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32 Cards in this Set

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What are antihyperlipidemics used for?
used to treat hyperlipidemia
What are the classes of antihyperlipidemics?
HMG-CoA reductase inhibitors (Statins)
Bile Acid sequestrants
Nicontinic Acid/ Niacin/ Vitamin B3
What are the important drugs under the Statin class?
What are Statins used for?
used to decrease high blood lipid levels when lifestyle changes fail
What is the Statins mechanism of action?
inhibits cholesterol production in the liver by interfering w/ an enzyme used to synthesize cholesterol
What effect do Statins have?
decrease LDLs, triglycerides, total cholesterol, and increase HDLs
When should a pt take Statins?
in the pm
What are the contraindications for Statins?
active liver disease
What are the interactions with Statins?
large amounts of grapefruit juice
What are the side/adverse effects of Statins?
abd. cramps, constipation, diarrhea, flatus, heartburn, elevated liver enzymes
myopathies, rhandomyolysis( skeletal muscle breaks down)
Before or after giving a Statin what would you assess for?
muscle pain or weakness
etoh abuse and liver disease
After giving Statin what would you monitor?
liver function tests
triglycerides, total cholesterol, LDL, and HDL
If taking a Statin what would you want your pt to report?
muscle pain or weakness
If taking a Statin what would you want your pt to avoid?
large amounts of grapefruit juice
How can pts taking Statin decrease their chances of GI side effects?
by taking the Statin with food
What is the important drug under the Bile acid resins class?
What is the bile acid resins mechanism of action?
binds to bile acids (which contain high amounts of cholesterol) making the complex too large to be absorbed by the intestine and so cholesterol is excreted in feces
What is the effect of bile acid resins?
decreases LDL and cholesterol, increases HDL and triglycerides
What is a contraindication for using bile acid resins?
bowel obstruction
What are the side effects of bile acid resins?
flatus, bloating, NVD, abd. pain, constipation, decreased absorption of fat-soluble vitamins
If a pt is taking bile acid resins when should they take other meds?
4-6 after or 1 hr before the bile acid resins
When should a pt take bile acid resins?
before meals
How can a pt taking bile acid resins prevent constipation?
increase fluids and fiber
What should a pt taking bile acid resins also take daily?
What should a pt report if they're on bile acid resins?
black tarry stool or abd. bleeding
severe constipation
What is the drug under the Nicotinic acid class?
Niacin (high dose of B3)
What is Nicotinic acid used for?
used for pts that cannot tolerate statins
What is the effect of Nicotinic acid?
decreases triglycerides and LDL, increases HDL
Who should be at caution if taking Nicotinic acid?
diabetes, gout, PUD
What are the side effects of Nicotinic acid?
ND, increased blood sugar, uric acid, hepatotoxicity, pruritis, and flushing
How can a pt taking Nicotinic acid help with the pruritis and flushing?
taking ASA 30 mins before med
taking med w/ cold water
What other antihyperlipidemic should not be taking with Fibric acid agents?