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37 Cards in this Set

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First benzodiazepine
are used for anxiety (sedatives) and insomnia (hypnotics)
Benzodiazepines used as hypnotics
are flurazepan, temazepam, and triazolam
Benzodiazepines can cause
sedation, slurred speech, incoordination, prolonged response time in higher doses, and lessening of inhibitors
Main differences between drugs
are half-life and metabolism
Very short half-life drugs
can cause anterograde amnesia (triazolam, midazolam, and lorazepam)
Longer half-life
tend to build up in the system
Types of antianxiety drugs
Benzodiazepines, atypical benzodiazepines, buspirone, antihistamines, beta blockers, clonidine, tiagabine
work by integrating with bz receptors, of which there are three types
BZ receptors
are co-located with GABA receptors (presynaptic inhibiting receptors)
BZ receptors
have a high density in the limbic system
Binding a benzodiazepine at the BZ receptor
enhances the effect of GABA and increases the influx of chloride ions
Atypical benzodiazepines
new benzodiazepines derivatives being used as hypnotics
Atypical benzodiazepines may be associated
with less cognitive impairment and reduced risk of dependency
Examples of atypical benzodiazepines
are Estazolam (ProSom), quazepam (Doral), zolpidem (Ambien), eszopiclone (Lunesta), and zaleplon (Sonata)
Zolpidem, eszopidone, and zaleplon
have little effect on sleep architecture
Most benzodiazepines tend to
suppress REM sleep and Stage III and IV (delta) sleep
acts at the 5-HT 1A receptor
Buspirone tend to have
a delayed onset of action -as antidepressants
Advantages of buspirone over benzodiazepines
are that it is not associated w/ tolerance or dependence, it does not interact w/ other CNS depressants, and it is not associated w/ impaired psychomotor functions
Buspiron disadvantages
are its delayed onset of action and that it is not always effective
Most common side effects of buspirone
are nausea, dizziness, and anxiety
are frequently used in the treatment of anxiety
Examples of antihistamines
are hydroxyzine and diphenhydramine
Hydroxyzine and diphenhydramine
act by blocking histamine receptors in the CNS, causing sedation
Side effects of antihistamines
are drowsiness and impaired performance
Beta blockers
act by blocking the effects of norepinephrine at the receptor
Beta blockers are very effective
at reducing the peripheral manifestations of anxiety (increased heart rate, sweating, tremor), but aren't very effective at blocking the internal experience of anxiety
Beta blockers are used
for the treatment of performance anxiety
Most common beta blocker
is propranolol (Inderal)
Beta blockers side effects
are dizziness and lower blood pressure, and can cause depression if used over a long period of time
Beta blockers are used
as an adjunctive agents in the treatment of panic disorders
is an alpha-2 adrenergic agonist
Clonidine functions as
a presynaptic inhibitor of norepinephrine release
Clonidine is used
to treat hypertension and opiate withdrawal
is a selective GABA reuptake inhibitor used as an anticonvulsant
Tiagabine is currently used in clinical trials for
PTSD and panic disorders