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36 Cards in this Set

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what is the most common of all psychiatric disorders
when is anxiety considered a problem
when the anxiety is out of proportion to the situation creating it or interferes with functioning
recurrent anxiety attacks with an unpredictable onset
panic disorder
s/s panic disorder
think they are having a heart attack
choking feeling
fear of losing control
fear of dying
chest pain
hot flashes
how long do panic disorders typically last
few minutes to hours (rarely)
chronic, unrealistic, excessive anxiety & worry
"Worry warts"
generalized anxiety disorder (GAD)
how long must someone be showing symptoms of GAD for it to be diagnosed
> 6 mo
causes significant distress or impairment in functioning
s/s GAD
difficulty concentrating
difficulty sleeping
persistent irrational fear of a specific object, activity or situation that results in compelling desire to avoid what is dreaded
recurrent obsessions or compulsions that are severe enough to be time consuming or caused marked distress or significant impairment
Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD)
defense mechanism in OCD
what happens if they attempt to resist compulsive behavior
sends anxiety through the roof
meds given for OCD
SSRI's - Luvox, also Celexa, Lexapro, Prozac
Tricyclic - Anafranil
nursing diagnosis for OCD
ineffective role performance r/t need to perform rituals
interventions for OCD as inpatient
allow to perform ritual at first
then begin setting limits
teach relaxation techniques, how to recognize & manage anxiety
development of symptoms following an exposure to an extreme traumatic stressor that threatens persons physical integrity or the integrity of others
symptoms of PTSD
intrusive recollection of thing that happened
re-experience trauma
sustained high level of anxiety or can be numb
can't remember some aspects sometimes
may turn to substance abuse initially to help w/sleep
when is PTSD diagnosed
symptoms for >1 mo that interfere w/functioning - can have a delayed onset
nursing diagnoses PTSD
Ineffective coping
Social isolation
Post trauma syndrome
treatment modalities for all anxiety disorders
best tx is therapy & meds
Individual therapy
Systematic desensitization for phobias
Implosion therapy (flooding) – bombard person with that which they fear
Group, esp homogenous groups
Psychopharmacology – short term benzo’s, long term become addictive, instead use BuSpar or antidepressants, esp SSRI’s
Yalom's Curative Factors - what makes a group helpful
Instillation of hope – see others get better
Universality – others share my problem
Education/information – about disease, management, where to get help
Altruism - get a boost to self-esteem by trying to help others in same boat
Re-experience and attempt to resolve earlier life conflicts – somebody in group might remind you of someone (mother)
Development/correction of socialization skills
Role modeling – emulate another in group, how to confront somebody
Interpersonal learning – learn about self
Group cohesion – be part of a group
Catharsis – emotional cleansing
numerous recurrent long lasting physical complaints with no cause found
somatization disorder
unrealistic belief that something minor (blemish, mole) reflects a serious disease
pain for which a physical cause is not found. Even if pain is found, it is worse under certain psychological factors
pain disorder
sudden onset usually of a loss of functioning or change in functioning that results from psychological conflict. physical symptoms cannot be medically explained. rapid onset & quick resolution
conversion disorder
preoccupation w/some imagined or minor defect in one's appearance
body dysmorphic disorder
aka sociopath
doesn't conform to societal rules
feel no guilt (no superego)
disregard for authority & law
antisocial personality
defense mechanism for antisocial personality
projection - see themselves as victims
interventions for antisocial personality
Accept individual, not behavior
Develop trust relationship
Matter-of-fact honesty
Watch promises but keep word
Low stimulus environment
Watch closely (Q15) to be sure they aren’t bothering other people
Help identify object of anger or hostility
Work w/them to appropriately deal with anger/hostility
Explore other ways to manage
No special privileges, uphold unit rules
Calm attitude, sufficient staff if necessary
frantic effort avoid real/imagined abandonment, very intense affect, feel chronically depressed in response to feelings of abandonment, inability to be alone, poor sense of judgment, character,
Borderline Personality
Other s/s of borderlines
self-damaging (cutters)
recurrent suicidal behaviors
unstable mood
dissociate & hear voices
mother becomes threatened as child tries to become more independent. withdraws emotional support when showing independence and love & support when showing clinginess
object relations theory - reason for abandonment issues in borderline
defense mechanism of borderlines
splitting -- pit one staff member on another (I like you better than other nurses)
interventions for borderlines
Close observation, attitude of acceptance
Verbal contracting against cutting behavior
If injury occurs, care matter-of-fact, no attention or sympathy
Encourage them to talk about feelings they were having before SIB occurs (self-injurous behavior)
Talk about feelings, anger
Teach appropriate expression of anger
Journaling is very helpful
Explore abandonment fears
Redirect violent behavior w/physical outlets
Sufficient staff
Meds prn
1:1 observation of suicidal
Set limits, explain consequences
Rotate staff to avoid dependence on one person
Do not allow them to talk about other people
treatment for borderlines
Treatment of choice: Dialectical Behavioral Therapy – focuses on developing life skills that decrease emotional dysregulation and unhealthy attempts to cope w/emotions
Medications – antipsychotics, mood stabilizers, antidepressants (SSRI’s usually) and maybe MAOI but danger of OD