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31 Cards in this Set

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how many symptoms must you have to be able to classify a panic attack
Symptoms most days for at least 6 months
-Unrealistic worry/anxiousness about a number of events
-Symptoms: poor concentration, restlessness, irritability, sleep disturbances, fatigue, muscle tension
Unexpected, sudden panic attacks
-Attacks followed by 1 month or more of: (A) persistent worry about more attacks, (B) worry about implications or consequences of attack, OR (C) significant change in behavior related to attack
-Symptoms of panic attack as above
-With or without agoraphobia (fear or avoidance of open spaces or any place outside of ones home or other safe zone where escape might be difficult in case of panic attack)
panic attack
Individual fears that he/she might act in a humiliating or embarrassing manner
-Exposure to situation provokes panic attack
-Leads to avoidance of feared situation or location
-Individual is able to recognize, but not control irrational fear
-Symptoms: blushing, “butterflies”, diarrhea, diaphoresis, tachycardia, trembling
Marked and specific fear that is excessive or unreasonable set off by a specific stimulus
-Exposure to stimulus triggers anxiety or panic attack
-Avoidance of stimulus disrupts normal routine
-Stimuli include: animals, environmental (heights, weather, water, fire), blood, injections, injury, situational (airplanes, elevators, enclosed places), other (numbers, clowns, sounds)
specific phobias
-Exposure to a traumatic event in which (A) individual experienced, witnessed, or was confronted with an actual or threatened death, serious injury or loss of physical integrity AND (B) individual’s response was fear, helplessness, or horror
-The event is persistently re-experienced in one or more of the following ways: (A) recurrent, intrusive recollections, (B) recurrent, distressing dreams, (C) acting of feeling as if the event were reoccurring (hallucinations, flashbacks), (D) intense psychological distress or reaction at exposure to internal or external stimulus that resembles or symbolizes an aspect of event
-Avoidance behavior indicated by 3 or more of the following: (A) avoiding thoughts, feelings or conversations about the event, (B) avoiding activities, places or people related to the event, (C) inability or recall specifics of the event, (D) diminished interest or participation in significant events, (E) feelings of detachment or estrangement, (F) restricted affect, (G) sense of foreshortened future
-Two or more hyperarousal symptoms (A) difficulty falling or staying asleep, (B) irritability or outbursts, (C) difficulty concentrating, (D) hypervigilance, (E) exaggerated startle response
-Subtypes: acute (<3 months of symptoms), chronic (>3 months of symptoms), delayed onset (symptoms start >6 months post-event)
Either (A) obsessions defined as (1) recurrent and persistent thoughts, impulses or images that are intrusive, inappropriate and marked by anxiety or distress, (2) thoughts, impulses images are not simply excessive worries about real problems, (3) individual attempts to ignore, suppress or neutralize above AND (4) individual recognizes that above are a product of his/her own mind AND/OR (B) compulsions defined as (1) repetitive behaviors or mental acts performed in response to obsession or other rigid rules and (2) behaviors or mental acts are aimed at preventing or reducing exposure to distress or dreaded event but are not realistically connected with what they are meant to prevent or are clearly excessive
-Individual recognizes at some point that O/C are excessive
-O/C cause distress or are time consuming
PTSD with symptoms that last less than 4 weeks
-No treatment indicated
acute stress disorder
medical confounding factors for anxiety
arrhythmias, hypoglycemia, thyroid disorder, depression, bipolar, schizophrenia, alzheimers, asthma, COPD
medication confounding factors for anxiety
SSRI's, TCA's, serotonin syndrome, caffeine, cocaine, pseudoephedrine, amphetamines, ma huang, ephedra, PCP, alcohool, sedatives
prefered nonpharm tx for GAD
alcohol and stimulant avoidance, CBT, psychoeducation, stress management, meditation, and exercise
prefered non-pharm tx for panic disorders
Avoidance of stimulants and other precipitating substances, CBT, psychoeducation
prefered non-pharm tx for generalized SAD
support groups, CBT, and psychoeducation
prefered non-pharm tx for phobias
CBT, psychoeducation
prefered non-pharm tx for PTSD
CBT, group therapy, relaxation training, psychoeducation
preferred non-pharm tx for OCD
CBT, psychoeducation
first line tx for GAD
Venlafaxine, Paroxetine, citalopram
second line tx for GAD
Benzodiazepines, imipramine, buspirone
first line tx for Panic disorders
SSRIs, venlafaxine
second line tx for panic disorders
SSRIs, venlafaxine
Imipramine, clomipramine, alprazolam, clonazepam
Fist line tx for generalized panic disorders
Paroxetine, sertraline, venlafaxine
2nd line tx for generalized panic disorders
Citalopram, fluvoxamine, clonazepam
1st line tx for specific social anxiety disorders
2nd line tx for specific anxiety disorders
1st line tx for phobias
1st line tx for PTSD
paroxetine and other SSRI's
2nd line tx for PTSD
1st line tx for OCD
2nd line tx for OCD
Taper BZD's generally by ______ until at lowest dosage x 1 week, then discontinue
25% per week
Taper SSRI's generally by _____ until at lowest dosage x 1 week, then discontinue
25% per week