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76 Cards in this Set

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Earliest possible bipedal hominins

Lived where?

How long ago?

Tugen hills, Kenya

Toros Menalla, Chad

6-7 million years ago

Apes have stronger neck muscles than humans because...

The skull weighs significantly less in humans

Humans are smaller than great apes

Bipedalism is best for what type of travel

Long distance travel

Most crucial change in early hominin evolution


Hominins found 4-3 million years ago in East Africa

Australopithecus Afarensis

Australopithecus Anamensis

Spinal chord enters the skull through the...

Foramen magnum

Which hominin is known for walking bipedally 4.4 million years ago?

Ardipithecus Ramidus

Which hominin has ape like dentition but a human like skeleton?

Ardipithecus ramidus

In what type of habitat did hominins evolve

Predominantly woodland area

When and where did Oldowan tools appear?

Gona, Ethiopia

2.5 mya

What changes allowed hominins to become fully bipedal?

Changes in feet, pelvis, skull, and knees

Which is hominin is the earliest found?

Sahelanthrops tchadensis

Earliest australopithecine?

Found where?

How old?

Australopithecus anamensis

Northern Kenya

4.2 mya

Earliest robust australopithecine?

Found where?

How old?

Australopithecus aethiopicus

Eastern Africa

2.7-2.3 mya

Most well represented australopithecine species

Australopithecus afarensis

Which species lived 3.3 to 2.5 mya in south Africa?

Australopithecus Africanus

Why was the discovery of Australopitheucs boisei important?

Demonstrated early hominins were present in East Africa

genus Homo differ from Australopithecines how?

smaller cheekteeth

less prognathic faces

larger cranial capacity

Species found in Pliocene

Homo habilis

Aus. anamensis

Aus. afarensis

How is the pelvis of a biped shaped?

short, broader, and bowl-shaped

Where was Lucy found?

Found in Ethiopia in 1974 by Donald Johanson

Only two species found in Chad, western/central africa

Sahelanthropus tchadensis and Australopithecus bahrelghazali

Hominin most likely to be associated with hominin tools

Australopithecus garhi

Bony crest running on top of the cranium

Sagittal crest

What species was discovered in Tugen hills and how old was it?

Orrorin Tugenensis

6 mya

Did early hominins such as Aus. afarensis use tools like bone and wood?

Debatable. No accredited with any tool use yet but its possible

Did natural selection favor bipedalism or quadrupedalism based off of warming environments in eastern africa?


Did Raymond Dart find evidence of bipedal hominin s in the eocene period?

No hominins in eocene period

Were Pliocene antrhopoids capable of bipedalism?

No. Only hominins can walk bipedally

Were Aus. Robustus vegetarians?

80% vegetarian

Were Aus. boisei a direct ancestor of our genus homo?

No. different line and died more than 1 million years ago

Did homo habilis and aus. robustus live in South Africe at the same time?

Yes they did actually mofo

How many hominin lines were there between 3 million and 1 million years ago?

4 lines of hominin

Are aus. robustus and aus. boisei a part of the same species?

No. Both a part of the same genus australopithecus but not same species.

Is aus. robustus or aus. africanus more robust?

Aus. robustus is more robust than africanus.

How many footprints were found in the Laetoli region of Tanzania and how long ago?

3 hominins

3.6 mya

Which species does Lucy belong to?

Australopitheucs afarensis

Which species was the earliest robust species?

Astralopithecus Aethiopicus

2.7 -2.3 mya

Australopithecus afarensis is ancestral to...

Modern humans

Is aus. boisei or aus. robustus more robust?

Boisei was more robust than robustus

Features of Aus. boisei

Large sagittal crest

heart shaped foramen magnum

thick enamel

Where was aus. africanus found?

Taung, South Africa

Sterkfontein, South Africa

Features of Aus. Africanus

Pronounced forehead

Subnasal prognathism

High glabella

Bicondylar angle

inward sloping angle of the human femur, associated with bipedalism

Which species possess apelike dental characteristic with thick enamel and high degree of sexual dimorphism?

Australopithecus Anamensis

Do humans or apes have thick enamel?


Which species does the Taung child belong to and what was part of the fossils found?

Aus. Africanus

Partial skull, almost complete jaw, brain endocast

WHere was Aus. Aeithiopicus found and how long ago?

Omo Valley, Ehtiopia

Turkana Kenya

2.6 mya

Ardipithecus ramidus dentition

Thinnish enamel

Large canines

Narrower teeth

Which distinct hominin genera thrived in Africa between 1 and 3 mya



Did genus homo or australopithecins have post orbital constriction?


Was homo erectus tall or short?


Where twas the first homo erectus found?


Eugene Dubois

Where did homo erectus live?

Most of the old world

Are homo habilis and homo rudolfensis the same species

According to some anthropologists yes

Fossils in the Ahoukoudian cave belonged to which species?

Homo erectus


Layers of rock or sediments representing various periods of deposition


Study of the deposition of plants or animal remains the environmental conditions affecting their preservation


Geological period of the past 66 million years encompassing the radiation of mammals such as primates and humans


Major divisions of geologic time that are divided into periods and further subdivided into epochs


Divisions of periods on a goelogic time sale

Fluorine dating

relative dating method that compares the accumulation of flourine in animal and human bones from the same sit

Index fossil

Fossils that are from specified time range, which are found in multiple locations that can be used to determine the age of associated strata

Biostratigraphic dating

Relative dating method using correlation of fossils in the strata to determine the approximate age of each layer


Chronometric dating method that utilizes a tree ring count to determine numerical age

Paleomagnetic dating

dating method based on changes in earth's magnetic field

Arboreal Hypothesis

A proposition that primates unique suite of traits is an adaptation to living in trees


First true primates from the Eocene

Basal Anthropoids

Eocene primates that are the earliest anthropoids


Eocene Euprimates that may be ancestral to tarsiers


Euprimates of the Eocene most likely ancestral to modern lemurs and possibly ancestral to antrhpoids

Angiosperm radiation hypothesis

Proposition that certain primate traits, such as visual acuity occurred in response to the variability of fruits and flowers following the spread of angiosperms


Oligocene monkeys (propliopithecids) genus


A genus of adapids from the Eocene


A genus of Miocene ape (dryopithecids) found in greece

Visual Predation Hypothesis

THe proposition that unique primate traits arose as adaptations to preying on insects and small animal