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148 Cards in this Set

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Where are chromosomes?

In the nucleus of a eukaryotic cell

______ is when cellular division results in two daughters cells having half the DNA of the parent cell


What forms proteins?

Amino acids

What manufactures proteins?


What kind of mutations are heritable?

Germ cell mutations

How is information from DNA transferred to RNA?

Through transcription

Genetic info is stored and transmitted through ____


Protein formation occurs through a two step process involving...

Transcription and translation

What are the mechanisms of biological evolution that operate at a population level?

Genetic drift, Gene flow

Natural selection determines what?

How phenotypes vary in expression and frequency in a population

____ is when species formation occurs following the geographic isolation of populations

Allopatric speciation

________ is when an organism has overlapping fields of vision

Stereoscopic vision

____ is the primate suborder comprising lemurs, lorises, and galagos


Strepsirhini and haplorhini are what?

Primate suborders

A trait that is old on a phylogenetic scale of development is called ____

A primitive feature

_____ enhances night vision

Tapetum Lucidum (extra layer of light reflecting tissue in the eye)

______ is a ring of bone around the eye socket

Postorbital bar

A monkey that sleeps during the night and is active during the day is _____


A monkey with varying activity cycles is _________


______ reduces night vision but improves visual acuity

Retinal fovea

Humans, orangutans, and gorillas are all members of the....

Haplorhini suborder, Catarrhini superfamily

a male chimp leaving his home group upon reaching maturity exemplifies ________

Female philopatry

Examining how artifacts change over time in order to determine relative age is known as...

Seriation (or typological sequence)

Determining age based upon the rings of a tree is...


The absolute dating method that involves examining the radioactive decay of isotopes is known as...

Radiocarbon dating

What's the improved version of radiocarbon dating?

Accelerator mass spectrometry

What's the dating method used on volcanic rock?

Potassium argon dating

Borrowing a trait from another society is _____

The diffusion mechanism of change

Extensive cultural borrowing between 2 societies in the context of an unequal power relationship is...

The Acculturation mechanism of change

What tool tradition is associated with Homo habilis?


The oldowan tool tradition utilized only _____

Percussion flaking

What tool is associated strongly with the Acheulean tool tradition?

The Acheulean handaxe

What species dominated the middle paleolithic?

Homo neanderthalensis

What tool tradition is associated with Homo neanderthalensis?


Hafted stone tools are found in the _____ tool tradition


The levallois method is associated with the _____ tool tradition


The upper paleolithic period is associated with which species?

Modern humans: Homo sapiens

The neolithic period refers to...

The earliest food producing cultures

Which theory of agriculture states that people, plants, and animals became concentrated near oases due to global heating post ice age?

The Oasis hypothesis

What theory of agriculture states that increasing populations led to agriculture?

Population pressure hypothesis

The ___ is a large scale political unit with centralized decision making


The first state was...

Uruk, mesopotamia

A dental tooth comb is a trait of _________


A moist rhinarium is a trait of...


Tapetum Lucidum is found in....


Dry noses are found in....


Retinal fovea is found in...


The mandibular and frontal symphases of strepsirhines are....


The mandibular and frontal symphases of haplorhini are _____


Primate grooming serves to...

Establish and maintain social bonds, reconcile

The primate like mammals of the paleocene are known as ________


The two main Eocene families are the ______ and the _______

Adapidae and Omomyidae

3 haplorhine features are...

Fused frontal bone

postorbital closure

Fused mandibular symphases

Eocene primates, Adapidae, may have led to ____


Eocene primates, Omomyidae, may have led to ___


Why is it easier to determine exact age of young individuals?

The process of ossification occurs more rapidly at earlier ages

Sex can be determined in a skeleton through examining the _____


A bone defect is a...

Traumatic damage

Lesions on the bone are...

Pathologically produced features

Beringia is a connection between _____ and _____

Siberia, Alaska

Migration occurred across _____


What's some archaeological evidence of people crossing the ice sheets from Siberia to America?

The clovis tradition

The first "real" hominins were the __________


The characteristics exhibited by australopithecus are...

Intermediate between extant apes and modern humans

Australopithecus ______ is the most commonly found australopithecine


Australopithecus _____ was recently discovered by a nine year old who turned over a stone


Australopithecus Sediba exhibits features that are...

Transitional between earlier australopithecines and future hominins

Homo habilis translates to ________


Homo habilis utilized _____ tools


Homo habilis has a _____ brain than Afarensis


There is debate over which two species being the earliest direct ancestor to humans?

H. Habilis and H. Rudolfensis

Homo erectus used....

Fire, relatively sophisticated stone tools

The 3 upper paleolithic tool traditions are....

Aurignacian, Solutrean, Magdalenian

The aurignacian tool tradition was....

Used by Homo sapiens

Characterized by the standardization of tools

Blades rather than flakes

The Solutrean tool tradition...

Used a new process: pressure flaking

Characterized by beautiful symmetrical bifacial tools

The Magdalenian tool tradition...

Was one of the final tool traditions before tool production changed to use of metals rather than stone

Characterized by microliths

Domestication began

A denticulated microlith is...

A tiny flake tool set with small notches

In the oldowan tool tradition, manuports are...

Pieces of rocks that are transported but not modified

Platyrrhini is an infraorder of the ________ suborder


Tarsiiformes are an infraorder of the ________ suborder


The sole infraorder of the strepsirhini suborder is ______

Lemuriformes (contains lemurs and lorises)

The varying body mass of humans exemplifies _______ variation


________ is the process by which info from mRNA is used to construct protein


what are the 2 types of cave and rock art in prehistory

pictographs (painted) and petroglyphs (carved)

requirements for radiocarbon dating include...

know the original amount of isotope

& amount remaining at present

know rate of radioactive decay

radiocarbon dating can't date past _____ years


the ______ is the original exterior of a stone core


The oldowan and acheulean tool traditions belong to the ____ ______ era

lower Paleolithic

A denticulated edge is _____

serrated (has many shallow indentations)

______ tools are tools made from more than one piece (ex: stone tool with handle)


the 2 routes from Beringia to rest of America were....

ice free corridor or coastal route

two sites that predate the Clovis tradition are...

Monte Verde and Paisley Cave

_____-_____ _____ have a greater reliance on multiple food sources

broad-spectrum collectors

the most important plants to human diet are...

seed and root crops

the stages of domestication are...

- unintentional tending

- later intentional cultivation

- eventual domestication

members of the same species are _____


_______ is the classifications of organisms based on their overall phenotypic similarities, regardless of their evolutionary relationships


a homoplastic character is...

a feature in two or more taxa whose similarity is not due to common descent

evolutionary synthesis is...

a modern theory of evolutionary processes, emphasizes the combined action of the 4 mechanisms of change

(random mutation, natural selection, genetic drift, gene flow)

the Biological Species Concept

species potentially interbreeding populations which are reproductively isolated from other groups; implies that increase in species diversity can occur within group if isolated from each other
Phylogenetic Species Concept
species is smallest aggregation of sexual populations diagnosable by a unique combination of characteristics; includes cladistics and phenetics

chromosomes not involved in determining an organism's sex are _______


The process by which homologous chromosomes exchange genetic materials during gamete formation is _________


A nucleotide is..

a building block of DNA, consisting of a base, sugar, and phosphate group

the _______ is internal fluid, dissolved materials, and cellular organelles in a cell, minus the nucleus. Also the primary site for chemical activity in the cell


primary function of ___ in a cell is the step between DNA and protein synthesis


_____ _____ refers to random changes in the gene pool overtime

genetic drift

___ ____ refers to the movement of individuals and therefore genes between populations

gene flow

The founder effect is....

when a new subpopulation is composed of only a few individuals from the original population

_____ _________ are drastic reduction in population size for at least one generation which results in reduced genetic diversity

Population bottlenecks

____-_____ ______ informed modern biogeography & recanted his work because of the Catholic church

Georges-Louis Leclerc

_______ created binomial nomenclature; did not believe in evolution


____-_______ ______ opposed fixity of species and catastrophism, worked on inheritance of acquired characteristics

Jeane-Baptiste Lamarck

the three postulates of Darwinian Evolution are..

1. struggle for existence

2. variation in fitness

3. inheritance of variation

Mendel's three conclusions were...
1. physical traits pass generations by "units" or "factors"

2. offspring inherits one "factor" from each parent

3. trait may not present in individual, but can still be passed on to the next generation aka dominant vs. recessive traits

Laetoli footprints tell us...
associated with australopithecus afarensis, demonstrates hominins were bipedal

the lower jaw is the _____


______ is the outer surface of a tooth, the hardest biological substance in the body


being _____ is the ability to regulate body temperature by environmental exposure


Turkana Boy was a...

teen Homo ergaster

Homo heidelbergensis
- compared to H. erectus

- larger brain + body size

- fire hardened spear - wooden tool

Homo antecessor
used stone tools, possible first hominin in Europe

Homo floresiensis

tiny body and brain, primitive features, located on Flores Island, Indonesia

Dr. Svante Paabo

discovered: H. sapiens and Neanderthals could have mixed genes

activities of plants and animals in the earth, causing disturbance of archaeological materials
primary attributes of artifacts to classify
- form (size and basic shape)

- technology (raw material and manufacturing technique)

- style (color, texture, decoration)

What lived in the Pliocene?

Fossil Cercopithecinae, Fossil Colobinae

Fossil Cercopithecinae


5 / 10 genera still exist

features similar to extant maques & baboons

Fossil Colobinae


larger than extant counterparts

terrestrial rather than arboreal

3 theories on why bipedalism was evolved

feeding posture, behaviour, thermoregulation

the behaviour theory of bipedalism states...

bipedalism evolved as a result of a sexual division of roles, males needed to be able to carry food to offspring

the thermoregulation theory of bipedalism states...

bipedalism was evolved to improve heat-dissipating abilities, to stay cooler

Sahelanthropus tchadensis, Ororin tugensis, Ardipithecus Ramidus & Ardipithecus kadabba, and Kenyathropus platyops are all _____________

transitional hominins

the oldest known transitional hominin is _______________ _______

Sahelanthropus tchadensis, possibly a common ancestor of hominins and african apes

The transitional hominin found in the Middle Awash was _____________

Ardipithecus ramidus

Australopithecus aethiopicus and boisei are both _____


In a gracile australopithecines....

Thinner bones, crests are absent, mandible is smaller, incisors and canines are larger, premolars and molars are smaller, forehead is steeper

In a robust australopithecines....

Thicker skull bones, crests are present in males, forehead is flatter, mandible is larger, canines are smaller

Australopithecus afarensis and africanus are ______



Three dimensional location of an artifact/feature

Two or more items occurring together is _________


Stratigraphy, serration, and geochronology are ______ dating methods


obsidian hydration, dendrochronology, geomagnatism, and radiocarbon are _____ dating methods


First hominin out of Africa was Homo ______


tool traditions in _____ had no bifaces because of ______

Asia, Bamboo

Using a prepared core to produce a desired flake is known as the _______ _________

Levallois method

the migration into the Americas occured around the ______


Domestication is defined as......

Taming of wild plants/animals involving a physical and or behavioral modification