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75 Cards in this Set

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what is a hominid?

a hominid has human characteristics that apes do not

list the hominid characteristics

bipedalism, non-honing chewing, material culture, speech, hunting, agriculture

When did bipedalism evolve?


when did non-honing chewing evolve?


when did tool use begin?


when did speech begin?


when did hunting begin?


when did domestication of plants begin?

10,000-11,000 years ago

What are the characteristics of a skeleton that indicate bipedalism?

foramen magnum, s-shaped spine, angled inwards and short ilium, foot has a longitudinal arch, non-opposable big toe, long legs, bicondyle angle.

where do hominid canines wear?

on the tips not on the back

what are the muscles associated with chewing?

temporalis, masseter, pterygoid

do hominids have thin or thick enamel?


Patchy Forest Hypothesis

bipedalism related to greater efficiency; arose in a fragmented forest.

Provisioning Hypothesis

males provided females food so there could be more babies; male needed free hands to carry the food

What are the advantages of bipedalism?

see greater distances, greater ease transporting, ability to run long distances, freeing of the hands

what are the disadvantages of bipedalism?

exposure to predators, back injury from carrying, circulatory system is pressured, is one foot is injured it's hard to move.

What are the earliest hominids

Australopithecus found in south africa and ethiopia, kenya, and tanzania

what were the pre-australopithecines like?

more ape-like than human-like

Sahelanthropus Tchadensis

7-6mya; the earliest pre-australopithecine species found in central Africa with possible evidence of bipedalism

What are the characteristics of Sahelanthropus?

small brain, massive brow ridge, flat face, bipedal, non-honing canines, apical wearing

Orrorin Tugenesis

6mya; a pre-australopithecine species found in East Africa that displayed some of the earliest evidence of bipedalism

What are the features of orrorin?

small brain, large brow ridge, bipedal, large canines (some honing), small molars, tree climber

Ardipithecus kadabba

dates to 5.8-5.5mya; found in ethiopia; an early pre-australopithecine species from the late miocene to the early pliocene

what are the traits of A. kadabba?

evidence of a peri-honing complex, a primitive trait intermediate between apes and modern humans, tree climber, bipedal toe bone, some apical wearing

Ardipithecus ramidus

4.4mya; found in ethiopia; a later pre-australopithecine species from the late Miocene to the early Pliocene

What are the characteristics of A. ramidus?

shows evidence of both bipedalism and arboreal activity but no indication of the primitive perihoning complex, small cabins, non-honing, apical wearing, thick enamel

What was special about ardipithecus?

foot lacked flexibility but had a thumb, thinner enamel, was adapted for the ground and the trees

what are characteristics of the australopithecines in general?

small brains, small canines, large premolars, large molars

Australopithecus anamensis

4mya; the oldest species of australopithecine form East Africa and a likely ancestor to A. afarensis

What are the features of A. anamensis?

large outer cusp (apes) on third premolar, large canines, parallel arcade (apes), curved hand, wooded setting, bipedal, apical wearing

Australopithecus afarensis

3.6-3mya; an early australopithecine from East Africa that had a brain size equivalent to a modern chimpanzees and is though to be a direct human ancestor

What hominid species are lucy and salem?

Australopithecus afarensis

What are the characteristics of A. afarensis?

similiar shoulder blade to a human, slightly curved fingers, cranial capacity of 430cc, hyroid bone of an ape, larger canines, prognathism, parabolic arcade, increased jaw size, bipedal, molarized premolars.

Australopithecus platyops

3.5mya; flat face; an australopithecine from East Africa that had a unique flat face and was contemporaneous with A afarensis.

Australopithecus Garhi

2.5mya; the first maker and user of tools; a late australopithecine from East Africa that was contemporaneous with A. afarensis and A. aethiopithecus and was the likely ancestor to the homo lineage

what are some key characteristics of A. Garhi?

projection beneath the nose, 450cc, long legs, tool use, equal-sized cusps on third premolar, teeth larger than in earlier A. afarensis.

Oldowan Complex

the stone tool culture associated with H. habilis and, possibly, A. garb, including primitive chopper tools.

Lower Paleolithic

the oldest part of the period during which the first stone tools were created and used, beginning with the Oldowan complex

What were tools used for?

processing food, digging up food.

Could tool use be before 2.6mya?

yes, just more plant based tools that would have disappeared.

Australopithecus aethiopicus

2.5mya; an early robust australopithecine from East Africa, with the hallmark physical traits of large teeth, large face, and massive muscle attachments on the cranium

What are the characteristics of A. aethiopicus

small brain 410cc, massive posterior teeth, robust skull with sagittal crest lived in open grasslands

Australopithecus boisei

2.3-1.2mya; a later, robust australopithecine from East Africa that was contemporaneous with A. robust and A. africans and had the robust cranial traits, including large teeth, large face, and heavy muscle attachment

What are the characteristics of A. boise?

small brain 510cc, massive posterior teeth, robust skull with sagittal crest, lived in open grasslands

Australopithecus africanus

3-2mya; a gracile australopithecine from South Africa that was contemporaneous with A. aethiopicus, A. garb, and A. boise and was likely ancestral to A. robustus

What are the traits of A. africanus?

Taung child; small brain 450cc, equal-size cusps on third premolar, phalanges not curved, apelike leg to arm ratio, lived in open grasslands

Australopithecus robustus

2-1.5mya; a robust australopithecine form South Africa that may have descended from A. afarensis, was contemporaneous with A. boise, and had the robust cranial traits of large teeth, large face, and heavy muscle attachments.

What are the traits of A. robustus?

small brain 530cc, massive posterior teeth, roust skull with sagittal crest, lived in open grasslands

Australopithecus sediba

2mya; a late species of australopithecine from South Africa that may have descended from A. africans, was a contemporary of A. robust, and expresses anatomical features found in Australopithecus and in Homo

What are some traits for A. sediba?

small brain 420cc, relatively small teeth, equal-size cusps on third premolars, gracile face and jaws, phalanges not curved, short fingers and long thumbs, long arms, small skeleton, homo-like pelvis, lived in open grasslands

What did evolution focus on for Australopithecines?

mastification; chewing

homo habilis

the earliest homo species, a possible descendant of A. garb and an ancestor to H. erectus; showed the first substantial increase in brain size and was the first species definitely associated with the production and use of stone tools.

What are some traits of Homo habilis?

increased brain size, reduced chewing complex

What disproves the patchy forest hypothesis?

hominins have been found in non-patchy forested areas that are bipedal.

What is wrong with the provisioning hypothesis?

there would be no sexual dimorphism, hands free for holding food, no need for social competition for females

What did bipedality evolve?

provisioning, environmental change, energy-saving locomotion, or thermoregulation

apical wearing

wearing of the tooth at the tips making them duller

what orientation is the temporals muscle in humans?

vertical for crushing

Name the earliest hominids in order?

Sahelanthropus (6-7mya), Orrorin (6mya), Ardipithecus (4-6mya), Australopithecus (2-4mya)

Laetoli footprints

3.6mya first evidence of bipedalism found by Mary Leakey in 1978. foot with an arch, non-opposable big toe, and no knuckle impressions.

bicondylar angle

otherwise known as the values knee, the femur sits at an angle relative to the tibia and slants inwards from the outside of the pelvis


big toe

midtarsal break

only in apes so the foot bends in the middle


a decrease the size of the incisors and canines and an extreme increase in the size of the premolars and molars


the projection of the lower face as seen in great apes as well as australpithecinesm

molarized premolars

when the premolars are enlarged and generally have more than 2 cusps and look like molars

what causes a dish shaped face?

the large temporals muscles pushing the cheek bones forward so they are in front of the nasal bones

who exhibits bipedalism first?

sahelanthropus and orrorin

who exhibits non-honing chewing first?


who exhibits tool use first?


Why are some hominins robust?

large temporals for eating tough foods and thick cheekbones to absorb the force

Describe the lineage from the beginning pre-australopithecines to A. boisei.

Ardipithecus ramidus - Australopithecus anamensis - A. afarensis - A. aethiopicus - A. boisei

Describe the lineage from the beginning pre-australopithecines to A. robustus.

Ardi ramidus - A. anamensis - A. afarensis - A. africanus - A. robustus

Describe the lineage from the beginning pre australopithecines to A. sediba

Ardi ramidus - A. anamensis - A. afarensis - A. africanus - A. sediba

Describe the lineage to homo sapiens from the beginning.

Ardi ramidus - A. anamensis - A. afarensis - A. garhi (possibly otherwise skip) - Homo habilis - H. erectus - H. sapiens