benzo is best used for panic disorders
This benzo is used to treat muscle spasms (seen in MS and cerebral palsy) and status epilepticus
Benzos increase this stage of sleep
Stage 2 of non REM
Benzos decrease these stages of sleep
REM and slow-wave
What are the 3 most commonly prescribed benzos for sleep disorders and how long are their actions
Flurazepam (long-acting), Temazepam (intermediate-acting), Triazolam (short-acting)
This benzo is useful for pts who can't stay asleep
This drug is useful for pts who are unable to fall asleep
Hypnotics should be given for what period of time
less than 2-4 weeks
Do benzos cross the placental barrier
T or F: psychological and physical dependence can develop if high doses over prolonged period of time are given
T or F: Abrupt discontinuation of benzos may result in withdrawal symptoms such as anxiety, agitation, restlessness, insomnia
Which benzo has a short elimination half-life and may induce more abrupt and severe withdrawal reactions
What are the two most common side effects of benzos
Drowsiness and confusion
This cerebellar side effect occurs at high doses of benzos
T or F: alcohol and other CNS depressants enhance the sedative-hypnotic effects of benzos
This hypnotic drug has no anticonvulsant or muscle-relaxing properties, shows no withdrawal effects, exhibits minimal rebound insomina, and little or no tolerance
Zolpidem (Ambien CR)
Zaleplon (Sonata) is what type of drug
Buspirone (Buspar) is useful in treating these psych disorders and has an efficacy comparable to benzos
Generalized anxiety disorders
Actions of Buspirone (Buspar) appear to be mediated by these receptors
5-HT1A receptors
Hypothermia is a side effect of this anxiolytic drug
Buspirone (Buspar)
Does Buspirone (Buspar) have a fast or slow onset of action
This is the only drug used for insomnia that has been shown to be effective for up to six months
Eszopiclone (Lunesta)
This drug is an antihistamine that has a low tendency for habituation and is useful for pts with anxiety who have a h/o drug abuse
This drug is a benzo antagonist
flumazenil (Romazicon)
Flumazenil (Romazicon) can be administered through what route
T or F: Onset of flumazenil (Romazicon) is rapid but duration is short, and frequent administration may be necessary to maintain reversal of long-acting benzos
What drugs used to be the mainstay of tx to sedate, induce, and maintain sleep and are known to have very severe withdrawal symptoms such as coma in toxic doses
Unlike benzos, barbiturates potentiate GABA action by doing what to the chloride channels
prolonging the duration of opening
Barbiturates are classified according to what property
Duration of action
This barbiturate acts within seconds and has 30 minute duration of action and used in the IV induction of anesthesia
This barbiturate has a duration of action greater than a day and is used in the treatment of seizures
Pentobarbital and secobarbital have what duration of action
At low doses, barbiturates have what action
At higher doses, barbiturates have what actions
Hypnosis, anesthesia, coma, and death
Do barbiturates have analgesic properties
T or F: Barbiturates suppress the chemoreceptor response to CO2 and overdose is followed by respiratory depression and death
Is there an antagonist for barbiturates
This drug's active metabolite is trichlorethanol, it's used as a sedative and hypnotic
Chloral hydrate
Diphenhydramine is what type of drug
Antihistamine (sedative)
This sedative is metabolized first to acetaldehyde by alcohol dehydrogenase and then to acetate by aldehyde dehydrogenase
This sedative blocks the oxidation of acetaldehyde to acetic acid by inhibiting aldehyde dehydrogenase, resulting in accumulation of acetaldehyde causing flushing, tachycardia, and nausea
T or F: Disulfiram has found some use in the patient seriously desiring to stop alcohol ingestion by inducing a conditioned avoidance response