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89 Cards in this Set

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Hesitancy in urination accompanied by decreased force and caliber of stream, dribbling, incomplete emptying of bladder, frequency, urgency, nocturia, and dysuria. On rectal examination, the prostate feels smooth, rubbery, symmetric, and enlarged.
Benign Prostatic Hypertrophy
On rectal examination a hard, irregular nodule is palpable. Prostate feels asymmetric, and the median sulcus is obliterated.
Prostatic Carcinoma
mnemonic for BPH?
NUTS: Nocturia, Urine dribbles, Tried to void but can't, Small stream
Child complains of intense itching of the perianal area. The perianal area is irriteated from scratching. Child is extremely irritable at night.
Enterobiasis (roundworm, pinworm)
How would you obtain an enterobiasis specimen for microscopic exam?
press sticky side of cellulose tape against perianal folds and then press tape on glass slide
Lack of passage of stool within first 48 hours of life. Nerve studies show no abnormalities.
imperforate anus
On rectal exam, an elderly patient has a pink doughnut rosette protruding from anus
Rectal polapse in children is associated with ____?
Cystic fibrosis
Hard nodular shelf at the tip of the examining finger during a rectal exam?
intraperitoneal metastases
Sessile polypoid mass with nodular raised edges and areas of ulceration. Consistency is stony with an irregular contour.
rectal carcinoma
Patient presents with rectal bleeding. Rectal exam reveals soft pedunculated (or sessile) nodules.
Varicose Veins that originate below the anorectal line
external hemorrhoids
Itching and bleeding with defecation in an adult.
external hemorrhoids
Blue shiny masses at the anus
external hemorrhoids
Varicose veins that originate above the anorectal line
internal hmeorrhoids
Patient complains of anal burning/itching that intereres with sleep (adult)
Pruritus ani (probably fungal)
Patient complains of pain, itching, and rectal bleeding after passage of large hard stools
anorectal fissure
Caused by drainage of a perianal or perirectal abscess. It is an inflammatory tract that runs from the anus or rectum and oens onto the surfaceof the perianal skin
anorectal fistula
Painful and tender anus or rectum. Patient has a fever. Patient has an area of swelling and erythema of the anus both internally and externally.
perianal and preirectal abscesses
Anal cancers are considered a type of _______ cancer
The majority of anal cancers are _____, which are associated with _______
squamous cell carcinomas, HPV.
About 15% of anal cancers are _____, which originate from ______
adenocarcinomas, glands near the anus.
Which congenital anomaly is usually first diagnosed in young adults although they are a congenital anomaly. Located in the midline, superficial to the coccyx and lower sacrum, it is seen as a dimple with a sinus tract opening?
Pilonida Cysts
Anal canal s approximately how long?
2.5 - 4 cm long
Internal ring of smooth muscle muscle is under _____ control
involuntary autonomic
Defecation is controlled by ?
striated external sphincter
Lower half of anal canal is supplied with ___ nerves making it _____ to painful stimuli
somatic, sensitive
Anal canal is lined by columns of mucosal tissue also called ___ ____ _____
columns of Morgagni
Inflammation of anal crypts can result in what?
fistula or fissure formation
From wheredo internal hemorrhids result?
dilation of anastomosing veins crossing the columns of Morgagni
anastomosing veins crossing the columns of mucosal tissue form a ring called ______
zona hemorrhoidalis
The lower segment of the anal canal contains a venous plexus that drains into the ____ __ __
inferior rectal veins
dilation of which plexus results in external hemorrhoids?
plexus that drains to inferior rectal veins
Rectum is approximately _____ cm long
3 semilunar transverse folds in rectal wall
Houston valves
Dimensions of prostate gland
4 x 3 x 2 cm
Part of prostate accessible by digital rectal exam
posterior surface (right and left lateral lobes)
Which lobe of the prostate is composed of glandular tissure and is not palpable on exam
median lobe
Anal opening develops by what week gestation?
8 weeks
First meconium is ordinarily passed within first ?
24 - 48 hrs
Gastrocolic reflex?
pass stool after feeding
Which sphincters are under involuntary reflexive control at birth?
both internal and external
when do children achieve control of external anal sphincter?
18 - 24 months
Prostate remains undeveloped until?
What changes lead to constipation in the pregnant female?
Dietary habits and hormonal changes that decrease GI tract tone and motility.
What predisposeds pregnant women to hemorrhoids?
Dietary habits and hormonal changes that decrease GI tract tone and motility. Increased pressure in veins below the enlarged uterus and increased blood flow.
What causes stool retention in older adults?
degeneration of afferent neurons in the rectal wall
Loss of internal sphincter tone in the older adult may lead to _____
What structures of the prostate gland atrophy with age?
What part of the prostate gland hypertrophies with age?
glandular part
Fungal infection of perianal area is more common in adults with _____
In children perianal irritation is more commonly caused by ____
When discussing location in rectum or anus: 12 o'clock refers to the ______ _______
ventral midline
When discussing location in the rectum or anus: 6 o'clock refers to the ____ ______
dorsal midline
Upon initial insertion of the examining finger into the anal sphincter the patient may feel urgency for ____
a bowel movement
An extremely tight anal sphincter results from what?
scarring, spasticity caused by fissure, inflammation, or anxiety
Examing finger can palpate a distance of about ____ to ___ into the rectum
6 - 10 cm
Rectal walls should feel ____ ____ and ______
smooth, even, and uninteruppted
Bidigital palbpation is particulary useful for detecting a _____
perianal abscess
Prostate gland should feel like a ___________, firm, smooth, and slightly moveable
pencil eraser
a healthy prostate has a diameter of _____ with less than ____ protrusion
4 cm, 1 cm
A rubbery or boggy consistency of the prostate may indicate what?
Stony hard nodularity of the prostate gland my indicate what?
Grade I prostate enlargement?
1 - 2 cm
Grade II prostate enlargement?
2 - 3 cm
Grade III prostate enlargement?
3 - 4 cm
Gade IV prostate enlargement?
more than 4 cm
A uterus in what position maybe palpable through rectal examination
retroverted or retroflexed
Which female structure is palpable through the anterior rectal wall?
Peritoneal metastases maybe felt as nodules just above what structure in males?
Very light or tan stools may indicate what?
obstructive jaundice
Tarry black stool should make you suspect what?
upper gi tract bleeding
Shrunken buttocks in an infant or child suggest?
chronic debilitating disease
Asymmetric creases of buttocks in a child may indicate what?
congenital dislocation of the hips
Small flat flaps of skin around the rectum (condylomas) of an infant may indicate infection with what?
How would you examine patency of the anus in a newborn?
use lubicated catheter, shtick no more than 1 cm into rectum. Patency is usually confirmed by passage of meconium
Sinuses, tufts of hair, and dimpling in the pilonidal area may indicate:
lower spinal deformities
If there is no evidence of stool in the new born suspect?
Rectal atresia, Hirschsprung disease, or cystic fibrosis
When performing a digital rectal exam on a newborn which finger should you use?
A lax anal sphincter in a newborn may indicate what?
Lesion of the peripheral spinal nerves or spinal cord. Shigella infection. Previous fecal impaction.
A consistently empty rectum in the presence of constipation is a clue to the diagnosis of what?
Hirschsprung disease.
A palpable prostate in a preadolescent boy suggest?
precocious puberty or some virilizing disease.
Why may the stool of apregnant woman be dark green or black?
consumption of iron preparations.
Hemerrhoids are an expected variation in ______ pregnancy
Prostate in older males may have a ___ _____ _____ feel to it
rubbery, smooth, symmetric
Greenish-black, viscous, contains occult blood; stool is sterile
Newborn meconium 1st stool
Transitional: thin, slimy, brown to green
3 to 6 day old infant's stool
Mushy, loose, golden yellow; frequency varies fom after each feeding to every few days; nonirritating to skin
Stool from a breast fed infant
Light yellow, characteristic odor, irritating to skin
Stool from a formula fed infant