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81 Cards in this Set

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Scientific Racism

Cultural classification; Different biological stocks (races) as cause of social and cultural differences


Measuring heads (skulls and brains)

Robert Bennett Bean

Craniometrist -

Study: anterior brain for wisdom, posterior brain for physical activities

Pierre Broca

Broca's area - frontal lobe region

Broca's Study

1. brain size proportionate to body size

2. it depends on where you cut the brain

3. age matters: brain shrinks as you get older

4. there are debilitating disease

Hypothesis: Whites have large forward part of brain

Found: Blacks' foramen magnum slightly more forward


single common origin, degeneration of a certain races becasue of sin, climate


Independent origins (most extreme scientific racism)



Race Typology

Salient Physical Traits (skin color, hair form)

Behavioral Propensities (laziness)


Racial types into hierarchy


Delineation of races into a scientific category (Caucasian-white, Mongolian-yellow, Malay-brown, Ethiopian-black, American-red)


All races either:

1. Caucasoid

2. Mongoloid

3. Negroid


Taxonomy - Modern biological naming scheme - binominal nomenclature

Homo sapiens as ONE species


Meaning system (knowledge, categories, signs, symbols) that mediates between individuals and their broader social and material worlds

The Power of Culture to Naturalize

Certain behaviors that seem natural

Culture and science

Categories to classify and understand the world

'A priori' culture

Taken for granted worldviews/assumptions (racial categories)

Human Biological Variation

1. Valid and rich topic of scientific investigations

2. Geographically localized

3. Continuous in geographic distribution (skin color)

4. Discordant in geographic distribution (diff. traits don't vary together)

Social Races

Ethnic groups assumed to have a biological basis but actually defined in a culturally arbitrary, not scientific, manner

Hypodescent Rule

Children of mixed unions are classified with/designated into the minority group parent

Race in Brazil

More flexible, less exclusionary categories and no hypodescent rule. Less racial aversion

Race and Intelligence

Intelligence is not biologically determined

Socio-cultural environment affects intelligence


Common identity based on cultural similarity

Ethnic Groups

Group of people distinguished by social cultural similarities shared among its members

Ethnicity as Situational

An ethnic identity that is particular to a social setting or context


Membership of a nation/country

Minority Groups

Subordinate groups in a social-political hierarchy/stratification, with inferior power and less secure access to resources

Majority Groups

Superordinate, dominant or controlling groups in a social-political hierarchy


Policies and practices that harm a group and its members

Discrimination 'de jure'

By law; e.g. Racial segregation and Apartheid

Discrimination 'de facto'

Practiced, but not legally sanctioned; e.g. American minorities getting harsher treatment form the police

Imagined Communities

A nation is a community socially constructed which is imagined by the people who perceive themselves as part of that group

Ethnicity and Race in Japan

Indigenous Peoples of Okinawa and Ainu

Macro Level of Social Analysis

Big; unit of social analysis is larger, usually the structures of the relations between societies

Local Level of Social Analysis

Small; unit of social analysis is small, usually a single society, a subgroup of a society, or a single village


Practice of running empire in which one group of people subjugates and dominates other groups of people


Direct governing/administrating of an imperialized territory/colony

3 Waves of European (& Japanese) Imperialism and Colonialism

1. "Discovery" of the "New World"

2. Early industrial capitalism

3. Industrial capitalsm

Profit and the Colonies

1. Direct settlement of overseas territories

2. Resource extraction

3. Make use of local people / labor

(Colonial) Slave Trade

Accessing labor with direct coercion

(Colonial) "Blackbirding"

Kidnapping and indentured servitude (since abolition)

(Colonial) Conscripted labor

By colonial order

Local Impacts of Colonialism

1. Depopulation

2. Dispossession of land

3. Exposure to abusive forms of labor control

4. Environmental degradation

5. Undermining local cultural traditions

Disease - depopulation

Native peoples' lack of immunities to European diseases; visits to the sickly

Herero Revolt

Genocide in German colony - 100k to 20k in 18 years


Systematic attempt to eliminate an entire group of people

The American "Frontier"

Space of it is culturally constructed and naturalized; border moves along unorganized "West"


Established to relocated native people in order to appropriate their land

Indian Removal Act of 1830

to relocate Cherokee Indians in fertile Southeast America to isolate land of reservations in the West (Relocation: "Trail of Tears")

Corporate Land

Native corporate land as not owned and thus ready for colonizers to privatize and commodity


Acquire land to make it alienable

Rubber Production in the Belgian Congo (Abuse)

Amputation as punishment

Anthropoligical theories

Scientific racism, unilinear evolutionism, Social Darwinism

Unilinear Social Evolutionism (and Colonialism)

"White Man's Burden" to help out the unfortunate races around the world

Social Darwinism (and Colonialism)

"Survival of the fittest" naturalized colonial domination

Scientific Racism (and Colonialism)

Justification of slavery (using craniometry and intelligence)

Power and Representations (and Colonialism)

Representations are a matter of power relations between us and others (e.g. spatial categories and maps)

Intervention Philosophies

Ideological justifications for outsiders to guide native peoples in specific directions (White Men's Burden)

Development (economic)

Industrialization since 18th century as a beneficial process of development and progress

(Developed countries...)











Manic Depression (contemporary capitalism)

Source of creativity/innovation

Consumption -> individual health and happiness

Medical Anthropology

Cultural x applied anthropology; to study the social processes and cultural representations of human health, diseases and illness, health care systems and related issues


Pervasive and sustained emotion that colors the perception of the world


Psychological forces located within the individual

Manic depression

Not a kind of emotion but an emotional condition that contains classes of particularly intense emotions

Depression and Mood


Mania and Mood

(Hyper) Productive

Personhood (non-industrial societies)

(Trobriand) Matrilineage, corporate ownership, yams as man's wealth...

Personhood (industrial capitalism)

Routinization of production since end of 19th century; stability and normality; e.g. assembly line

Personhood (contemporary American capitalism)

Free trade and competition; manufacture outsourcing; lower labor cost at home; less unionized; hourly pay

Routinization of Production

Assembly line

'The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders' (DSM-IV)

Classification and measurement systems; medical symptoms = underlying disease entities; therapeutic effectiveness

Support Groups

Social connectoins; sharing feelings and information; tolerance of unusual behaviors and manners

Diagnostic Categories

As a performative ritual; power relations; authority of psychiatrists/doctors; as a speech act

Mood Charts (early)

Filled by doctors; not time specific or time compacted; categorical or ordinal; no treatment; very limited use

Mood Charts (contemporary)

Filled by patients; time specific (monthly, weekly, daily, hourly...); numberic scale; medication suggestion and records; more widely used

Capitalist Discipline

Effect of the exercise of power on people in compliance with goods of capitalist production and consumptions

Disciplinary Power

In contrast to centralized power; diffusive and non-centralized power exercised through social technologies

Gender and Mania

Male = potency

Female = failing gender roles

Race and Mania

Negatively associated with irrational nonwhites throughout history (MUSIC)