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21 Cards in this Set

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What's another name for Parkinson's Disease?
Paralysis agitans
What is Parkinson's disease?
A chronic disorder of the CNS

Cause unknown
What is the cause of Parkinsons?
Neurotransmitter imbalance in brain:
- Too much acetylcholine.
- Too little dopamine

Cause unknown.
What are some common s/s of Parkinson's disease?
3 M's:

M uscle -tremors & weakness
M ovement -slow
M anuevering -shuffling, gait w/changes in posture & balance
Does Parkinson's disease have a cure?
What is the treatment goal for Parkinson's disease?
Maintain movement and activity while relieving symptoms
Antiparkinsonian drugs are ______ and ______.
anticholinergic and antidopamine
Antiparkinsonian drugs work in the brain by ______.
Block uptake of acetlycholine
Elevate dopamine levels
How do antiparkinsonian drugs affect the body?
They reduce/improve mobility, muscular coordination and performance
Dopaminergics tend to produce _____and ____.
Dysrhythmias and muscle twitches.
A pt experiencing a psychotic reaction, bitter taste and blurred vision might suffering the s/s of _________
An adverse reaction to dopaminergic drugs.
What sort of 'gastric' issues might a pt experiencing a dopaminergic adverse reaction have?
Urinary retention, diarrhea, vomitting epigastric distress and GI Bleeding.
You recognize that alopecia and hot flashes may a s/s of ________.
An Adverse Reaction to Dopaminergics
A pt experiencing postural hypotension, techycardia and agitation may be experiencing s/s of __________.
An Adverse Reaction to an Anticholinergic
Increased intraocular pressure and memory loss are s/s of ___________.
An Adverse Reaction to Anticholinergics
A pt experiencing decreased sweating and flushing is experiencing an adverse reaction to dopaminergics. T or F

Muscle twitching and eyelid twitching (blepharospam) are s/s of ____________.
Toxicity in pt's taking dopaminergics.
Pts using long-term drug therapy are r/f______.
What are some recognizeable s/s that can point to overdosage?
Sudden onset of progressively worsening parkinsonian symptoms
When a pt is obviously OD'd, what should be done?
Taper off drugs. Gradually
What two herbal products are used to treat Parkinson's disease?
Gingko and Grape seed.